log4j « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Apache Ant JAR Task: not finding properties    stackoverflow.com

How exactly should I specify the location of all the properties files inside the ant manifest? My jar is not working because it can't find the log4j, Spring, etc properties. These files are ...

2. Set System Property With Spring Configuration File    stackoverflow.com

Spring 2.5, Junit 4, Log4j
The log4j file location is specified from a system property

At runtime, system property set with -D java option. All is well. Problem / What I Need:
At unit ...

3. How to use properties in a Spring project to configure log4j.xml    stackoverflow.com

I have multiple properties files in my Spring project. The spring context loads these properties and handles property overriding in a convenient manner. Is there a way to take ...

4. Logging Spring bean creation / dependency injection    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for a way to set up Log4j (or any other logger) so that I can see in log whenever Spring creates a bean or sets a bean property. Eg. ...

5. Logging bean id into log4j logfile without BeanNameAware interface    stackoverflow.com

Given a set of classes wired together by spring. There are several classes that are used with different configuration in multiple instances in the environment. They have different beanid of course. The ...

6. log4j configurer bean    forum.springsource.org

log4j configurer bean Is there any way of configuring log4j's logging behaviour from within my applicationContext.xml file? Ideally this would work in a similar fashion to the VelocityConfigurer. I want to ...

7. Can I use a single location for Spring and Log4j configuration properties?    forum.springsource.org

Can I use a single location for Spring and Log4j configuration properties? Hi all, I have a custom Log4j appender that writes messages to a JMS queue. I also have some ...

8. Slightly OT: where to put log4j.properties    forum.springsource.org

Slightly OT: where to put log4j.properties Hello, sorry for being off-topic, but I know that the best guys are hanging around HERE ;-) I've build a web application and want to ...

9. log4j.properties included in 1.0RC2 jar    forum.springsource.org

I don't think it should be there. It's probably an oversight in the build. Can you post a JIRA issue and it'll be looked into?

10. log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.beans.factory.    forum.springsource.org

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.beans.factory. Hi, I am getting the following warning message and the log file is not created. I am using weblogic 8.0 and have ...

11. PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and Log4J system properties    forum.springsource.org

In my log4j config file, I have a 'LOG_FILE' system property. Can I set the value in a properties file and force PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to set the system property? I don't want ...

12. log4j and system properties    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I want to use the ${...}-syntax in a log4j.properties file: log4j.appender.rfile.File=${config.logDir}/my.log I set the property via System.setProperty("config.logDir", "/foo") in a org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListe ner. And I use Log4jWebConfigurer.initLogging to init log4j. But ...

13. getting log4j file path from a properties file    forum.springsource.org

I am able to push the generated log to a file that is specified using the webAppRootKey. But I have a config.properties file in which i would like to specify the ...

14. More than one log4j.properties    forum.springsource.org

I have two applications in my Application Server. Each has a log4j.properties file. For Application A, it contains: Code: log4j.rootLogger=INFO, logfile log4j.appender.logfile=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.logfile.File=C:/AppData/log/a.log log4j.appender.logfile.MaxFileSize=512KB log4j.appender.logfile.MaxBackupIndex=3 log4j.appender.logfile.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%c] - %m%n ...

15. Log4j.properties file    forum.springsource.org

Log4j.properties file Hi, I am trying to initialize log4j.properties for the web application I am developing. And I am making use of Log4jWebConfigurer to initialize my properties file. Please find my ...

16. Log4j.properties    forum.springsource.org

Log4j.properties Hi, I am trying to initialize log4j properties for my web app. And followed the same procedure as PetClinic sample. Please find the code below. web.xml is : webAppRootKey ...

17. Logging properties are not read from log4j.properties?    forum.springsource.org

Logging properties are not read from log4j.properties? Hello My apologies for this obviously trivial question, but here goes... I am trying to debug an issue with a Spring web app and ...

18. Using ${..} in log4j.properties    forum.springsource.org

I know about that ... but what i am looking for is to read a properties files using the Spring .property file reader/parser, and then passing that path variable to log4j.properites. ...

19. Log4J properties injection through Spring    forum.springsource.org

Log4J properties injection through Spring Hello I have a simple POJO application (no web or J2EE application) and need to configure Log4J through Spring so I can use properties injection. For ...

20. Log4J classloader problem    forum.springsource.org

Log4J classloader problem Hello We are integrating Spring Batch into web-application (Tomcat). All Spring Batch - related beans are defined in separate context definition xml file. There is nothing specific to ...

21. log4j property classpath resource not found    forum.springsource.org

log4j property classpath resource not found Hi. I have spring based application which contains spting config file to load spring contains. in that file I put bean to load my log4j ...

22. Log4j properties file path resolution    forum.springsource.org

I'm using spring Log4jConfigListener. My log4j.properties is on path C:/bull/dog/log4j.porperties. I configure log4jConfigLocation as file:/bull/dog/log4j.properties. It worked for me on both windows and linux deployments (on linux the file is on ...