Date « Core « Spring Q&A

Pojo Code: void setDateOfExpiry(string dateOfExpiry){ Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); String str [] = dateOfExpiry.split("/"); ...

1. Why isn't spring using my Converter?

I have this in my applicationContext.xml

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter" />
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService"/>
<bean id="conversionService" class="">
    <property name="converters">

2. Spring 3.1 release date

I'm curious if there is any semi-official word on Spring 3.1. Last I heard, the RC was supposed to have been released already (summer 2011) and the GA release was ...

3. 1.1.1 General Availability Due Date?

4. Date issue on 1.1.1

After create a new entity with the field as the following field date --fieldName when --type java.util.Date --dateFormat MEDIUM --timeFormat SHORT Then run the web app. After choosing the date from ...

5. How to choose Hours instead of Date

Hello everyone. I was wondering how to choose hours instead of a date [month,year,day]. I'm using this piece of code: Code: entity - class ~. domain.Availability-testAutomatically - identifierField date field - ...

6. Default date selection

Hi, I want to set default time to 11.59pm for a selected date. Currently it is set to 12.00 am for the selected date (which is the default behavior). How can ...

7. Spring 3.1 release date

8. How to retrieve last successful run date

9. Which is the release date for 1.1.4?

Hi guys, I looked JIRA for 1.1.4 release date but I didn't found it. Which is the release date planned for 1.1.4? Thanks

10. undefined attributes date dateTimePattern

undefined attributes date dateTimePattern Hello, I have a problem with date attributes in list views. attributes date & dateTimePattern are undefined, if I create a new project with a simple entity ...

11. Date represented by multiple SELECT elements

Date represented by multiple SELECT elements Hi I'm new to Spring. And enjoying it. Question... I have an 'Event' object (persisted by Hibernate) that contains a field of type java.util.Date. I ...

12. Spring-Date RC1 Changes, migration from M2

Spring-Date RC1 Changes, migration from M2 Hi, I am closely following progress on Sping-Data as my Generic repository handler of choice. Could you please post instructions on the recent changes in ...

13. Date Format problem

Date Format problem Hi i'm here again.. I don't understand the whole thing... why support an annotation @DateTimeFormat if the only automatic managing is the default one, with the "S-" value? ...

14. Spring Training Dates ??

15. Spring 3.0.6 release date?

Hi, I'm just wondering if a release date for Spring 3.0.6 has been set yet? I see there are no open issues left scheduled for this version - does this mean ...

16. "@DateTimeFormat(iso=ISO.DATE) Date day" not working

Hello. I have the following configuration in a controller: @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/{day}") public String home(Locale locale, Model model, @PathVariable @DateTimeFormat(iso=ISO.DATE) Date day) When I try the following url: http://localhost:8080/sandbox2/helloWorld/2009-11-17 I ...

17. new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) not returning the right date...

This isn't really related to Spring, but it's something that's happening in one of my Spring apps. For a bit of background, this Spring app is being invoked from a Lotus ...

18. Spring cant convert String to Date on Server, local tests pass

Spring cant convert String to Date on Server, local tests pass Hello, I do have some controllers reading the conditional get header form an request. In detail the "If-Modified-Since" header is ...

19. How to stay up to date with the latest Release Candidate (RC)? RC2

How to stay up to date with the latest Release Candidate (RC)? RC2 What is the best way to stay up to date with the latest release candidate? For instance, 3.1.0.RC1 ...

20. Spring web 2.5.5 and spring.js, date format incorrect

Spring web 2.5.5 and spring.js, date format incorrect Hi guys, I am currently facing 2 issues in my application and they are : 1.) I have a date field and when ...

21. Date

Date Hi, I have a form that contains a text field in which I enter a date. When I tried submitting the form I got the following error: Failed to convert ...

22. Dates for training in Toronto ?

23. Only dates between January 1, 1753 and December 31, 9999

Only dates between January 1, 1753 and December 31, 9999 Hi Folks, I am getting the following error message while trying to update the record in mssql server database. unfortunately i ...

24. date pattern strict : custom date editor ?

how can i implement date pattern strict ( as in commons validator) with custom date editor actually i want the user to enter date in MM/dd/yyyy format ... i used Code: ...

25. Up to date docs talking about ref="beanname" ?

Hi, Maybe I'm missing something, but the 1.2.2 docs don't mention the ref="" attribute of and this makes me wonder (a) if people in other posts are talking about something ...

26. Is there a planned release date for v1.3?

You can check the progress in JIRA. Besides that you can always take a snaphot of the current development state from CVS. I would not expect any beta releases as there ...

27. saving LastLogin date

saving LastLogin date Hi, I've configured acegi security with my spring-app. Now what I'd like to achieve is to save login date when user enters the site. I have implemented an ...

28. endDate <= :endDate that will include that date?

I am trying to use the hibernate template to search from starteDate >= :startDate and endDate <= :endDate Ther startDate works by getting me a results including that day, but the ...

29. Release Date?

Just checking back after few weeks absense. Okay, now sorry if sounding like a damaged record but just wondering when we might see at least a beta release of Spring Rich ...

30. Date problem

Date problem Hi all, I am getting this error while inserting date. Code: [org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader] - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [org/springframework/jdbc/support/sql-error-codes.xml] 2005-12-21 18:30:12,234 INFO [] - SQLErrorCodes loaded: ...

31. Relative "up-to-date-ness" of v1.2.1 ref doc?

Relative "up-to-date-ness" of v1.2.1 ref doc? I work with a project that is using Spring 1.2.1. I downloaded the reference PDF for version 1.2.1 and I've been going through it. I've ...

32. Release Date

Just a simple question because different pages on the internet say different stuff. When should Spring Rich Framework be released? Is there any official date?

33. Release date Spring 2.0 M3?

Hi all, as stated in the 1.2.7 release announcement today, Spring 2.0 M3 will be the next scheduled 2.0 release. The next scheduled Spring release is 2.0 M3, which will be ...

34. Pb for displaying date

Pb for displaying date Hi everyone, i read a lot of post but still with my pb, i'd like to display a date in my form with the format dd/mm/yyyy this ...

35. Multiple Date Patterns

Is it possible in initBinder() to bind multiple date formats to Date? I want my users to be able to enter 'dd-mm-yyyy', 'dd/mm/yyyy', and '' in the same Date field.

36. Calendar with date & time in textbox

Calendar with date & time in textbox I have only one TEXT Field in my JSP. The values of calendar is loaded from javascript with date and time. I have bound ...

37. Parse dates using custom dateformat

Dear Spring forum users, this is my question. I live in Italy and italian date format id dd/mm/yyyy instead of yyyy/dd/mm. I'm writing a Code: AbstractCommandController and in its constructor I've ...

38. Date input with 2 formats

Date input with 2 formats Hello To format a date in a form, I may have a initBinder as the following: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat ...

39. Date Format Problem

Date Format Problem I have inside a form two binded fields of type date .One of them is this one Code: " id="startDate"/>

40. Date Freeze for Demos

41. Nullable date fields are not getting the TIME set

Nullable date fields are not getting the TIME set I currently have an Oracle table defined as such: Code: owner_id varchar2(30) not null, product_id varchar2(30) not null, instance_id varchar2(30) not null, ...

42. Problem with custom Date Editor redisplaying dates

43. joda date-time conversion

Hi there. Does anyone know how to convert a joda date-time object to a string in spring. ive tried the classeditor but it gives a null pointer exception. Now im looking ...

44. 2.0.4 Release Date

It's due out today -- early morning GMT. Spring Web Flow 1.0.2 will follow a few hours later (early morning EST). Keith

45. Joda Date/Time Problem

46. Problem with the Date

Problem with the Date I have a text feild for entring the date and i am entering it in the dd/MM/yyyy format .after saving to the database in case of edit ...

47. Date Selector

Hello; I was suprised I could not find a topic about this. Is there not a date selector (little icon of a calendar that when clicked writes a date string into ...

48. Simple Date Input Problem

Simple Date Input Problem I'm trying to input a date using an html text field and having trouble getting this set up right in Spring. I've spend the last several hours ...

49. string date conflict

string date conflict i am using spring with hibernate with mysql my input from jsp page is string. its setter function takes string as a parameter and convert it to date ...

50. String Date Conflit

jsp page is Code:

Date of Expiry

51. Spring Date Format

Spring Date Format I'm using spring MVC framework, and i'm displaying date in the jsp page. I'm using customproperty editor to render and get the date value. But i cant see ...

52. Date string formatting

Hi there, I am trying to format dates in a jsp using the jstl format tag library but getting the date format string from a resource bundle using the spring tag ...

53. I need help with date format

I need help with date format Hi guy's I have a problem with a date format, I need format a Integer to Date or Integer to String a example: int number1 ...

54. Production Release Dates

We just scheduled 1.0.0-m4 for end of January (there are some resourcing issues, but we think the plan is achievable). Now we have Ben Hale working full time on Batch things ...

55. Dynamic dates in Spring Config

Hi All, I can use a CustomDateEditor to write dates in a specified format within my Spring configuration, but can I write dynamic date values? I.e. current time +/- x days, ...

56. Date Format problem

I have a form with a date field, which I registed a CustomDateEditor in my controller: SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); CustomDateEditor dateEditor = new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat, true); binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, dateEditor); Then in ...

57. Date format (initBinder) not converting month.

Date format (initBinder) not converting month. Hi All, I am using spring mvc with hibernate 3 and orcale 10gR2 for a web based application. In one of my beans I have ...

58. default from and to dates

default from and to dates Hi all, I want to know how to do the following. I need a jsp that consists of two fields fromDate and toDate. And one "Search" ...

59. clear dates

Hi, How do I clear dates in two date fields fromDate and toDate, so that new dates can be entered? Without using html "reset" button.

60. SpringWS1.5 release date - 28/Mar/08

It's fixed. However, if some major issue was found in the next couple of days, we might have to move it a couple of days.

61. Convert String to Date to primitive long Custom Editor?

I want to convert HTML form String (for date mm/dd/yyyy) field into Date then to "long" primitive type. Any idea of how to write custom editor for this? thanks,

62. Date time and Timezone

Date time and Timezone Hi I am not sure if this is the right forum to put this question. I am having a hard time in figuring this out. And I ...

63. Elegant way of dealing abstract classes and split out dates?

Elegant way of dealing abstract classes and split out dates? First of all, i'm not even thinking about validation at this point. My setup is similar to the following. I have ...

64. Strict Date Parsing

Strict Date Parsing I have a form that requires users to input dates and an accompanying initBinder: protected void initBinder(RequestContext context, DataBinder binder) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); dateFormat.setLenient(false); binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, ...

65. Multiple Date Format Support

Hi Folks, In my form iam having two dates in different formats like "mm/dd/yyyy" and other in "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy" and iam using sping:bind to bind these values. ...

66. Release date for Spring 2.5.6?

Release date for Spring 2.5.6? Hi, I was just wondering if there was an update to the release date for Spring 2.5.6. I see the roadmap here: http:/ / t:roadmap-panel has ...

67. 1.5.5 release date

68. Trying to get InitBinder to work with custom date format

Trying to get InitBinder to work with custom date format Hi guys - I'm trying to use a specific date format for Spring. The default as most of you know is ...

69. NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder doesnt pick the date

Hello, Im using NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder to show date in dialogs but the twice and following times that I show the dialog NachoCalendarDateFieldBinder doesnt me pick the date, neither month nor year, the ...

70. Calendar Application (shows appointments on the perticular date)

Calendar Application (shows appointments on the perticular date) Hi! I am new to the Spring MVC and i need to make a application using spring mvc and hibernate. In this application ...

71. don't changed date format('MM dd, yyyy') ?

Hi All i want to change data format(MM dd,yyyy -> yyyy-MM-dd). my Roo Version is 1.0.0.RC1 and my action is... 1. domain field command in Roo shell add field date jpa ...

72. cannot automatically insert a date type?

cannot automatically insert a date type? I have a bean with longs, strings and a Date field, but spring can't seem to find the sql type for a Date. I've been ...

73. check if a date type is null

anyone knows how? if its empty or null? events.get(x).getOccurredDate() == null thats not working. neither events.get(x).getOccurredDate().equals("")

74. Display date format

Regards, Joshua Preston -- "The Guide says that there is an art to flying," said Ford, "or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ...

75. Date field cDate not allowed?

Dec 4th, 2009, 10:07 AM #1 Fireball View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2009 Location Munich, Germany Posts 92 Date field cDate not allowed? I got ...

76. FormatterLineAggregator trouble with null date formatting

FormatterLineAggregator trouble with null date formatting Being a newbe in Spring-batch I'm facing a simple trouble when I try to generate a flat file with date formating. Versions JDK 1.5 spring-batch-infrastructure-2.0.4.RELEASE.jar ...

77. Date & time

Hi Guys, I have created an entity that has a field which is a datetime. I used the standard java.util.Date type, but i was wondering if there is any way in ...

78. Calendar with Date and Time

The upcoming Roo 1.1 M1 release will help you to customize how the views are presented through the extensive use of tags. Currently you will have to take over the jsp ...

79. How to present date

How to present date Hi guy, First of all, i would to say "i,m not good in English and newbie spring". I have a question about how to implement WebBindingInitializer. Could ...

80. Problem with null date

Hi, I use spring 2.5.6 with jdbc connector 5.1.2 and when select null (0000-00-00 00:00:00) date from mysql DB I have a conversion error Can you help me please

81. problem in insertin date in required format

problem in insertin date in required format I am using java Springs and mysql as Back end .My problem is i want to pass a string to desired date format i.e ...

82. Date/Calendar, Does this exist?

Date/Calendar, Does this exist? So I've seen this in other frameworks, but was wondering if this exists in Spring. I did a search in the forums and I think I already ...

83. Date Fields Problem

I created an application which has an entity with a field which should capture date of birth. Navigating from the dropdown widget in the UI to some year like 1967 to ...

84. Date formatting after Submit

I have date fields in my jsp page and I format them using CustomDateEditor in initBinder(). This works fine when the page is loaded. Now, after calling Submit(), the date fields ...

85. adding to a project on a later date... how?

So I've created a project in Roo, started developing and now I want to add another entity. How do I do this? When I start up Roo now it just says ...

86. 2.0 RC1 and 2.0 Final Release Dates?

Hi, Anyone know when the official release of 2.0 RC1 is? I know the final 2.0 version was planned for today, but dates seems to have slipped and looking at the ...

87. Split Date field into two input's for date/time

Split Date field into two input's for date/time Is there a way to split a field (Date) into two input boxes? Here is my JSP code: Code:

88. Formatting for dates/numbers

Formatting for dates/numbers Hi I'm moving my project to Spring 3, and trying to use its resources extensively. Now I'm trying to set up Date and BigDecimal formatters. Using 2.5, I ...