Configuration 2 « Core « Spring Q&A

1. Configuration management for Spring?

Hi all, Im searching for a configuration management tool for Spring. The target should be to have different target systems with the same Spring project and different configurations. In best case ...

2. i wanna IOC support the configuration which can reduce 50% size

i wanna IOC support the configuration which can reduce 50% size hi,i come from China,and like spring very much. I want I can write the xml from: =================================================

3. @Configurable and

I have successfully been able to get @Configurable working for properties, however doesnt have any affect at all on the bean. Am I missing something or is this simply a ...

4. Using import for externalizing configuration.

Using import for externalizing configuration. Spring offers me two ways to externalize my configuration - use the import tag or pass an String array containing configuration file names while creating ApplicationContext. ...

5. @Configurable does not work?

Sep 11th, 2006, 10:42 PM #1 nielinjie View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2006 Posts 3 @Configurable does not work? I have tried to bring ...

6. Multiple Host Configuration

Hi Spring team, I am trying to create multiple host entries in the config file for org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderIm pl so I can build in redundancy into my application, my current settings are ...

7. External configuration contribution

External configuration contribution Apologies if this is newbie/basic question, but I've been unable to find useful references for my problem elsewhere so... I'm using Spring 2, and the problem I'm having ...

8. Making the configuration more readable

I find the xml configuration not very readable. I don't like the syntax that much: Code: ...

9. Configuration for deploying to multiple servers?

Configuration for deploying to multiple servers? How does one set up the spring-global.xml for deployment to multiple servers? Is there a way to remove the difficulty of swapping this file out ...

10. @Configurable : a good choice?

@Configurable : a good choice? hello, i'm starting an application with Spring 2 and Spring Mvc my domain layer is large : more than 100 beans more i develop new controlers, ...

11. @Configurable behaviour

@Configurable behaviour Hi ! I am using a Foo class annotated with @Configurable, to enable load time weaving : @Configurable("titleEngine"); public class Foo(){ private String title; public void setTitle(String title){this.title = ...

12. Best decision migrating from PicoContainer reusing apache commons configuration

Best decision migrating from PicoContainer reusing apache commons configuration Hi, we are moving from a picocontainer based ioc to spring. The challenge is that there is period of time when both ...

13. Anyone using Habitat4j for Spring configuration?

Anyone using Habitat4j for Spring configuration? I search for this to no avail. Actually, the combination of "Spring" and "Habitat4j" returns only 1 hit from Google...that never happens. Perhaps not too ...

14. @Configurable and

15. Writing schema-based configurations; init-method

Writing schema-based configurations; init-method Hello, We're currently writing our own Spring tag extentions... We've defined an "initialize" and "destroy" boolean attributes for on of our xml tag abstract type. The abstract ...

16. contrib to Commons-configuration support

I've created MOD-257 and attached a contrib to add more support for commons-configuration. I use this code to build composite configuration from various configuration sources (system properties + properties files). It ...

17. Programmatic configuration

Hi, I am new to Spring and dislike "programming" in XML. I think I will use AspectJ to apply the AOP stuff. Are their any examples of programmatically configuring the IoC ...

18. @Configurable does not work with InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver?

@Configurable does not work with InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver? Hi all! I'm writing a simple WS that uses TopLink + JPA + Spring + Axis1 inside Tomcat 5.5.20. It works if I do not ...

19. Inject with @Configurable after construction?

Inject with @Configurable after construction? Is there any way to inject a service into a domain object after the domain object has been constructed with new? Here's the situation - if ...

20. Resource configuration problem

Resource configuration problem Hi, I have returned to an old web app I haven't worked on for a few months, and have updated Spring from 1.2 -> 2.0, and updated Tomcat ...

21. Configuring a Graph?

Configuring a Graph? I have a fancy little graph with an API like interface Graph { void addEdge(Node, Node); } What I would love to do is instantiate and configure each ...

22. Configuring w/ a Builder

I have a 3rd party API that give a builder to construct things. Think of Commons-CLI. Is there anyway to get spring to call the builder over and oveR?

23. SimpleMappingExceptionResolver configuration

Dec 22nd, 2006, 02:37 AM #1 Oscar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2006 Posts 19 SimpleMappingExceptionResolver configuration Hello, I have configured a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver in ...

24. @Configurable Lifecycle

@Configurable Lifecycle Hello all, This is question of what's going on behind the scenes in the VM when Spring uses @Configurable to define an aspect. So if I have everything set ...

25. @Configurable - can't make it work

I am tyring to inject an object using aop, this is what i have, i know i am missing something, please help object Code: @Configurable("user") public class UserObject { private TestClassI ...

26. Test Configuration Problem

Test Configuration Problem I am completely new to Spring. I have a configuration problem testing a JPA class: I have: public class DeviceRepositoryImplTest extends AbstractJpaTests { private DeviceRepository deviceRepository; public void ...

27. Configuration table

I want to use an "application wide" configuration table in my database. What is the best way to set the data in the memory so that it is accessible on all ...

28. Configuration Strategies/Brainstorming

Configuration Strategies/Brainstorming I was hoping some Spring configuration gurus could help me come up with a better strategy to a problem which we're approaching in CXF ( Some background: For those ...

29. Programmatically creating/configuring Spring components

Programmatically creating/configuring Spring components I sometimes am in the situation where I really just want to expose a high level object to the Spring configuration and take care of certain details ...

30. beanId runtime configuration

Recently I ran into a situation where I need to change the beanId name dynamically during run-time, which means during runtime even the client called a specific bean with defined bean ...

31. Configuring mailSender throws PropertyAccessExceptionsException

Configuring mailSender throws PropertyAccessExceptionsException Hello, I was trying to configure a mailSender in my application using the following piece of code:

32. Configurable or Mixin but not both, Why not?

Configurable or Mixin but not both, Why not? I am experimenting with Spring AspectJ DI configured prototype pojos with mixin introductions. I am working in Eclipse 3.2 using AJDT. If I ...

33. Configuration constants

Configuration constants I am nearing the end of the Pro Spring book I am reading to figure out what this Spring framework is all about. Very well written book BTW. Anyway, ...

34. Spring Modules - Commons Configuration help

Spring Modules - Commons Configuration help Hello, I am a newby in Spring and need a few pointers. I want to use, but I am not sure how to get ...

35. Spring Module JSR94 Blaze Advisor Configuration

Spring Module JSR94 Blaze Advisor Configuration Hi, I don't know how to configure Spring Module JSR94 to use Blaze Advisor 6.1 for Java. This is part of my app-context.xml

36. Application wide configuration

Hi, what is the best practice to manage application wide configuration values? These values are using in several beans, so I do not want to configure these values multiple time. Just ...

37. Declarative replacement for @Configurable

I remember having read about a declarative replacement for @Configurable in relation with DDD (probably via an interceptor), but can't find it anymore. I'd like to try to inject DAOs into ...

38. need help configuring TA-Manager with new syntax

need help configuring TA-Manager with new syntax Hello, I try to use a transaction-manager using the new (>2.0) xml-syntax. Following the sample from the reference documentation (chap 9.5.2), I changed the ...

39. Can I read Spring configuration twice in my applction?

Because I define Qurtzs in the configuration and I think If I read configure twice, the quartz will start twice. But it didn't. The application seem to work normally. So I ...

40. Overriding Module's configuration

Hi, I am developing a module that can be included by clients to add functionality to their application. This module is to be distributed as a jar file. Inside the jar ...

41. @Configurable

@Configurable I'm back! I've finally worked out how to use the @configurable and have created all the necessary files. I added an option in the aop.xml file to view what classes ...

42. doubt: equivalents for configuration

Right ok, so your saying this is basically a Jasper report configuration problem and you can't work out how to correctly set the value? Are you saying that the value worked ...

43. Managing Spring configurations across platforms

Managing Spring configurations across platforms Hello, I have based a few Java SE RMI client/server applications on the spring framework. As these applications approach release time, I am facing the problem ...

44. @Configurable and init-method

In my project I have observed that any configured init-method is only invoked when the bean is instantiated throught the bean factory. If I just rely on new MyBean(), the properties ...

45. @Autowired with @Configurable?

I would like to specified @Autowired on fields of beans annotated with @Configurable -- full autowire is too much. However, the implementations of the these two mechanisms seem to be quite ...

46. First Configuration

Jun 3rd, 2007, 11:17 PM #1 ls_to_2007 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Mar 2007 Posts 64 First Configuration I am having some trouble getting my first ...

47. @Configurable at compile time

@Configurable at compile time Hi, Here's what I'd like to be able to do: 1. Use the @Configurable annotation 2. Not have to use Load Time Weaving because my app runs ...

48. How to initialize multiple configurations?

How to initialize multiple configurations? Probably the solution is easy, but I am not able to find a solution: I wrote a tools library and packaged it into a jar file. ...

49. Layering configuration

I have a situation in which one component writer would like to distribute a library with a configuration file. I have customers who want to consume that component and override selected ...

50. Refreshing configuration

Hi, I want to reconfigure my app without restarting it. All parameters are in a properties file. How can I achieve this? Is changing the properties file and calling AbstractApplicationContext.refresh() the ...

51. @Configurable not configured when constructed outside method

(Sorry for the fuzzy title) I have some @Configurable classes and am using LTW. In the following context the instances are configured Code: public class MyTest { MyConfiguredClass cf; @Before public ...

52. help needed to get @Configurable working

help needed to get @Configurable working I have a following domain object called UserImpl @Configurable public class UserImpl implements User{ @Autowired private UserManagementService _userService; @Autowired private GroupManagementService _groupService; } and two ...

53. @Configurable and dependencycheck

@Configurable and dependencycheck I have a domain object with Code: @Configurable(autowire=Autowire.BY_TYPE,dependencyCheck=true) public class MyDomainObj { @Autowired private AService _aService; @Autowired private BService _bService; private int _something; public void setSomething(int something) {_something ...

54. configuring via factory methods

configuring via factory methods Hi, I have several beans whose implementation class is different for each customer. For the sake of simplicity assume there are just 2 beans (paint and carpet) ...

55. Adding a basic configuration value (constant) in appContext?

Adding a basic configuration value (constant) in appContext? Relatively new to Spring How can I add a configuration value to Spring's ApplicationContext.xml file? For example, I want to make a constant ...

56. Loading Spring Configuration hangs

Loading Spring Configuration hangs Hi gurus, I've a problem that loading of the configuration from the class path never finished. The relevant code section is this: if (springContext == null) { ...

57. Where do you keeep your configuration?

Where do you keeep your configuration? Hi, I'm trying to come up with techniques and best-practices regarding the location of configuration files, and by that I mean two different kinds: spring ...

58. Problems with load time weaving and @Configurable

59. Configurable lazy-init

Configurable lazy-init I have a bean which I would like to make bean instantiation configurable If I hardcode the value in lazy-init, this works.

60. Best practices for configuration management and Spring

Best practices for configuration management and Spring Hi, I am wondering what people generally use to maintain configuration files for complex systems, where different configuration settings (application-specific, log4, ehcache, and whatever ...

61. @configurable - surprising creation time !?

@configurable - surprising creation time !? Hello! I wanted to test performance of @configurable creation time. I've written benchmark which created 50.000 Customer objects - each with 25 filds (5 ints, ...

62. Need help configuring methodSecurityInterceptor

Need help configuring methodSecurityInterceptor Hello, I tried everything per the documentation, but I just can't make my method level security work. I am really not sure what I am missing here. ...

63. Distributed configuration similar to Hivemind's possible with Spring?

Distributed configuration similar to Hivemind's possible with Spring? Is it possible to have Spring automatically pull in configurations like HiveMind does when it builds its registry? For example all JARs of ...

64. A Question in regarding of Convention Over Configuration

The COC in the Spring 2 is great to cut down the amount of configuration in the XML files. I am thinking about its usage on the maps request URLs to ...

65. Is there a (clean) way to merge spring configurations?

Is there a (clean) way to merge spring configurations? I have a multi-module project. Each module contains (now, for testing only) a spring configuration file, with the definition of services and ...

66. Problem with configuration? Sync o Async? help me...

why the queue is empty?..why Jms in my case work in async mode? HI! I have a problem...and id be very thankful for your help...I'm new in the spring frameworks (but ...

67. ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer configuration

ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer configuration Hi there, i want to use the ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer. My problem is the configuration: This ...

68. Problem using @Configurable (Nullpointer)

Problem using @Configurable (Nullpointer) Hello, We are using @Configurable to weave our Domain Objects. The problem is that i get a Nullpointer Exception when I start the Application or run the ...

69. Presentation: Configuring the Spring Container

70. MethodSecurityInterceptor configuration issue

MethodSecurityInterceptor configuration issue I am getting NullPointerException from authorization XML. This is how I am using MethodSecurityInterceptor which is very similar to contact sample application in acegi but some how it ...

71. @Configurable withe dependency in super class

I'm currently reviewing o/s issues within my project, and have still been unable to solve this one. In effect this means that I either move the dependency from the super to ...

72. Deserialization not reinjecting for @Configurable with preConstruction (bug?)

Deserialization not reinjecting for @Configurable with preConstruction (bug?) Hi, when preConstruction = true the pointcut that has effect is beanInitialization, not beanCreation (this logic is in AbstractBeanConfigurerAspect). But beanInitialization doesn't include ...

73. problem in configuration

Jan 12th, 2008, 06:56 PM #1 sooraj View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2008 Posts 1 problem in configuration I am implementing an example with ...

74. Configuration Management - Deployment in different environments

Configuration Management - Deployment in different environments Hi! We have built a project using Spring, Hibernate, Sitemesh, Maven2 and all the latest and greatest technology. It is all working very well ...

75. Programmatic Configuration with configureBean

Programmatic Configuration with configureBean I am try to insert a bean that already exists using the configureBean method. My code looks like this: GenericApplicationContext ctx = new GenericApplicationContext(); XmlBeanDefinitionReader xmlReader = ...

76. @Required in conjunction with @Configurable

@Required in conjunction with @Configurable Hi, Let's say that I have a spring.xml file that looks something like this: Code:

87. Configuring auditing components...

Configuring auditing components... Hi - We have a set of components we've built for auditing. Would like to be able to turn auditing functionality On/Off globally for all components. I have ...

88. Configuring an entire package for spring to manage

Configuring an entire package for spring to manage Hello Everybody, We have written our own view resolver ( all Java objects ). During our testing we noticed that spring is creating ...

89. Inject dependencies into subclasses of @Configurable

Inject dependencies into subclasses of @Configurable Hi out there, I'm trying to do the following: I have a quite large project that is made up of a few eclipse projects. I ...

90. Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler

I am trying to build an application using Spring 2.5.4. When I run the application inside eclipse or when I execute an Junit integration test, everything works fine. But whenever I ...

91. avoiding duplicate configuration

Hello! I find this useful but it's not possible: Code: ...

92. Using Spring and Commons Configuration

Hi I want to use the commons configuration with my spring configuration so that the commons configuration mechanism is used for reading the properties from where evere there coming from and ...

93. Getting configuration parameters, for serialization

Getting configuration parameters, for serialization Hey folks, I have a few session-scoped beans that need serialization for Tomcat clustering. So, I was hoping to build a mechanism that finds all the ...

94. Configuration best practices

I was wondering what the best way to make a configuration for my webapp was. Of course I could make a bean that is loaded on startup, reading a properties file ...

95. Setting java.naming.referral using namespace configuration

Setting java.naming.referral using namespace configuration Hi All, I am trying to use spring security in my web application to authenticate against AD. to be able to allow user search from the ...

96. problem with schema base configuration

Aug 22nd, 2008, 07:14 PM #1 nirav127 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2007 Posts 8 problem with schema base configuration we have upgraded the ...

97. Minimal configuration

Minimal configuration Hi, According to the reference documentation it should be easy to adjust the minimal configuration to use our own login page iso the default. well, I can't get it ...

98. configuration question

I was wondering if there is a configuration option for the Spring/Host environment (similar to stuff in JDBC.Properties) that would allow me to control transactional state to the database engine. My ...

99. Persist Spring Configuration

Hi, i am writing a simple server atm. For configuration purposes i took springframework. I have exposed some of my beans to my local MBeanServer. It works perfectly, and now it ...

100. autowiring configuration question

contextConfigLocation classpath:/applicationContext-resources.xml classpath:/applicationContext-dao.xml classpath:/applicationContext-service.xml classpath*:/applicationContext.xml /WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml