CRUD « Database « Spring Q&A

1. Spring MVC CRUD Application using annotation

I wanted to learn how to use annotation in Spring MVC using annotation. But apparently the Spring MC Step By Step that is bundled with Spring 2.5 download release uses concrete Controller hierarchy. Hopefully ...

2. Sending msgs in my crud spring-mvc

I am learning spring-mvc and I am doing a simple crud. I have a list of items with a big add button on top of it. When the user clicks add it will ...

3. Spring-mvc 3.0 crud with checkboxes issue

I am doing an simple user crud. My ApplicationUser has the following properties:

private Long id;
private String password;
private String username;
private Collection<Authority> myAuthorities;
private boolean isAccountNonExpired;
private boolean isAccountNonLocked;
private boolean isCredentialsNonExpired;
private boolean isEnabled;
Authority class has:
private Long ...

4. How to create and handle CRUD on the dynamic forms in spring MVC?

We need to create dynamic forms in our spring MVC based application. Super Admin user in the system will add entities like Person, Location, Address etc. We need to create dynamic ...

5. Spring3 MVC - how to impliment CRUD correctly on the same controller?

I am trying to create simple CRUD controller and view using Spring mvc.
I am able to:
Get the document list Upload document Deleted Document
If I would like to send the request using FORM,
How do ...

6. Best option for CRUD generation?

Within the Spring framework what would be my best option for rapid CRUD (your basic create,read,update&delete pages) interface generation? Data end is a postgres DB. I'll put a premium on any ...

7. CRUD application using Spring 2.5

Hi, I would like to know what is the best approach for creating CRUD application functionality using Spring 2.5? Do we need to create FOUR different controllers for create/read/update/delete functionality? Or ...

8. Spring MVC CRUD Errors

Jun 3rd, 2011, 07:12 AM #1 presidentrodel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Apr 2011 Location General Santos City, Philippines Posts 42 Spring MVC CRUD Errors Hello ...

9. Update operation in CRUD Repositoty

Update operation in CRUD Repositoty Hi! CRUD repo should have update operations, but there is only CUD. There is only "save" for update, should I use it? Actually, I have next ...

10. AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests to test CRUD ?

AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests to test CRUD ? I have a question about how to make AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests to test DAO's CRUD methods... In my testing apps , I subclass JUnit's TestCase , setup BeanFactory ...

11. creating a crud framework using spring

creating a crud framework using spring I'm thinking about developing a small framework that would allow a developer to use JPA to annotate his entities and then use hibernate to take ...

12. Easy way to CRUD a list of String on a JSP page

I have a class, with and array of strings, called notes: public class MyClass{ ... private List notes = new ArrayList; ... } I can do the edit 1 string thing. ...

13. CRUD Example

14. CRUD Code Snippets

CRUD Code Snippets Hi, I am a newbie to Spring development. Can somebody post the code for CRUD (Search Form - List of Items - Create/Edit Form) for a single model ...

15. Best practices for CRUD applications?

Best practices for CRUD applications? I'm creating a Spring app to CRUD a couple database tables. I was thinking a MultiActionController for each table, and then a different method for each ...

16. newbie - domain-driven design, crud, friendly urls and controllers in Spring

newbie - domain-driven design, crud, friendly urls and controllers in Spring Hi, I've been trying to put together a simple CRUD application using Spring MVC. So far this has been fairly ...

17. Generic Crud Dao

May 20th, 2007, 12:42 PM #1 gonzalad View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Jul 2005 Posts 156 Generic Crud Dao Hello, Sorry for this long thread ...

18. Tutorial CRUD Myeclipse ans spring

19. CRUD Operations with spring mvc

CRUD Operations with spring mvc Hi there, I'm new to spring. I studied the mvc-step by step tutorial and searched the web to find out how to use CRUD-Operations with mvc, ...

20. Quick, easy, painless CRUD?

Quick, easy, painless CRUD? Hi all, I'm starting a new project at work which of course requires CRUD functionality. I'm still in the framework decision stages, so I'd appreciate some opinion ...

21. Crud

Hello I create CRUD view for my application. The view should provide such functionality:search customers (show found entries), edit found entries, add new customer. I tried to use SimpleFormController and everything ...

22. [Junit4] : How to handle class level ref value for CRUD operation in junit4

[Junit4] : How to handle class level ref value for CRUD operation in junit4 Hi, I am using Junit 4 with spring 2.5 and hibernate3 for unit test case. I want ...

23. JavaFX and Spring CRUD

24. simple spring 3 crud portlet

simple spring 3 crud portlet i'm searching a simple spring 3 crud portlet i have problems with the view tier (how can i put informations like an ID to a controller ...

25. creating custom show method in a crud controller?

I have a typical crud application with controllers generated from the entitys I created using Roo. I'd like to keep all generated actions accept for the show action. How can I ...

26. CRUD references nullable

When using the crud functionally if you have an object that references to an other object like so: @ManyToOne(optional=true) private Activity duplicateOf; There seems to be no way to select a ...

27. CRUD app for SI?

hello all, i have a CRUD app (with couple of scheduled tasks) that i am thinking of rewriting using SI.. it's just that, most of the invocations will be synchronous... with ...

28. Custom crud, howto do it?

Custom crud, howto do it? Hello, I am learning roo. I have a project with two custom crud, one with a google maps gadget and one with a form so long ...

29. Easiest way to add smarter functionality to scaffolding-CRUD?

Easiest way to add smarter functionality to scaffolding-CRUD? I want to do slightly more sophisticated crud screens than Roo will generate for me, but in a way that is as close ...

30. simple spring 3 crud portlet