list « Binding « Spring Q&A

1. List binding inheritance

Hello everybody, i have a trouble with a list bind on my web app. I have a model object with a simple list: List dettList; I send these post variables from ...

2. How to bind back a list to command object

How to bind back a list to command object here is part of my code that I would like to bind back "List studentDetails" object to the command object to append ...

3. Binding lists

Binding lists Hi I'd like to create a form that edits a list property of a bean. Let's say we have a class A: Code: class A { private List list ...

4. how do I bind a list of BigDecimal objects

how do I bind a list of BigDecimal objects I have a property Code: private List amounts; in my Command object. My JSP generates form inputs like If ...

5. How to do simple list bindings

How to do simple list bindings I am a RCP newbie, and I am trying to build some forms. Does anyone have some examples based on the latest source code that ...

6. Problems w/Binding to a list of Objects

Problems w/Binding to a list of Objects Hi all, I have read and I believe that I have implemented everything correctly as outlined but I'm not sure how to ...

7. Binding a command with a list of somewhat complex objects

Binding a command with a list of somewhat complex objects Our project is using Spring, Hibernate and Velocity. I've read many things this afternoon that all seem to broach this subject, ...

8. How to bind a List for MultiActionContoller?

How to bind a List for MultiActionContoller? I am new to spring. I have a problem using MultiActionController : Could I pass a command class to MultiActionController with "spring:bind" just as ...

9. Binding on List

May 20th, 2006, 03:30 AM #1 johnsonlau View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2006 Posts 2 Binding on List I want to use List as ...

10. list binding

Hello, I need a little help. I've got a form object with a list property, the items in this list contain many Double fields, my objective is to set a different ...

11. How to to a List of HashMaps

How to to a List of HashMaps Hi Folks, I need some help with this. I have a list of hashmaps in my model object (used to build a generic ...

12. Can I bind for each item in a list

Can I bind for each item in a list Hello In my jsp page, I have a list of books (with name and category). The category field is a dropdown list ...

13. Binding Lists

Binding Lists I know there are many posts with the bind lists. I tried all the options but I am still getting the darn "Neither Errors instance nor plain target object ...

14. Problem using spring:bind with a List object

Problem using spring:bind with a List object Hi everyone, I understand that multi-binding (looping through and binding values to a collection using spring:bind) will work provided the List is properly nested ...

15. Problem binding list of objects

Code: public class ECNFeeSchedFormController extends SimpleFormController { public ECNFeeSchedFormController(){ setCommandName("eCNFeeSchedFormModel"); setCommandClass(ECNFeeSchedFormModel.class); setFormView("eCNFeeSchedForm"); setSuccessView("eCNFeeSchedFormDone"); } protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Map reference = new HashMap(); // Put a list of ...

16. Specifying binder paths for list elements

Specifying binder paths for list elements I'm trying to configure a DataBinder by overriding the initBinder() method of SimpleFormController. My command object has a property 'all' that returns a list of ...

17. Binding to List

I have a form with a dynamic number of checkboxes. I'd like to bind each value to an object property within a List, however I don't know until form submission how ...

18. Binding to a List

Binding to a List Hi all, I have a List data type which I am using in the flow to populate data in a sub flow, i.e. each time a subflow ...

19. Spring bind issue for a command with List of lists

Spring bind issue for a command with List of lists I have a bean that has nested List of Objects: class Company { String name; List contacts; } class Contact { ...

20. Command object & List field binding issue

Command object & List field binding issue Hi, I've an interesting situation here. JSP form containing several check boxes each representing a store. A user can select any no. of stores ...

21. Init Binder, SetAllowedFields and Lists

Init Binder, SetAllowedFields and Lists Hi, I have a very simple issue that just simply will not resolve itself. I have a command object that is defined as List foos. Each ...

22. binding to Set not a List

Hi all, I have a set of Objects for which I want to bind to. Those objects implement equals and hashCode methods. When binding to a list, I simply got the ...

23. can't directly bind to a List

With data binding request parameters are mapped to property fields of the target object. For example employmentHistory[0].foo translates to targetObject.getEmploymentHistory(0).setFoo(). In order for your example to work you need a target ...

24. Direct List Binding

Is it possible to somehow use a List directly as a ModelAttribute? The following code works fine but requires an extra class to hold the List: Code:

25. Preferred way to bind to a (possibly changing) list?

Preferred way to bind to a (possibly changing) list? Hello, I'm getting nervous when binding via list index, since I'm not using sessionform, and am building my command object twice -- ...

26. Problem with spring-bind for dropdown list

Problem with spring-bind for dropdown list Hi all, m having problem in the following code snippet.

27. Binding Singleton List object to ShuttleList ?

Binding Singleton List object to ShuttleList ? Hi All, I wanted to ask whether it is possible to bind ShuttleList to singleton object. My singleton is composed of list of selectedItems. ...

28. Binding to List

Code: private List answers = new ArrayList(); { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { answers.add(i + 1); } } public List getAnswers() { return answers; } Code: ...

29. Problem in binding List

Problem in binding List Hi All, I have problem in binding the list. Following are the code in my command class Code: package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.*; /** * * ...

30. Binding list values

Binding list values Hi All, I have a field in my backing bean as type list and in my form iam trying to use spring bind as

31. Binding to a List

Binding to a List I've seen plenty of similar sounding posts, but have yet to find a working solution. I'm using Spring 3, and am trying to stick to the new ...

32. Binding List

Binding List I am not able to bind list and Iam getting org.springframework.beans.NotReadablePropertyExcep tion Domain ================================================== ==================================== public class Wtproject implements { private String projectName; private List pkgList; private boolean ...

33. How to bind lists? Any hint?

How to bind lists? Any hint? Hi, I'm searching for a way to bind a list property, for the beginning with a fixed number of elements, but later on I'll need ...

34. List Binding (Plz Hlp!)

List Binding (Plz Hlp!) I've been working for two days straight trying to figure out how to properly retrieve the value(s) of a set of check boxes on submit using Spring ...

35. How to submit & bind list of values?

First the screenshot of what I want to achieve: After form submission, I want to submit and bind to the List, list of chosen values, in this example Pink, Red and ...