Resource « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Does having many unused beans in a Spring Bean Context waste significant resources?

My model layer is being used by a handful of different projects and I'd like to use a single XML Spring Configuration file for the model regardless of which project is ...

2. No bean named '...' is defined and Spring @Resource annotation

I use @Resource to annotate bean classes, @Autowired to autowire dependencies, and in Spring configuration file these things:

    context:component-scan base-package="package1,package2" 
So, it works fine ...

3. spring folder content resource injected in bean

I need to pass a folder ( as a function parameter. I tried to just declare the location of the folder, but it looks in SERVER_HOME (/home/user/tomcat). So my next try is to ...

4. Spring, @Autowired, @Resource and

This week I've been trying to learn Spring, JBoss, Maven, JPA and Hibernate and I've had a lot of fun with it. I am somewhat confused over the many different ways ...

5. How to set spring bean properties in a .properties resource file

Is this possible to set a spring bean's properties through a dot notation in a .properties file. For example suppose you have defined:

<bean name="myBean" class="MyBean" />
Is it possible to set MyBean.someProperty ...

6. Does Spring allow use variable as name of resources?

In main file I use tag import for include another xml file with bean definitions. Is possible to use variable as name/path of resource? E.g.

<import resource="${custom_beans.xml}"/>
? Thanks.

7. Spring resource

Problem: I want to make the below bean definitions (specified in aaplicationContext.xml) optional for "org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener". If i am not providing the "emsPropLocation" context parameter correctly, tomcat web container is not able ...

8. [Possible Bug] PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer doesn't find resource with *

[Possible Bug] PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer doesn't find resource with * Dear all, I have created the attached project to illustrate what I wonder is a bug. I am using the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in the ...

9. Bean property from resource

Bean property from resource I'm migrating from my hand-glued IoC beans to using the Spring framework. I have this one bean that retrieves emails, processes them, and stores them (for archival ...

10. bean used as form action --> The requested resource (/login) is not available.

bean used as form action --> The requested resource (/login) is not available. Hi! I am slowly going nuts here and any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to ...

11. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and import resource

Hi all, Within our xx-servlet.xml we use the xml-import functionality to split up the configuration into several sub-config-files. The problem we now have is that the placeholder-configurer no longer works. Does ...

12. resource bundle to read properties from poperty file

Mar 12th, 2007, 05:37 AM #1 vishalnjain View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 5 resource bundle to read properties from poperty file when ...

13. Adding additional resources to the BeanFactory at runtime

Adding additional resources to the BeanFactory at runtime We currently have a web application where our ApplicationContext is composed of multiple xml files on the classpath. For example, these configuration locations ...

14. Can I specify a bean name with @Resource injection?

Can I specify a bean name with @Resource injection? Env: JDK 1.6, Spring 2.5.1 I have a manager 'M' which needs a DAO: Code: public interface IDao { ... } @Service ...

15. How to load the properties resource file at memory

16. congfiguring the resource bundle properties file

17. Resource Annotation and injecting properties into base classes

Resource Annotation and injecting properties into base classes Hello, I am experimenting around with the new Component annotations and I have a question on how to inject properties into base classes. ...

18. Spring @Resource annotation with property-placeholder

Code: package blah import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.springframework.stereotype.* import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.* import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam interface FrontController { def landingPage(ModelMap model) } @Controller @RequestMapping([ "/*.*" ]) class FrontControllerImpl extends AbstractController implements ...

19. Inject dependency with @Resource on a non-bean class?

Inject dependency with @Resource on a non-bean class? Hello, I'm using the @Resource annotaion for many of my dep. injection needs and it works well for me. Until now, I have ...

20. inject List of Beans via Resource or Resources

inject List of Beans via Resource or Resources Since spring 2.5 commons-annotations are supported. I started to like spring since that day because I do not have to do much wired ...

21. configure container injected resource as a bean?

configure container injected resource as a bean? I am using apache cxf + spring to provide web services for a flex client. I need to authenticate the user by intercepting all ...

22. Using @Resource (or @AutoWired) on beans outside the context

Using @Resource (or @AutoWired) on beans outside the context Am I right that normally when you use the @Resource (or @AutoWired) annotation on a field of a Spring-managed bean, that Spring-DM ...

23. Accessing a resource under WEB-INF using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Accessing a resource under WEB-INF using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer I know this has been posted numerous times, but I couldn't find a satisfactory response or get this to work right. In my Java ...

24. resolveing resource in string url Property?

hi.. the case i'm after is resolving the ehcache.xml file in LocalSessionFactroy config. while just specifying ehcache.xml works under jboss, it does not under websphere, so i thought about using classpath:*ehcache.xml ...