ActiveMQ « Development « Spring Q&A

1. SocketException in ActiveMQ when exiting listener application

I am currently setting up a Tomcat Server that is running an embedded ActiveMQ broker. I'm using Spring to configure JMS. I wrote a test application to listen to ...

2. Tomcat understands amq:broker but Eclipse marks errors in schema

When working with ActiveMQ in Eclipse, you might sometimes get a schema parsing error as such:

Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c:
The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for ...

3. Disable jmx in activemq network of brokers (spring, xbean)

Since I've struggled a lot with this problem, I am posting my solution. Disabling jmx in an activemq network of brokers removes race conditions about the registration of the jmx connector. When ...

4. ActiveMQ broker configuration error when specifying persistenceAdapter: "One of '{WC[##other:""]}' is expected"

I am setting up a simple ActiveMQ embedded broker. It works fine, until I try to configure a persistence adapter. I am basically just copying the configuration from

5. Suggestions needed for request-reply on ActiveMQ and Camel using Spring NMS on .NET

I am trying to use the ActiveMQ and Camel (running in broker) on .NET using Spring and NMS. In general, these components work brilliantly. I have a camel route ...

6. Embedded ActiveMQ broker in Spring/OSGi problems

I ran into a very disturbing issue that's been puzzling me for a while and I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on this. Basically, what I'm trying to ...

7. ActiveMQ ignoring persistent=false

I am using Active MQ for integration testing my application. I have defined an active-mq broker in a spring config like so:

<amq:broker useJmx="false" 

8. ActiveMQ single consumer multiple producers

can anybody point out a reference on how to implement a single consumer multiple producer in activemq Or could give a very simple implementation this will be very helpful. tnx

9. ActiveMQ + OSGi XML xBean configuration problem

I've been having problems configuring an ActiveMQ broker through an xBean-parsed external XML file. At this point, ANY help, tips, pointers, hints or even cheering-up are appreciated. Here's my issue: I'm trying ...

10. How do you publish a JMS topic with Spring JMS?

I have a component that sends messages to a queue to be handled by another system. It should also publish a topic about job statuses every once in a while. Can ...

11. JMS request/reply pattern in grails

I am creating a grails web app which makes use of JMS messaging. I have installed the JMS plugin for grails and using activemq as the messaging provider. I want to ...

12. Implementing Publish Subscribe Using JMS Spring ActiveMQ

I want to know how to define Topoic,COnnectionfactory,session in the configuration file(in XML File) that has to be done for implementing Publish Subscribe(Using Topic) in JMS Spring ActiveMQ? Please find the ...

13. How to set the ActiveMQ redeliveryPolicy on a queue?

How do I set the redeliveryPolicy in ActiveMQ on a Queue? 1) In the doc, see: activeMQ Redelivery, the explain that you should set it on the ConnectionFactory or Connection. ...

14. ActiveMQ send and receive folder of XML file

I have a java application that makes I/O of files: Module 1 : output txt file (HardDisk). Module 2: input txt file (HD) output: folder of XML files (HD) I want to benefit ...

15. how XBeanNamespaceHandler is used by ActiveMQ?

I am interesting to know how ActiveMQ's xml is pared to generate its embedded broker. I found the following spring.handlers in the activemq-core-5.5.0.jar.

#Generated by xbean-spring
#Mon Mar 28 19:10:40 IST 2011
This indicate ...

16. ActiveMQ SocketException

I'm running into a problem every two months or so. My activemq server dies and the log is full with SocketExceptions. I have a PHP application using stomp to send messages ...

17. Autoreconnect problem with ActiveMQ and CachingConnectionFactory

I'm having a problem with ActiveMQ and Spring's CachingConnectionFactory. I'm setting them up like this:

<!-- A connection to ActiveMQ --> 
<bean id="myConnectionFactory" 
    <property ...

18. Which queuing implementation is advisable if we want to keep things simple?

our needs for a queuing solution are fairly simple, a producer needs to put things in a persistent queue and these need to be handled by a consumer. The queuing systems ...

19. Dequeue issue with ActiveMQ 5.5.0

I'm using Spring .NET 1.3.2 within my windows services. My consumer works fine with Active MQ server 5.4.0. However, with Active MQ server 5.5.0, i have an issue with ...

20. jms producer performance with spring

i created a simple producer consumer simulation based on spring, jms and activemq, i'm trying to reach high performance from both sides, producers and consumers, Connection settings :

<tx:annotation-driven />
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jms.connection.JmsTransactionManager">

21. Memory Leak, Spring NMS - ConsumerCacheKey

I've recently been given the task of trying to find why our (.NET 4) application is using an inappropriate amount of memory. Yay In the course of this investigation I found that ...

22. How to configure ehcache.xml to use JMS + ActiveMQ + Tomcat and enable tomcat to start even if the JMS server is down?

I a using ehcache with JMS replication and ActiveMQ as a JMS server. It is currently used to cache database results with Hibernate 3.6.7 My cacheManager is configured as above:

class="net.sf.ehcache.distribution.jms.JMSCacheManagerPeerProviderFactory" properties=",

23. ActiveMq - Kaha - Store is locked... waiting 10 seconds for the Store to be unlocked

I have two queues on my application (Spring3-Hibernate-ActiveMq). Thanks for your comments in advance. I would be glad if you help me avoid the following error: 10:02:41,541 INFO KahaStore:463 - Kaha ...

24. Task distribution using Spring JMS receiving

I am trying to receive JMS messages from an Active MQ queue. On receiving messages, they are forwarded to different servers for processing. I want to instantiate Message Listeners with information ...

25. Bundle Apache ActiveMQ Web Connector needs in version>=1.0.1

Bundle Apache ActiveMQ Web Connector needs in version>=1.0.1 Hi, Sorry if I'm not in the correct forum. In karaf 2.1.2, I try to install the bundle "Apache ActiveMQ Web Connector ...

26. Unrecognized xbean namespace mapping:

Unrecognized xbean namespace mapping: Using STS 2.6.1 SR1, Roo 1.1.4 on JDK 1.6.0_20 Created Roo Project, setup database and entity. AOK. Then from my Roo Shell... Code: ~.model.ExecutionLog roo> jms ...

27. How configure ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ for Spring 3

These are totally different technologies. However spring supports both. In the Core Spring Framework there's JMS template that you would use with ActiveMQ, then there's a separate Spring-AMQP project that you ...

28. Problems with method signature Spring 2.0-M3+ActiveMQ 4.0-M4

Problems with method signature Spring 2.0-M3+ActiveMQ 4.0-M4 I am currently trying to use the ActiveMQ embedded broker with Spring Framework 2.0-M2. I had an issue with the signature of a different ...

29. Controlling/testing Quarts and ActiveMQ/Jencks apps

Controlling/testing Quarts and ActiveMQ/Jencks apps Hi, I have an application that will use Quarts for scheduling batch processing and use ActiveMQ/Jencks to handle communications. These are two separate sub-applications that do ...

30. Problem with ActiveMQ and Spring 2.0

Problem with ActiveMQ and Spring 2.0 I've just started using Spring 2.0 with my application witch uses ActiveMQ v4.0.1 for JMS-ing. Upon startup I get an exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/beans/factory/xml/DefaultXmlBeanDefinitionParser I have ...

31. Spring 2.5.3 + ActiveMQ 5.1.0-RC3 + JCA xml configuration correct?

Spring 2.5.3 + ActiveMQ 5.1.0-RC3 + JCA xml configuration correct? Hi all, For Spring 2.5.3 + ActiveMQ 5.1.0-RC3 + JCA is this the right way to configure JCA for the consumer ...

32. Spring JMS with ActiveMQ

Spring JMS with ActiveMQ Hello, I am sorry if i have started a thread the format of which could probably exist. Moderators please move this thread to the appropriate area if ...

33. ActiveMQ, SimpleMessageListenerContainer, and exiting application

ActiveMQ, SimpleMessageListenerContainer, and exiting application I have a very, very simple Spring application that connects to an ActiveMQ. When I don't define a listener in the configuration XML file, the program ...


How to manage ActiveMQ using SPRINGSOURCE APPLICATION MANAGEMENT SUITE (AMS) We have some monitoring requirements of ActiveMQ. But the built-in JMX support from ActiveMQ comes in short of Notification and Alert. ...

35. Using ActiveMq Topics Instead of Queues

Using ActiveMq Topics Instead of Queues Hi all, I'm trying to configure an integration between 2 activemq queues using JMS. In both queues is published topics for possible subscribers. I have ...

36. which ActiveMQ 5.2 jars are needed in tomcat/lib

which ActiveMQ 5.2 jars are needed in tomcat/lib For Spring / BlazeDS integration in Tomcat, which jars are needed from ActiveMQ ? There is a bunch of jars in AMQ5.2.0/lib, then ...

37. ActiveMQ Recovery

Hi all, I'm using SI and AMQ, whe AMQ fails the connection is not recovered anymore and I cant send more messages to AMQ, so I have to restart my app. ...

38. IBM MQ/ActiveMQ XML Config

Hi all, I'm desperately trying to reconfigure the samples to make use of IBM MQ q's instead of the ActiveMQ ones. Has anyone got a sample xml config for doing this ...

39. ActiveMQ JMX in Springsource DM Server

ActiveMQ JMX in Springsource DM Server Hello, I'm new here and that's why I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask my question. Please be kind My problem ...

40. Monitoring ActiveMQ

Hi I have ActiveMQ running on my machine. I want to monitor it using AMS. I created some alerts but I am not getting any emails. I am just pushing some ...

41. Tomcat log4j logs and ActiveMQ

Tomcat log4j logs and ActiveMQ Hi All, I am trying to implement the log4j with ActiveMQ. I got it working. But seems the currently the log4j supports only Topic. I want ...

42. SpringJunit4ClassRunner and ActiveMQ brokers

SpringJunit4ClassRunner and ActiveMQ brokers Running into an issue with junit tests using the SpringJunit4ClassRunner and an application context that contains an ActiveMQ broker. I have multiple unit tests that are meant ...

43. ActiveMQ embedded broker ugly shutdown

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