override « Core « Spring Q&A

1. override @spring.showErrors to show single error ?    forum.springsource.org

hi guys i am new to freemarker and not very familiar with it and i need a little help in overriding the following code, to show only one error instead of ...

2. Is it possible to implement RowHandlerCallback or override handleResultObject(...)    forum.springsource.org

Eros Environment: JSP 2.0 Dojo 1.4.1 Ext JS 3.1 (testing) Spring MVC 2.5.6.SEC01 (planning to Spring 3 using STS) STS SWF 2.0.9.RELEASE Tiles 2.0.5 iBatis: ibatis-sqlmap-

3. How to override to the BundleActivator.stop() default method?    forum.springsource.org

How to override to the BundleActivator.stop() default method? Hi all. I know that using Spring DM you don't have to have a BundleActivator, because Spring DM does this job behind the ...

4. override finder default naming    forum.springsource.org

is it possible to override the default naming? for example i have domain: Code: @RooJavaBean @RooToString @RooEntity(finders = { "findPropertysByOrganization" }) public class Property { @OneToOne private Address address; @ManyToOne private ...

5. Unable to define/override Version on a subclass    forum.springsource.org

Sep 2nd, 2011, 09:13 AM #1 jbbarquero View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date May 2006 Location Madrid Posts 185 Unable to define/override Version on a subclass ...

6. Overriding the save() method    forum.springsource.org

Overriding the save() method I need to use a custom implementation for CrudRepository.save() method. Following the reference documentation I declared in my repository interface a method: SimpleEntity save(SimpleEntity) and implemented it ...

7. Overriding default Retry Policy    forum.springsource.org

Overriding default Retry Policy I have a Read/Write Tasklet. In the writer, I am calling a Webservice that can fail. I am treating this as a Skippable Error condition. This is ...

8. Overriding DefaultCommandConfigurer    forum.springsource.org

9. Extending PropertyPlaceHolderConfig and Overriding convertPropertyValue()    forum.springsource.org

Extending PropertyPlaceHolderConfig and Overriding convertPropertyValue() I have a class which extends PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and overrides the convertPropertyValue() method that will decrypt properties which are encrypted. This works fine when all my beans ...

10. Overriding content type    forum.springsource.org

i'm using SimpleUrlHandlerMapping in conjunction with the DispatcherServlet. but when the ViewResolver loads a jsp that writes out the pdf content, somehow the content type is set to "application/pdf;charset=ISO-8859-1" even though ...

11. Extendiing EmptyInterceptor and overriding onFlushDirty?    forum.springsource.org

I have the following code...: Code: public boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) { for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) { ...

12. spring 2.0 test: how to override getAutowireMode?    forum.springsource.org

spring 2.0 test: how to override getAutowireMode? With Spring 2.0, it is no longer possible to override AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests.getA utowireMode(). With Spring 1.x I was setting mode to AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME. With Spring 2.0 ...

13. Is there a way to override the getter and setter methods    forum.springsource.org

Is there a way to override the getter and setter methods You may be saying to yourself "WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT?" Let me explain this issue ...

14. [SEC-472] Overriding AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint Concern    forum.springsource.org

[SEC-472] Overriding AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint Concern Hi, Perhaps I'm confused, but it seems the issue (which was closed as part of Spring 1.0.4) isn't fully flushed out. Although the patch allows one to ...

15. How to override WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter    forum.springsource.org

I'm subclassing WsdlDefinitionHandlerAdapter and put it in spring-ws-servlet definition: Code: also i've configured MessageDispatcherServlet in web.xml with: Code: transformWsdlLocations true ...

16. Abator overrides manually added methods    forum.springsource.org

Abator overrides manually added methods Hello ervybody, i work with Abator Eclipse Plugin to generate DAO-Classes, Model-Classes and SQL-Maps in a Spring project. When editing my DAO-Classes manually by adding new ...

17. Overriding FileTargetAdapter    forum.springsource.org

Could you please open an issue in JIRA for the configurability of the mapper and filename generator? Also note that there are some related changes on the M4 roadmap: http://jira.springframework.org/browse/INT-185 http://jira.springframework.org/browse/INT-188 ...

18. overriding writeCount    forum.springsource.org

overriding writeCount I'm running 2.0.M3. I have a step that writes multiple db records for each read input item. As such, the write count, in real time while the step is ...

19. Problems Overriding ScriptFactoryPostProcessor    forum.springsource.org

Problems Overriding ScriptFactoryPostProcessor Hi All, I'm extending Springs(2.5.6) built in script support, Groovy in my case, so I can pull the script source from a database. I'm having a strange AOP ...

20. @Autowired behavior overriding for fields    forum.springsource.org

@Autowired behavior overriding for fields I wanted to create an automatic DAO implementation generator. For example, if I had an autowired dao field as follows Code: public class MyService { @Autowired ...

21. Override authorities at runtime?    forum.springsource.org

Override authorities at runtime? Lets say I have a user, A, with the authority ROLE_ADMIN and another, B, with the authority ROLE_USER. When A logs in via spring security, they won't ...

22. Wrapping ErrorsTag, overriding renderDefaultContent    forum.springsource.org

Wrapping ErrorsTag, overriding renderDefaultContent I'm using Spring 2.0.x. I can't upgrade to 2.5.x on this project. I'm using validators, and create an error as follows: Code: String args[] = { "a.second.message.properties.key" ...

23. Overriding a member leads to two identical members    forum.springsource.org

Overriding a member leads to two identical members Hi, in one project I have a class which gets a member injected by spring. Code: public class MyClass { private MyManager myManager; ...

24. content-type override    forum.springsource.org

Long story short, I've written a custom REST layer to perform a file upload to a GeoServer. In the case where there is an error returned from the server, the response ...

25. Override the springintegration_sequenceSize & springintegration_sequenceNumber    forum.springsource.org

Override the springintegration_sequenceSize & springintegration_sequenceNumber I have a implementation which is something as shown below. Code: inputChannel | Filter | Splitter(1) ||||| Router / \ / \ / \ (SA) Splitter ...

26. Version Field Override    forum.springsource.org

Version Field Override The default name for the version field, "version", conflicts with Oracle's reserved word list. In most cases this is ok, but we use Oracle's Workspace Manager for auditing, ...