column « Database « Spring Q&A

1. Making Infragistics UltraGrid Columns have "Spring" Behaviour

Oout of the box the Infragistics UltraGrid control allows you to make the last column in a grid spring to fill the remaining unused portion of the grids bounding rectangle.

| Col1 ...

2. "Protected" as a column name? allowed?

Jan 10th, 2011, 09:58 AM #1 alexmc6 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2010 Posts 41 "Protected" as a column name? allowed? I am trying out ...

3. Retrieving column datatypes and size using spring jdbc template

Hi I have an application which needs to retrieve column datatypes and size from a table using spring jdbc template. I know this can be done using simple jdbc thru resultSet.getMetadata() ...

4. Data too long for column SERIALIZED_CONTEXT

Data too long for column SERIALIZED_CONTEXT I'm passing a list across steps, which I remove from the execution context in the last step of the job assuming that it won't be ...

5. column not found

column not found Hi, I'm a newby here and have a question. I have a SQLQuery with a join and some parameters: Code: SELECT {c.*} FROM calculation c LEFT JOIN inventory ...

6. How to create a link for a column in list.jspx?

How to create a link for a column in list.jspx? Hi, I have a table with 2 columns: a report name and the report file to execute. I want to change ...

7. Retrieveing column boundaries in fixed length file parsing

Retrieveing column boundaries in fixed length file parsing Hi All, I am parsing a fixed length file using FlatFileItemReader and mapping the valus to bean using BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper. I have a property ...

8. Calculating summary totals columns in FlatFileItemWriter

Calculating summary totals columns in FlatFileItemWriter Hello, I have implemented a FlatFileItemWriter with a custom implementation of a LineAggregator. My line aggregator does something like this: Code: public String aggregate(List matrix) ...

9. FlatFilleItemReader Toeknize based on column names in the file

All I have a requirement where I need to read a flat file and identify fields in the flatfile using column names and not its position in a record. For eg: ...

10. Spring JDBCTemplate gives InvalidResultSetAccessException Invalid column index

May 4th, 2011, 02:34 AM #1 asyiklah View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2010 Posts 9 Spring JDBCTemplate gives InvalidResultSetAccessException Invalid column index I use ...

11. Changing The Behavior of column.tagx

Changing The Behavior of column.tagx In looking at the definition for "column.tagx", it seems that of all the tags/form/fields definitions, the only one that seems to have an arbitrary default, if ...

12. jdbctemplate parameters date column and wildcard

jdbctemplate parameters date column and wildcard Hello there, i've searched but found no thread, so hoping for some pointers about something that has been biting me. I have a db table ...

13. How to update a ClobStringType column with another ClobStringType column

How to update a ClobStringType column with another ClobStringType column I have to copy data from one table to another. Both the tables have similar structure and have same column names. ...

14. @Columns(unique=true) is not working

Hi, I added unique=true to the annotation @Columns, Instead of displaying error message the exception page will be displayed. Please help, Thanks, Rohit

15. JdbcTemplate and Integer Columns

JdbcTemplate and Integer Columns I have a situation where, the JdbcTemplate's queryForList() method queries a table which returns a list of three (oracle)NUMBER columns. Casting the return type as Integer threw ...

16. JDBC : INSERT Data Column Type Error and ClassCast Exception

JDBC : INSERT Data Column Type Error and ClassCast Exception I am new to Spring and facing issue while insert record to the table using JdbcTemplate Database : Oracle My table ...

17. Customizable, persisted column order and selection.

I am looking to give the user the ability to select which columns and the order of for any given table in my application, like MS Money. Has anyone seen this ...

18. AbstractTableMasterForm column value

AbstractTableMasterForm column value My domain object is a Person class wich has a member of type Address. For presenting the list of persons in a master table form I did the ...

19. How to fix the column header

How to fix the column header Try to display something like this: HA HB A1 B1 A2 B2 So I use:



21. Updating a many-to-one FK column inside many-to-many set

Jun 1st, 2006, 10:35 PM #1 wesleyhales View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2006 Posts 1 Updating a many-to-one FK column inside many-to-many set I ...

22. Can't find the column 'age'

Sep 18th, 2006, 05:04 AM #1 hanshuang View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2006 Posts 27 Can't find the column 'age' The following code is ...

23. Inserting values into an Oracle XMLType column

24. Invalid Column Type with Named Parameter

Invalid Column Type with Named Parameter Hi, We are in an environment where we are locked in with using Oracle 9i. We are using the Spring 2.0 Named Parameter functionality for ...

25. Composite id with nullable columns

Hi, I have a view which is a result of few complex table joins, and we want to display the results as a read only web page. There is no single ...

26. Dynamically Substituting column name in a query - gives problem

Dynamically Substituting column name in a query - gives problem Hi, I need to substitute column names dynamically in a query. Say Query string is : String st = Update ...

27. Loading image in oracle where a BFILE column currently exists pointing to image

Hi, I want to Load images stored in oracle db table where a BFILE column currently exists pointing to image. Ive looked at imagedb example and it shows loading a BLOB. ...

28. Audit policy (audit fields/columns on database)

Dear members, We need in our appplication to informs about the following action in to a particular tables: Who modified the register on a given table? Who created/delete the register on ...

29. Invalid Column Type

Feb 9th, 2007, 08:51 AM #1 ihkris View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2006 Posts 19 Invalid Column Type Hi all, I am working in ...

30. Invalid column - UncategorizedSQLException

Invalid column - UncategorizedSQLException Hi there guys, I am having a problem with spring and I got this error info below when I run a junit test on my DAO class ...

31. display:tableSorting a column of int's

display:tableSorting a column of int's Hi, I'm using the facility from and all I want to do is simply sort a column numerically as opposed to by String. Isn't ...

32. Why data too long for the column???

I am implementing file upload feature in my application, and I want to store the file binary array data to database. In my file Bean, I defined the column for the ...

33. How to take multiple DB columns into arraylist from Ibatis?

How to take multiple DB columns into arraylist from Ibatis? Guys I am trying to get multiple repetitive columns from DB.(Question and Answer pair) Now I dont want to create setter ...

34. How to get the name of unique column

How to get the name of unique column I am writing an open source model driven framework based on OpenArchitectureWare. I need to know how to extract the name of unique ...

35. iBatis Question?: How to handle same column names of different objects?

Assuming your database looks something like: Code: CREATE TABLE Model ( Model_Id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Model_Code VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE Henkaten ( Henkaten_Id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Henkaten_Code VARCHAR(16) ...

36. How to map POJO's methods based on one column?

How to map POJO's methods based on one column? Hi I have a POJO that looks like the following, Code: class User { public boolean isTerminated() {...} public boolean isSuspended() {...} ...

37. Files having different columns

There are two files File1 and File2. Some of the columns are common among these files. Job will have to process each of these files separately and load data into the ...

38. FixedLengthTokenizer with variable ranges/columns

Our legacy flat feed files have fixed length fields in each line. However the first two characters in the line identify which type of record it is. Based on the first ...

39. Update/insert data in LONG column with Spring JDBC

What's the correct way to insert/update data in a column with datatype LONG? The standard update procedure Code: simpleJdbcTemplate.update("update mytable set content = ? where id = ?", new Object[] { ...

40. Maintaining Intable Audit columns

Maintaining Intable Audit columns I'm working with Hibernate 3 (attached to a MySQL 5 db) and Spring MVC. Each table within my database has 4 columns, required for audit purposes. Example ...

41. Adding new columns when upgrading

Hi, What would be the best approach on handling version upgrades in a spring application when it comes to altering columns that has been added in between versions? Im using jpa ...

42. select variable number of columns

select variable number of columns Hi, I am developing a web application where I have a checkboxlist of columns in a table(on Oracle). Lets suppose there is a table customer_info with ...

43. Mlultiple column Names in Where clause

Mlultiple column Names in Where clause Hi all, In my application i have to fire a query which will have a composite key columns and other columns . I am using ...

44. Can't Load Data from Differently-Named JDBC Column

There seems to be an issue with the Spring SimpleJDBC library mapping aliased columns. I'm loading stored values via JDBC. I have a java member called inRemoteDataCenter. However in the database ...

45. display:column title multilanguage

Hi. I have a a table: .... Can i change the title with a value from a file (or :

46. Triming column headers in flatfiles

Hi, I got a flatfile (see attached). In the flatfile all lines are padded to 180 characters. Trimming the data fields in the data records is no problem using the Tokenizer ...

47. StoredProcedure and column names

StoredProcedure and column names Hi - I've written a GenericStoredProcedure class which extends the Spring StoredProcedure class, as part of a DAO framework where I pass in the StoredProc name & ...

48. Skipping columns from a delimited feed file

Skipping columns from a delimited feed file I am a new adopter of Spring Batch (version 1.1.3.RELEASE-A). My team processes several delimited feed files where we often have to skip columns ...

49. get column names

Hi everyone, I wanted to know if there is a method to get the columnnames and datatypes of a table. I've read sth. about a resultsetmetadata, but can I access it ...

50. mapping two dimensional byte array to single database column

mapping two dimensional byte array to single database column Hi, I need some help in mapping mapping a two dimensional array to a single database column. I need to store some ...

51. getRunningJobs Ambiguous Column Exception using Oracle

getRunningJobs Ambiguous Column Exception using Oracle I got the following exception on oracle trying to execute findRunningJobs from 2.0.0.RC1: Code: Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT JOB_EXECUTION_ID, START_TIME, END_TIME, ...

52. Getting Invalid column index error

Getting Invalid column index error Hello, I'm trying to retrieve some values from DB but I'm getting error message. Can you please help me. Here are the details. SQL Query : ...

53. Samples - Throwing exceptions - Column 'ID' cannot be NULL

Apr 16th, 2009, 10:12 PM #1 amirvenkat View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jan 2009 Posts 35 Samples - Throwing exceptions - Column 'ID' cannot be NULL ...

54. Automatic ID and Column fields

Automatic ID and Column fields I am having fun trying this tool out, but I have a question. When Roo creates a new entity (as an example I will use a ...

55. Data in surname, firstName combined into a single column?

Data in surname, firstName combined into a single column? I created a simple class containing a surname (-notNull -maxSize 50) and a firstName (-maxSize 50) field. I then created the automatic ...

56. job parameter columns too small

job parameter columns too small It appears the job parameters columns is way too small (255), I suggest increase this is 10x size for future release. :46:54,531 INFO main SQLErrorCodesFactory:128 - ...

57. query to return multiple columns ?

if I have a query, like "select c1, c2, c3 from myTable", then which method I should use to return multiple columns ? if I have HibernateTemplate object, how to execute ...

58. Generate CSV with quotes for each column

59. Stored Procedure Using giving exception Invalid Column Index

Hi ,I am not able to call a stored procedure with am calling a stored procedure of oracle with 2 input parameters aND 1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS.It's giving exception Invalid Column ...

60. @Id and @Version Column Issues

@Id and @Version Column Issues I am trying to add Roo to a Entity object that I created from a JPA project and I noticed that Roo is creating a @Id ...

61. Getting column count and names

Getting column count and names Hello, I'm writing an application, which will make various queries to various databases. It will get query and DB information from own DB. Column counts in ...

62. Converting underscore column names to camel case

Converting underscore column names to camel case I'm using JdbcTemplate and was wondering if there's anyway to configure it to convert column names to camel case property names. I know there ...

63. Question about unique column

Question about unique column Let's consider a scene like this: there is a popular web site(like twitter, facebook), at the first day it opens to public, lots people go to register ...

64. getting null value for particular column, while loading the object.

getting null value for particular column, while loading the object. @Entity @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(dynamicInsert=tr ue,dynamicUpdate=true) @Table(name="[tbDDE]") public class DElement implements Serializable{ @Column(name = "[ID]", nullable = false, unique=true, updatable=false, insertable=false) @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private Integer ...

65. Invalid Column Name.

Invalid Column Name. Hi, I am using spring and hibernate2.1.6. When I execute a native sql query, the query runs in the sql editor which is fine and when executed in ...

66. metadata: column headers and data types

67. DBRE does not generate column Size annotation metadata

DBRE does not generate column Size annotation metadata After running: database introspect --schema database reverse engineer --package the generated ITDs do not include @Size annotations for VARCHAR columns, even ...

68. Job Parameter Value too large for Column

Job Parameter Value too large for Column Is it possible to modify the length of the STRING_VAL in the BATCH_JOB_PARAMS table without impacting the framework ? CREATE TABLE BATCH_JOB_PARAMS ( JOB_INSTANCE_ID ...

69. "Wrong column type " after using DBRE?

Nov 19th, 2010, 06:42 AM #1 alexmc6 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2010 Posts 41 "Wrong column type " after using DBRE? I'm trying to ...