startup « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Spring startup questions (class loading)

Spring startup questions (class loading) My app has a remote class loader. Spring is looking for some stuff during startup and causing some minor delays. (See below) How can I configure ...

2. Make bean init non-fatal on startup

Make bean init non-fatal on startup Can anyone recommend an approach to making bean initialization non-fatal if a bean fails to initialize on application startup? I have a reference to a ...

3. Pushing a bean property without causing a startup failure if it is missing?

Pushing a bean property without causing a startup failure if it is missing? Is there a way to load in optional bean properties (as config params) for a bean definition such ...

4. Load bean on startup

Load bean on startup I would like to load application properties from database when the Spring application starts. If the configuration loading fails, the application should fail to start. I need ...

5. Want to change Property at Application Startup

Want to change Property at Application Startup Hi to All, I have situation in my application. I have Property file called and that one has some contains. I want to ...

6. Want to change Application Property at startup

Want to change Application Property at startup Hi to All, I have situation in my application. I have Property file called and that one has some properties. I want to ...

7. Run method on app startup (not bean creation)

It's called "load-on-startup", which you use in your web.xml. You define a servlet and set this parameter so it will "load on startup".

8. Trouble getting bean to run at application startup

Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0. We have this class ... Code: @Configuration public class Web implements ServletContextAware { ... @Bean(name = "ratesCachingBean") public RatesCachingBean getRatesCachingBean() { log.debug("getting rates caching bean."); return ...