SimpleJDBCCall « Database « Spring Q&A

1. ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceededwhen using Spring SimpleJDBCCall

We are using Spring SimpleJdbcCall to call stored procedures in Oracle that return cursors. It looks like SimpleJdbcCall isn't closing the cursors and after a while the max open cursors is ...

2. SimpleJdbcCall ignoring JdbcTemplate fetch size

We are calling the pl/sql stored procedure through Spring SimpleJdbcCall, the fetchsize set on the JdbcTemplate is being ignored by SimpleJdbcCall. The rowmapper resultset fetch size is set to 10 even ...

3. SimpleJdbcCall can not call more than one procedure

SimpleJdbcCall can not call more than one procedure this is my test code :

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall;

public class TestCall {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


4. output param on simplejdbccall

I have a stored procedure with a single integer output param and 5 varchar input params, no matter what I've tried I can't seem to get the output param back. I've ...

5. function return (MySQL + Spring) - SimpleJdbcCall error

I'm having problem in using a function created in MySQL through Java code. Initialy I tried to use JdbcTemplate class (see function return (MySQL + Spring)), but no success. Searching on Spring ...

6. redundant metadata sql in SimpleJdbcCall

UPDATE: looks like this is an issue with ojdbc6 and ojdbc5. with ojdbc5 it looks gud, but with ojdbc6 the way we retrieve metadata of a cursor is causing lot of ...

7. ORAORA-01747 error while using Spring SimpleJDBCCall

ORAORA-01747 error while using Spring SimpleJDBCCall I am running into a peculiar situation running the update summary stored procedures using the Spring SimpleJDBCCall. If I call the stored procedure only once ...

8. How to make SimpleJdbcCall use Function and Procedure default arguments?

How to make SimpleJdbcCall use Function and Procedure default arguments? Hi, I'm using SimpleJdbcCall to integrate with the Oracle DBMS_DATAPUMP package. I don't want to have to set all the default ...

9. SimpleJdbcCall + SQL Server + Stored procedure, problem with in params

SimpleJdbcCall + SQL Server + Stored procedure, problem with in params Hi, I am trying to call an SQL Server stored procedure that requires params but I always get this error: ...

10. When This SimpleJdbcCall Method is Added?

I use the method Code: public SimpleJdbcCall returningResultSet(String parameterName, RowMapper rowMapper) in a project in two environments. In one environment, it is find and in the other, I get a complaint ...

12. output param on simplejdbccall?

output param on simplejdbccall? I have a stored procedure with a single integer output param and 5 varchar input params, no matter what I've tried I can't seem to get the ...

13. SimpleJdbcCall - array input parameter?

Code: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS AS TABLE OF NUMBER / procedure foo(p_a IN INTEGER, p_b IN CHAR, p_c IN ARRAY_OF_NUMBERS); How to pass a set of Longs to this procedure ...

14. SimpleJdbcCall error with MySQL function

Oct 28th, 2011, 08:51 AM #1 rogerioag View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2011 Posts 2 SimpleJdbcCall error with MySQL function I'm having problems using ...

15. Call Stored Proc using SimpleJdbcCall and results REF_CURSOR

public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao { private SimpleJdbcTemplate simpleJdbcTemplate; private SimpleJdbcCall procReadAllActors; public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.simpleJdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); jdbcTemplate.setResultsMapCaseInsensitive(true); this.procReadAllActors = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate) ...

16. SimpleJdbcCall without parameter declaration fails

SimpleJdbcCall without parameter declaration fails hi, we're trying to write a generic DAO impl. to wrap calls to several dozen stored procs that all have varying IN parameters, but the same ...

17. Parameters duplicating while calling SimpleJdbcCall.execute() method

Parameters duplicating while calling SimpleJdbcCall.execute() method Hi, I'm getting org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException when i try to fetch the records from the table. Below is the code which i'm using to query the table. ...

18. Is there a problem with SimpleJdbcCall

I am trying to use SimpleJdbcCall for calling a stored procedure. Code: new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate).withSchemaName(schemaName) .withCatalogName(catalogName).withProcedureName(functionName); But on the debug output it shows malformed call statement with schemaName and catalog name interchanged. ...

19. SimpleJdbcCall mdata lookup broken for overloaded procedures

If you study the SimpleJdbcCalls API you will notice the declareParameters method. If you declare your parameters you want to use (either 1 or 2) then those take precedence over the ...

20. SimpleJdbcCall and Oracle Types

SimpleJdbcCall and Oracle Types Hi all. I'm stuck trying to call an Oracle function that returns a type, using SimpleJdbcCall. Here's the java code (I've tried a few variations with in ...

21. NullPointer using SimpleJdbcCall with Ms SQLServer 2005

NullPointer using SimpleJdbcCall with Ms SQLServer 2005 I'm a newbie to Spring Jdbc, and I'm trying to use the SimpleJdbcCall with a stored procedure with Spring 2.5.4. I'm getting the following ...

22. Trouble with oracle (SimpleJdbcCall or Vanilla JDBC)

Trouble with oracle (SimpleJdbcCall or Vanilla JDBC) Hi all. I haven't been able to get to the bottom of this one... the results are the same whether I use SimpleJdbcCall, or ...

23. Call Stored Proc using SimpleJdbcCall and results Table Index

Call Stored Proc using SimpleJdbcCall and results Table Index I have to call a Sp with signature ------------ TYPE book_rej_rec_tbl IS TABLE OF book_rej_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; PROCEDURE Sp_Book_Tran( P_ATR_ACCTG_TRN_NO IN ...

24. Instance level SimpleJdbcCall thread safe?

Instance level SimpleJdbcCall thread safe? (I'm using Spring 2.5.1.) Seeing that a SimpleJdbcCall instance always uses the same parameter names (and types) and ParameterizedRowMapper, I started to declare each SimpleJdbcCall as ...

25. SimpleJdbcCall example in spring reference

SimpleJdbcCall example in spring reference In spring reference 2.5.4 under the Simple JDBC section we have an example for calling database functions using the SimpleJdbcCall Code: public class JdbcActorDao implements ActorDao ...

26. Exception in executing SimpleJdbcCall for fetching rowset/REF cursor

Exception in executing SimpleJdbcCall for fetching resultset/REF cursor Hi I was trying a bit modified usage of this class for a procedure that accepts one input and returns all rows of ...

27. Problem with SimpleJdbcCall returning false

Oct 6th, 2008, 06:14 PM #1 billswan View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2008 Posts 3 Problem with SimpleJdbcCall returning false I am having a ...

28. SimpleJdbcCall

From, using SqlOutParameter appears to be the correct solution to handle return types with SimpleJdbcCall whenever : . you don't have access to metadata . you want to override the ...

29. SimpleJdbcCall and Float values

SimpleJdbcCall simpleJdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate) .withFunctionName("PKG_TARIF.insert_Tarif") .withoutProcedureColumnMetaDataAccess(); ... simpleJdbcCall.addDeclaredParameter(new SqlParameter("VALEUR_TARIF", OracleTypes.NUMBER)); ... MapSqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource(); ... in.addValue("VALEUR_TARIF", tarif.getValeur());

30. Cannot get a simple SimpleJdbcCall to work.

Cannot get a simple SimpleJdbcCall to work. I am new to spring and am trying to get some simple examples to work. I am trying to make retrieve a String from ...

31. SQLWarning's & SimpleJdbcCall

SQLWarning's & SimpleJdbcCall When writing stored procedures we often add print statements so we can log something more useful than (2 row(s) affected). We have some code which calls stored procedures ...

32. Why SimpleJdbcCall uses MapSqlParameterSource specifically?

Hi, I wonder why SimpleJdbcCall uses MapSqlParameterSource in the methods executeFunction and executeObject? I think it would be more reasonable to use the interface SqlParameterSource. I cannot pass in a BeanPropertySqlParameterSource ...

33. SimpleJdbcCall vs. StoredProcedure

Hi, I have some questions about the SimpleJdbcCall class which is one of new classes introduced in 2.5. 1) what are the differences between SimpleJdbcCall and SqlCall/StoredProcedure? 2) Is SimpleJdbcCall preferred ...

34. ConcurrentModificationException in SimpleJdbcCall

ConcurrentModificationException in SimpleJdbcCall We are getting a ConcurrentModificationException when using SimpleJdbcCall, in Spring 2.5.6. The call stack shows AbstractJdbcCall was executing a one-time "compile()" method on the call object. We instantiate ...

35. ORA-01008: not all variables bound Exception when using SimpleJdbcCall

SimpleJdbcCall call = new SimpleJdbcCall(getJdbcTemplate()); call.setFunction(true); call.withCatalogName("PACKAGE"); call.withFunctionName("GETSN_BY_PART"); call.useInParameterNames("v_part"); call.declareParameters( new SqlParameter("v_part", OracleTypes.VARCHAR), new SqlOutParameter("MYCUR", OracleTypes.CURSOR)); call.compile();

36. SimpleJdbcCall calling DB2 function

SimpleJdbcCall calling DB2 function Hi I am using Spring 2.5.6 and DB2 9.5 I use SimpleJdbcCall to call a function but it throws an exception Code: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: CallableStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar ...

37. SimpleJdbcCall with schema name

Hi, I am new to Spring. I need to execute a storeprocedure in spring on sybase database. I am using SimpleJdbcCall with BeanPropertySqlParameterSource. I am able to successfully execute the store ...

38. SimpleJdbcCall calling function using different param name to store and retrieve valu

SimpleJdbcCall calling function using different param name to store and retrieve valu Hi I am using Spring 2.5.6 SEC1 and SQL Server 2008 When I use SimpleJdbcCall to call a stored ...

39. Suppress warning message while using SimpleJdbcCall.

Suppress warning message while using SimpleJdbcCall. Hi All, In UI interface is having 3 fields for date(dd,mm,yyyy) so I'm having 3 properties in java bean(pojo). When user submits the screen I'm ...

40. Oracle tables of objects, and SimpleJdbcCall

41. SimpleJdbcCall to call Oracle function returning REF CURSOR

SimpleJdbcCall to call Oracle function returning REF CURSOR Hi, I use JDBCTemple a lot but new to simpleJDBCCall. Could any one here points me to some examples that provide information on ...

42. Calling Oracle Function using SimpleJdbcCall Fails Wrong Number Parameters

Jan 22nd, 2010, 01:59 PM #1 cstepnitz View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2010 Location Maryland Posts 14 Calling Oracle Function using SimpleJdbcCall Fails Wrong ...

43. Spring JDBC 2.5.6 + SimpleJdbcCall + Remote Oracle DB

Spring JDBC 2.5.6 + SimpleJdbcCall + Remote Oracle DB Hello, We are having a problem with using Spring JDBC 2.5.6 to access an Oracle database when the database is physically placed ...

44. SimpleJDBCCall and stored procedure with multiple returning result sets

Of course Derby procedure: Code: create procedure get_users3 ( ) language java not deterministic parameter style java external name 'com.x.StoredProcedures.getUsers3' dynamic result sets 2 reads sql data; Java implementation of procedure: ...

45. SimpleJdbcCall : usage

You are calling a function NOT a storedprocedure, you need to tell this to the SimpleJdbcCall by default it will use the call syntax for a StoredProcedure. Also your function doesn't ...

46. Using SimpleJdbcCall: I need to return a list from my ref cursor

Using SimpleJdbcCall: I need to return a list from my ref cursor I have a stored proc which uses a ref cursor. upon setting up the ParameterizedRowMapper the resulting Map uses ...

47. Problems calling Oracle stored function using SimpleJdbcCall

Problems calling Oracle stored function using SimpleJdbcCall Hi, I do have some trouble calling an oracle stored function using SimpleJdbcCall. Context: Oracle 11g, Oracle JDBC driver, Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE What I ...

48. simplejdbccall executefunction INOUT vars

simplejdbccall executefunction INOUT vars general question about calling oracle stored functions using the simplejdbccall api. I have a stored function that not only returns an integer, but also has some INOUT ...

49. Error using SimpleJdbcCall for calling a storedproc by passing array as paremeters

Error using SimpleJdbcCall for calling a storedproc by passing array as paremeters Hello, We have a problem using simplejdbcall for calling a stored proc by passing arrays as parameters. We are ...