getBean « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Why is Spring's ApplicationContext.getBean considered bad?

I asked a general Spring question and had multiple people respond that calling Spring's ApplicationContext.getBean() should be avoided as much as possible. Why is that? How else should ...

2. Q about AbstractApplicationContext.getBeansOfType() and getBean()

We have the following legacy 2.0.7 Spring code:

final Map<String, MyClass> secondaryFactories
     = (Map<String, MyClass>) context.getBeansOfType(MyClass.class, 

3. Use of getBean as opposed to method injection in Spring

I have an application that has multiple screens and each screen is selected via a button. Each screen contains pretty heavy-weight components so it's important that only the activate screen ...

4. advantage of using applicationcontext.getbean vs @configurable

what is the advantage of using @configurable compared to on bean that not managed by bean doing di by applicationcontext.getbean? any anyone list pro and cons?

5. How to let Spring initialize "prototype" beans only when it is got through getBean()?

I see that it initializes prototype beans on initial startup. How to prevent this ?

6. ApplicationContext.getBean(Class clazz) doesn't go well with proxies

I have a bean definition in Spring and it's proxy counterpart which is meant to be used everywhere:

<bean name="my.Bean" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean" scope="prototype">
  <property name="proxyInterfaces" value="my.Interface"/>
  <property name="target" ref="my.BeanTarget"/>
  <property ...

7. Spring getBean with type validation

I'm using the method ApplicationContext.getBean(String name, Class requiredType). The bean is of type util:set. My code looks like:

Set<String> mySet = context.getBean("myBean", Set.class);
I want to know is how to do ...

8. Why is there a need to specify the class in both the xml file and in the getBean() method in Spring

This might be an obvious but I'm having a hard time understanding why we need to define the class of a bean in two places.... From the spring reference manual... ...

<bean id="petStore"
<property ...

9. Unexpected behaviour with getBean(String beanName, Object args)

I am using getBean(beanName,new Object{"anupama"}) to override the constructor value static factory method used in my spring bean . But it still picking the default value mentioned in spring-application.xml and not ...

10. getBean from within a proxied bean

Hi i'm having the following problem Given the following classes: - StudentDao -> target of TransactionProxyFactoryBean - SequenceDao -> idem StudentDao SequenceDao is used from StudentDao to obtain the next value ...

11. ClassCastException with context.getBean in JUnit test case

Oct 21st, 2004, 11:17 AM #1 darabi View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Aug 2004 Location Mainz, Germany Posts 42 ClassCastException with context.getBean in JUnit test case ...

12. Error while using applicationContext.getBean("questionDaoImpl")

Error while using applicationContext.getBean("questionDaoImpl") Hi, I am trying to get the bean injected from the servelet. I am getting this error while doing this. Does anyone know why this error occurs? ...

13. ClassCastException with getBean() object after re-deploy

Nov 2nd, 2004, 03:06 PM #1 hicksd View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2004 Location Fairmont, WV Posts 2 ClassCastException with getBean() object after re-deploy ...

14. BeanIsAbstractException thrown from factory.getBean()

BeanIsAbstractException thrown from factory.getBean() Hi All, I am using Spring and ActiveMQ and I get the following exception thrown: Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanIsAbstractException: Error creating bean with name 'txDAOProxyTemplate': Bean definition is abstract ...

15. Does appContext.getBean("mybean") return new insta

Sorry, but I am a just getting into Spring.... Does every call to appContext.getBean("mybean") return a new instance of the bean that I am fetching, or are all beans returned singletons ...

16. getBean(String, Object[]) not defined on BeanFactory

Does anyone know why getBean(String, Object[]) is not defined on the BeanFactory interface? To access that method today requires a cast to AbstractBeanFactory. I have arguments I would like to pass ...

17. how to make BeanFactory creating special bean, not getBean()

how to make BeanFactory creating special bean, not getBean() Code: As we all know ...

18. getBean performance in case of hierarchical contexts

getBean performance in case of hierarchical contexts Hi, Lookup of bean using method getBean of ApplicationContext is by one order slower when looking up from hierarchical context (child context derives one ...

19. initialization fail error on applicationcontext getbean

i will get initialization fail error when i use ajax or webservice to call backend. It only occur when i first start tomcat and use webservice. The error only can solve ...

20. Wierd getBean behaviour under tomcat

May 22nd, 2006, 09:07 AM #1 asaf.lahav View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2005 Posts 6 Wierd getBean behaviour under tomcat Hi all... I'm using ...

21. Why does appContext.getBean return base class

Why does appContext.getBean return base class I'm new to AOP so apologies if the question is trivial. Here is the problem Im having: I have the following definitions in my applicationContext.xml ...

22. Possible extension of getBean()?

Possible extension of getBean()? Hello, what do you think of the possibility to pass to the getBean() method some constructor aguments for bean created? Definitely, it makes sense only for "proptotype" ...

23. getBean() execution very slow

getBean() execution very slow iBatis 2.3 Spring 2.0 I'm using iBatis for my OR mapping and I've implemented a ResultObjectFactory that will be invoked when iBatis needs a new instance of ...

24. getBean

That depends on your application context. If you have autoproxying enabled and the bean "ws-service" is eligible for being proxied then you retrieve the proxy. It would have been helpful if ...

25. Intercepting a class NOT instantiated using 'getBean()'

Intercepting a class NOT instantiated using 'getBean()' Hi, I'm successfully using Spring AOP to add transaction support to beans I instantiate using 'getBean()'. However, I now have a requirement to add ...

26. getBean(String name, Class requiredType, Object parent)

getBean(String name, Class requiredType, Object parent) Hello everybody, I'm currently starting to develop a application based on spring and I must say I just love it. I build myself an autowireing ...

27. org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder.getBean Wrapper()Lorg/springframework/beans

org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder.getBean Wrapper()Lorg/springframework/beans Hi, I have an AbstractWizardFormController, and the first page displays fine. But when I try to go to page 2 to n it gives the following error. With spring ...

28. BeanFactory getBean ?

hi, I would like to get the object of a bean from a class that I will call every time I upload a jsp. I would like something like that: public ...

29. beanFactory.getBean , how to get new instance

Hi, i am working with Spring framework, and I call List l = new ArrayList(); for(iterator i.....){ UserDao userDao=; UserVo vo = (UserVo)ProjectRepository.getFactory().getBean("us erVo"); vo.fillWith(userDao); l.add(vo); } my problem is ...

30. BeanFactory getBean(String name, Object[] args)

Mar 10th, 2008, 04:10 AM #1 joris77 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2007 Posts 2 BeanFactory getBean(String name, Object[] args) Hi, Could somebody explain ...

31. linkageErrror with getBean()

linkageErrror with getBean() hi, i use spring in a rcp application and i've an error in a getBean method define in Code: ActionBarParser actionBarParser = (ActionBarParser) (AppContext.getAppContext()).getBean("actionBarParser"); in every method ...

32. How can you get the first reference without using getBean method ?

How can you get the first reference without using getBean method ? A quote from the manual : "> 3.2.4. Using the container > ...your application code should have no ...

33. Performance of beanFactory.getBean()

I assume that the performance of beanFactory.getBean("someSingleton") is lightning fast-- essentially no worse than map.get("someSingleton"). Is that true?

34. Using getBean with Object[] arg

Using getBean with Object[] arg I have a domain object that I need to inject into a nested bean. I don't see much in the documenation on getBean with the Object[] ...

35. Can I call Spring.getBean outside of the container???

I'm calling Spring.getBean like this today; DataSource _dataSource = (DataSource)Spring.getBean("DB_CONTEXT_NAME"); Everything works fine in my WebLogic application server. However, I want to be able to instantiate my application outside of the ...

36. NullPointerException on call to ApplicationContext.getBean()

NullPointerException on call to ApplicationContext.getBean() Hello: I am building an Axis2 Web Service that uses the Spring Framework for managing Hibernate Annotations and the DAO Objects for database manipulation. I am ...

37. ApplicationContext and getBean

You should resolve as much dependencies via Spring as possible. The only need to glue spring-configured and standalone beans is third-party code usage. Make sure you really have that situation at ...

38. Performance Issue with getBean method

I am using Spring Version 2.5.4. I have two questions Q1. Does getBean() method of AbstractbeanFactory class has performance issue? If not, then what is the expected time in which it ...

39. ApplicationContext.getBean() hangs!

ApplicationContext.getBean() hangs! Hi We were running a single threaded process that was taking requests and processing them sequentially. We had stored the reference of ApplicationContext using a holder object that implemented ...

40. WebApplicationContext.getBean() is not giving bean object

WebApplicationContext.getBean() is not giving bean object Hi all, I am trying to access bean that defined in context-servlet.xml file and this file is configured in web.xml as context servlet context ...

41. Problem initializing field without calling getBean()

Problem initializing field without calling getBean() I've got the following piece of code, where I'd like to initialize map field without making a call to XmlBeanFactory#getBean() If this is possible please ...

42. Trouble with "BeanFactory".getBean(bean, args[])

Trouble with "BeanFactory".getBean(bean, args[]) I'm having issues getting the getBean(string, object[]) method of the bean factory to work correctly. Basically what I'm trying to do is setup a proxy factory that ...

43. AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(String name, Object[] args) issue workaround

AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(String name, Object[] args) issue workaround This is a proposed workaround for Spring 2.5.6 for this issue (SPR-5790). AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(String name, Object [] args) does not work in conjunction with AbstractBeanFactory.getBean(String name) ...

44. getBean() calling, good or bad

Hi, I regards to this post: I was looking up information how to auto cast beans. There is an pretty elegant solution using Java genereics. However the discussing got me ...

45. Spring newbie - going nutso about the use of getBean()

Spring newbie - going nutso about the use of getBean() I have been reading many posts the past few days about whether you should use getBean() or not from your bean ...

46. getBean in spring 3 not backward compatible?

47. Class Cast Exception on context.getBean(... using intercept-methods attribute

Mar 1st, 2010, 05:58 PM #1 simoncutting View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 3 Class Cast Exception on context.getBean(... using intercept-methods attribute Hi, ...

48. servletContext & getBean

servletContext & getBean In a web application, I need load Dao bean dynamically, so the easiest way is like this. But the problem is, in the service layer or dao layer, ...

49. FactoryBean depends on other spring beans. No @PostConstruct before getBean

FactoryBean depends on other spring beans. No @PostConstruct before getBean Hi all, I have a situation I'm having a bit of trouble with. I have a factory bean I've created to ...

50. WebApplicationContext.getBean() is not giving bean object?

WebApplicationContext.getBean() is not giving bean object? Hi all, I am trying to access bean that defined in context-servlet.xml file and this file is configured in web.xml as context servlet context ...