parent « Context « Spring Q&A

1. How to declare a parent application context

I find myself using two identical beans in my applicationContext.xml and my applicationContext-test.xml. I'd like my test context to be able to inherit from my app context, to avoid repeating myself. I've ...

2. @Configuration and parent contexts

Hi all, Is there some way of achieving the parent-child context relationship with @Configuration? With xml you can specify a "parentContextKey" context-param in your web.xml to use that context as a ...

3. What's the meaning of a parent context??

What's the meaning of a parent context?? Hello out there, I am currently having a problem with the creation of my app spring contexts. This app is a swing rich client ...

4. Parent Context not getting referenced using spring 2.0.5

Parent Context not getting referenced using spring 2.0.5 Hi All, I am using ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator to load and manage spring beans. I have an MDB which creates a ParentContext say "MyParent". I ...

5. Parent context not getting referenced in Spring 2.0.5

Parent context not getting referenced in Spring 2.0.5 Hi All, I am using ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator to load and manage spring beans. I have an MDB which creates a ParentContext say "MyParent". I ...

6. Why doesn't getBeansOfType() does not use parent application context?

I have the following code in a unit test I am writing to test a JSP custom taglib: Code: //.... MockServletContext servletContext = new MockServletContext(); GenericWebApplicationContext webCtx = new GenericWebApplicationContext(); webCtx.setParent(context); ...

7. Is the parent application context needed

If I use Spring MVC by declaring the DispatcherServlet in my Web.xml and all web componets in a xml file located in the Web-Inf folder named servletName-servlet.xml is that sufficient to ...

8. AnnotationConfigApplicationContext and parent context

I'm facing an issue trying to define a context hierarchy using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext. The problem is when defining a module context inside beanRefContext.xml and setting the 'parent' property with another context (XML/Annotated ...