hsqldb « Database « Spring Q&A

1. Cause of No suitable driver found for    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to unit test (JUnit) a DAO i've created. I'm using Spring as my framework, my dao (JdbcPackageDAO) extends SimpleJdbcDaoSupport. The testing class (JdbcPackageDAOTest) extends AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests. I've ...

2. Unable to re-use HSQLDB in Jetty between restarts    stackoverflow.com

I'm using the maven-jetty-plugin to run a Spring application. Initially the datasource was declared inside Spring. Due to external constratins, I've moved it to JNDI. The jetty-env.xml section I use for ...

3. SimpleJdbcTestUtils.executeScript and multilines script    stackoverflow.com

I want to load SQL script files for my unit tests. As I am using Spring 2.5.2, I decided to use the SimpleJdbcTestUtils.executeScript() method to load my script ...

4. hsqldb schema creation    stackoverflow.com

I have some troubles with this problem: when user starts an application(web-based on Spring) for the first time, it should automatically create a schema (e.g. "MY_SCHEMA") and create 2 tables. Then ...

5. JDBC Create table    stackoverflow.com

My web application, written in Spring Web-MVC uses JDBC to work with data. I want to make my app to automatically create tables (and schema), when end-user runs it for the ...

6. spring pooled connection    stackoverflow.com

Could you help me to find correct datasource for my spring-mvc application. At now I use HSQLDB database and coonect to using this bean:

<bean id="dataSource"

7. how to resolve org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException    stackoverflow.com

I am using hsqldb standalone as my database. i have a hsqldb.jar(hsqldb-2.0.0) which i added on my project build path so my project will find out where is my hsqldb.jar. i ...

8. how to resolve org.springframework.beans.NotWritablePropertyException    stackoverflow.com

hi i am using spring config.xml to config my embedded database hsqldb. my spring config is as below:

<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL">
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:schema.sql" />

<bean id="adapterDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"

9. how to check schema is created or not by tag    stackoverflow.com

i am using tag for my hsql schema creation. my spring.xml file looks like this:

<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL">
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:schema.sql" />
    <!-- <jdbc:script location="classpath:test-data.sql" ...

10. how to resolve org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback;    stackoverflow.com

I am using HSQLDB as my database. i want to get a primary key of latest inserted row. for that i have return a query in my java class as below:

final ...

11. hsqldb not showing reflection of insert query while runing with JUnit test    stackoverflow.com

i am using hsqldb as database. i create LmexPostParamDao which has a method insertLmexPostParam(NameValuePostParamVO nameValuePostParamVO) which will insert data in databse. for testing this method i used JUnit test to insert ...

12. how we can shutdown hsqldb database in java    stackoverflow.com

i am using hsqldb as my database. i want whenerver my select query, update query execute it will shutdown a database. below is the method in which i need a code ...

13. OSGi and database drivers    stackoverflow.com

I've been trying to deploy a bundle to servicemix which creates a hsqldb datasource. So far I've had no success with the following exception:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:hsqldb:mem:temp
at ...

14. Start HSQLDB database manager on application startup?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to start the HSQLDB Database manager automatically somehow when I´m working in my local dev environment? I´m using the in-memory DB at the moment. I found some code ...

15. Testing inserts over Mule JDBC transport to embedded HSQLDB, subsequent query returns no results    stackoverflow.com

My test attempts to show that a SQL statement sent over a Mule JDBC outbound endpoint executes successfully. The problem: after inserting over Mule, querying the same table returns no results. I'm ...

16. Recommended method to load application drop down / look ups / reference data in Spring    stackoverflow.com

What method do you recommend to load application data such as list of medications or countries or states or other typically reference data into a database? Currently I'm using spring and ...

17. Can't find dependency? spring-modules-sandbox    stackoverflow.com

Well I need to create hssldb before application context load. I found how to do that with spring-modules-sandbox http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?14419-HSQL-server-wrapped-into-a-Spring-bean&p=19830#post19830 Add maven dependency:

when compiling get following warning:
Downloading: ...

18. Can't create schema on initialize-database if hsqlbd is on server-mode    stackoverflow.com

I have Hsqldb 1) in memory

<jdbc:embedded-database id="idtSimulatorDataSource" type="HSQL">
        <jdbc:script location="classpath:hsql/idt_schema.sql"/>
2) on server-mode
<bean id="idtSimulatorDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">

19. Exception when calling HSQLDB Identity stored procedure.    forum.springsource.org

Exception when calling HSQLDB Identity stored procedure. Please help, I am writing a class to invoke HSQLDB stored procedure identity. Below is my class. I am using Spring version 1.1 Code: ...

20. Hsqldb in-process standalone not committing or rolling back when expected    forum.springsource.org

Jun 3rd, 2011, 11:44 AM #1 mgreco View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2007 Posts 4 Hsqldb in-process standalone not committing or rolling back when ...

21. Error relating to the org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver    forum.springsource.org

Oct 5th, 2011, 02:36 PM #1 captainduh View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2011 Posts 11 Error relating to the org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver I am putting together ...

22. JPOX, HSQLDB and Spring    forum.springsource.org

JPOX, HSQLDB and Spring I'm seeing a wierd combination of things in Equinox when using HSQLDB, JPOX and Spring: First of all, my JDBC URL for my HSQLDB database is set ...

23. Problem with sending SQL statements to HSQLDB from DAO class    forum.springsource.org

Problem with sending SQL statements to HSQLDB from DAO class Hello, i don't know what i do wrong: I start the HSQLDB server. I can connect to my database with DBVisualizer ...

24. Junit testing with Ant & HSQLDB in memory    forum.springsource.org

Junit testing with Ant & HSQLDB in memory Does anyone use an in-memory HSQLDB database to test their business layer (facades, business delegates, etc)? Right now I test my Hibernate DAOs ...

25. HSQLDB datasource is not correctly shutdown    forum.springsource.org

HSQLDB datasource is not correctly shutdown Hi, I have some problems with an HSQLDB datasource in in-process mode. My datasource is configured like this : Code:

26. HSQLDB not shutting down with shutdown parameter    forum.springsource.org

HSQLDB not shutting down with shutdown parameter Hi, I am using HSQLDB as my database for testing purposes. I had a SQL SHUTDOWN command coded in my dao but would ...

27. Changing HSQLDB in Contacts Demo from In-Memory to persistent mode    forum.springsource.org

Changing HSQLDB in Contacts Demo from In-Memory to persistent mode I have successfully installed and launched Acegi-Security Contacts Demo. It works fine, but for a production environment In-Memory databases are not ...

28. junit testing failure on 5th test run - hsqldb, spring    forum.springsource.org

Jan 24th, 2006, 03:18 PM #1 laurelwilliams View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2006 Posts 16 junit testing failure on 5th test run - hsqldb, ...

29. HSQLDB Call identity    forum.springsource.org

HSQLDB Call identity Hi folks, I am banging my head against the wall trying to solve a problem with HsqlDB and IDENTITY columns I have configured a table with an IDENTITY ...

30. Standalone HSQLDB    forum.springsource.org

Standalone HSQLDB I'm using Hibernate 3.1 + HSQLDB in standalone mode. Due to the new mode of shutdown of HSQLDB, the committed transaction are not persisted in the underlying ...

31. HSqlDB Function not supported?    forum.springsource.org

HSqlDB Function not supported? Hi folks, I am getting some strange errors from HSQLDB, when trying to verify if my tables exist. My strategy is to attempt to perform the queries ...

32. AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests vs HSQLDB    forum.springsource.org

I am an hibernate + Oracle user and I can't decide which is the better way of unit testing my DAO layer, 1. AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests + Oracle DB 2. HSQLDB Thoughts anyone? ...

33. Using manager to connect to petclinic hsqldb    forum.springsource.org

Using manager to connect to petclinic hsqldb Settings used are: Code: Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9002 User: sa Password: I am getting this error: Code: java.sql.SQLException: socket creation error at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(Unknown Source) ...

34. DAO unit tests with HSQLDB    forum.springsource.org

DAO unit tests with HSQLDB Hi all, I'm trying to setup a unit testing strategy for plain JDBC-based DAOs. I'm considering using HSqlDb running in in-memory mode, populating it with a ...

35. Problem with HSQLDB Batch Update    forum.springsource.org

Problem with HSQLDB Batch Update Hello there! I'm trying to perform a batch update on a HSQLDB 1.8.0, using this dao: Code: public class JDBCMensagemDAO extends JdbcDaoSupport { private static final ...

36. using hsqldb standalone in-memory database for unit testing    forum.springsource.org

I am trying to use the hsqldb standalone in-memory database for my unit testing. Here is what I do: 1) In my build file, I create my test database and populated ...

37. hsqldb port problems    forum.springsource.org

hsqldb port problems When running my app im getting the following error. My program is trying to save a form bean to a table. Code: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: Cannot open connection; ...

38. No commit when change to hsqldb    forum.springsource.org

No commit when change to hsqldb Hi all, im very newbie to Spring, and im developing an example app that use jdbc access to a ddbb by DriverManagerDataSource. I test the ...

39. Starting HSQLDB from Spring    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, How can I start an instance of HSQLDB from spring? I don't know if this is the right place to ask this. Please let me know. Thanks and Regards, ...

40. HSQLDB Recursive Data Structure    forum.springsource.org

HSQLDB Recursive Data Structure Hello, I have defined a data structure that maps real world organization unit to a OO-class called "Organisationseinheit". Organisationseinheit objects may be structured in a hierarchy. Therefor, ...

41. Execute HSQLDB native commands    forum.springsource.org

I'm building a desktop application using Hibernate integrated with Spring and HSQLDB to store the data. Well, my problem is that I need develop a backup for these database and the ...

42. hsqldb not rolling back in unit tests    forum.springsource.org

hsqldb not rolling back in unit tests Hello everyone, I'm trying to unit test my DAO using TestNG and an in-memory HSQLDB. I want each unit test to rollback so I ...

43. test configuration (dbunit + hsqldb)    forum.springsource.org

test configuration (dbunit + hsqldb) Hello guys, I need a little help to get started with testing my DAOs. I am using DBUnit 2.2 and HsqlDb, with Spring 2.0.8. I ...

44. How can I convert HSQLDB sql script to mysql script    forum.springsource.org

45. Spring JDBC module with HSQLDB and OSGI    forum.springsource.org

I have been having trouble getting the Spring JDBC module to connect to an HSQLDB database in OSGI. It seems like the only way that I can get Spring JDBC to ...

46. Spring and hsqldb    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I've recently been working through the Spring-MVC-step-by-step example. I got everything working successfully but I don't know how to make hsqldb start up automatically rather than manually using a .bat ...

47. Spring-MVC tutorial: Exception when changing from HSQLdb to MySQL    forum.springsource.org

Spring-MVC tutorial: Exception when changing from HSQLdb to MySQL Hi, when I try to change db from HSQLdb to MySQL I get I get an exception when I try to increase ...

48. HSQLDB Index Not Reset On Unit Test    forum.springsource.org

HSQLDB Index Not Reset On Unit Test I am trying to unit test my CRUD actions using the HSQLDB. In each test I persist two objects and then do something. My ...

49. hsqldb data persistance question    forum.springsource.org

hsqldb data persistance question i was going through the MVC tutorial and, in Chapter 5, hsqldb simple jar DB engine is used. i was just curious where the data files are ...

50. issue with HSQLDB, Spring on Glassflish    forum.springsource.org

issue with HSQLDB, Spring on Glassflish Hi all, I am using the Hsqldb and Spring in our application. The HSQLDB is started from Spring context. I tested the application on tomcat5.5, ...

51. Frustated trying to find docs on how to use embedded hsqldb when testing?    forum.springsource.org

Frustated trying to find docs on how to use embedded hsqldb when testing? Before using Spring, I just had a base class make a connection to hsqldb as an embedded instance ...

52. hsqldb: using file based db in WEB-INF dir    forum.springsource.org

hsqldb: using file based db in WEB-INF dir Hi all, I'm trying to setup a demo application that requires no installation other than deploying a war file. I'm trying to use ...

53. hsqldb silent argument    forum.springsource.org

I want to pass the silent=false into the hypersonic database so i can debug what's going on in my data access. I'm creating my hypersonic instance thus: Code: