Valang « Development « Spring Q&A

1. Valang and arrays

Can you please tell me if it is possible, and if so, how to do validation of an array with Valang? from the bean: {setOfXTableArray[0].fullAmount : ? < 5 : 'fullAmount ...

2. Valang Custom Functions

Valang Custom Functions Hello, I'm trying to create a custom function for use with valang validation. I have the following function: package com.myProject.validation; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.springmodules.validation.functions.AbstractFun ction; import org.springmodules.validation.functions.Function; public ...

3. Valang Validation in a portlet

Valang Validation in a portlet I am currently trying to use the valang validation beans from the spring modules project. I have been having problems when I add the Valang intercptor ...

4. Valang configuration details...

Hi folks, For some days I have attemped to integrate the Valang in my application without success because I'm not finding configuration details about it, I know that is a lack ...

5. Valang - accessing list elements

Valang - accessing list elements Hello, Does anyone knows how to make valang access list elements? Documentation says that this can be done using syntax like: users[0].name = 'Steven' but when ...

6. Valang and number format validations

How do I 'code' number format validation, using patterns and Valang? Pattern: [0-9]{1,}\\.[0-9]{2} Is there javadocs for valang? If so, where can I find it? Thanks

7. Springmodules, Valang

Does anyone succeeded with Valang? The documentation is pretty outdated and I couldn't make it work for me. Can someone share an example of server-side and client-side Valang configuration with me? ...

8. Selective validation using Valang

Hi, Could someone tell me if it's possible to model the following with Valang? For a bean that has two attributes - colour and amount. if colour is 'green' - ensure ...

9. Valang bug when accessing list element?

I've posted similar thread few months ago, but got no reply... Has anyone successfully made valang access list elements? Documentation says that this can be done using syntax like: users[0].name = ...

10. valang help

Hi, if I created a valang bean ref in the xxx-servlet.xml file and created some entries for it, how do I make the jsp page to show the errormessage if validation ...

11. Valang OC4J 10.1.2

Valang OC4J 10.1.2 I'm using Valang with OC4J 10.1.2. My EAR file deploys fine but when I attempt to access a JSP in the root of the web application I get ...

12. hot to validate date format using valang?

Dates are treated as literals enclosed by square brackets (i.e. [yyyy-MM-dd]) and parsed by the Parser class (see Hope this helps. Regards, Sergio B. -- Sergio Bossa

13. valang with regular expression

Example on using the valang match regular expression validator here is how to define Your match validator to check for a number with 3 or more digits. I assume you have ...

14. How to test Valang validator?

Hi everybody! Here's my problem. Configured Valang validator for some Person class Code:

15. How to do the client side validation using valang

How to do the client side validation using valang Hi friends, I'm trying validation in my simple registration page using valang. i need to do the client side validation also. can ...

16. How to do the client side(by javascript) validation using valang

Hi friends, I need to do the client side validation using the spring tags. I'm using the spring 2.0 and spring-form tags in my jsp page. can any one guide me ...

17. Valang to JavaScript translation support???

I need to use the Valang Javascript translation support. This is still not released but is available in the CVS. It can automatically generate client-side JS validation. Can someone tell me ...

18. client side validation using valang

client side validation using valang i need to develop the client side validation for the particular fields in the form i tried with sources available from the website if i ...

19. valang + alphanumeric

Hi, I want to evaluate a field that requires the user to enter a password. The validation needs to check if the field contains at least 1 numeric field. My code ...

20. valang match bug?

I have the following rule defined. Code: { effectiveEnd : ? IS NOT NULL AND match('^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$',?) is true : 'effectiveEnd format incorrect. Proper format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' : '004' } ...

21. Valang validation for lists

While you can use Valang to validate specific items in a list (e.g., myList[1] I don't see a way to tell Valang that you want to apply the same validation to ...

22. valang and function in error parameters

23. Valang custom function dependencies

Valang custom function dependencies Hi all, I have created a custom Valang function that requires access to one of the DAOs in my application. My problem is that I can't find ...

24. Client Side Validation /w Valang

Client Side Validation /w Valang Hi everyone, I am trying to implement both server and client side validation to a page using Valang. Server side validation works just fine. The problem ...

25. valang: Space in a literal string

valang: Space in a literal string Hi - I'm trying to set the arguments for a validation rule as such... ...

26. Using Valang (startup and dependency problems)

Using Valang (startup and dependency problems) Hi! I am trying to use Valang for server-side and client-side validation, but I am unable to get it to work. Since we use Maven ...

27. How to implement and unit test Valang Server-side validation?

How to implement and unit test Valang Server-side validation? (I am reposting in a new thread since my reply to an old thread didn't give any feedback) Hi! I am trying ...

28. valang: possible to import validation from another validator.xml?

is it possible to have a validator import validations from another validator? i'm trying to have a baseValidator which contains all the generic validations and then have another validator to have ...

29. Valang syntax usability

(I guess that this is an enhancement request?) The syntax for a valang rule is currently: Code: { : : [: [: ]] } This leads ...

30. valang error on Uppercase propertie

valang error on Uppercase propertie hello, I have some annoying error, and i need some help. I'm using spring-modules 0.6 (because is the newest version on maven repository) i have a ...

31. Valang Issue

Valang Issue Hi EveryOne I m using SpringMVC with Valang for client side validation. i am also using the spring Common validation by implementing Validator interface for server side validation. I ...

32. Client side validation with Valang and Spring Web Flow

Client side validation with Valang and Spring Web Flow It seems that client side validation with Valang only works with Spring MVC, not with Spring Web Flow (because auf the "commandName" ...

33. validation-valang production-ready?

Hi, We're trying to choose between the validation options given in the validation module. Obviously, valang looks nicer, but what is your experience: can you rely on this in production? Or ...

34. No valang clientside validation for "Cancel" button: possible?

Hmmm, is it possible not to validate for a "Cancel" button? I'm using CancellableFormController (where one of submit buttons is named "_cancel") and find it very annoying that I get validation ...

35. Dependency injection in valang validator

I want to mix client side and server side validation in a page. On the server side validator, it need to get a handle to a service bean and do the ...

36. Valang to validate the format of date and time?

Hi, I hope to use Valang to validate the format of input date and time, MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss. I read Valang's project document and the book of Expert Spring MVC and Web ...

37. Custom Valang function results in ParseException

Custom Valang function results in ParseException Hello, I've developed my own custom function for valang validation (my own e-mail validation using GenericValidator): Code: public class MyEmailValidator extends AbstractFunction { public MyEmailValidator(Function[] ...

38. Dependency injection for Valang not working

Dependency injection for Valang not working Hi I have written a Valang custom function and want to inject an integer into it from a properties file. The way I am doing ...

39. Valang validation doesnt work if form contains an input type="file"

If i include an input type="file" in my form then valang validation doesn't work and invalid values are let through. Has anyone seen this before ? or am I doing something ...

40. valang vs commons validator..

41. Using valang with ajax

Using valang with ajax Hi Experts, Is there a way to use the validation already specified using valang to be used as client side validation using AJAX and DWR. for example ...

42. Valang, validate numbers

Valang, validate numbers Hello, I want to validate that a string has a numeric format using valang. But I do not find the correct way. I tried to use a regular ...

43. Valang is fail to validate 'ID' field

Apr 24th, 2007, 02:14 AM #1 dhavalpatel03 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 3 Valang is fail to validate 'ID' field Hi I ...

44. How to use valang validator to validate a simple form?

Hi, I am trying to do validations of a form using valang validator.But i don't know how to use it. Would u please send me the sample code how to use ...

45. Valang Validator supported jars

Hi all, I am trying to do form validations using valang validator. I am new to spring .What are the supported jars for valang validator.Can u please list out those jars ...

46. Valang sample example

hi all, I am doing valang validations in spring. But as iam new to spring i cannot able to write configuration files(web.xml,servletname-servlet.xml,applicationContext.xml). Can any one please send me the sample code ...

47. JavaCC grammer for Valang parser does not permit uppercase first letter in field name

JavaCC grammer for Valang parser does not permit uppercase first letter in field name I have a bean with a field that has an uppercase first letter "importGImbr1CoverageContractStatus.TEffectiveDate ". The ValangParser ...

48. Servlet API dependency in the VALANG validation fw

Servlet API dependency in the VALANG validation fw Hi, I am working on a common web application development project. We have decided to use the Spring MVC for the presentation layer. ...

49. How to inject args into valang rules

How to inject args into valang rules If I have a rule like this:

50. Why aren't there any good VaLang examples/tutorials.

Why aren't there any good VaLang examples/tutorials. Hello, I admit to being new to spring, and I am looking to validate a simple form. When I saw how VaLang works, by ...

51. Valang example: parameterized error code?

I would like to use Valang for validation. Valang suuports rule as follows: { : : [: [: ]] } For example: { firstName : length(?) ...

52. valang and image submit button

53. Valang and Date objects

Valang and Date objects Hello All: My question is: how do I do a validation on the date string BEFORE it is converted into a date. Here is my logic: Here ...

54. Valang

Valang Hi, Today implement valang in my exmaple .

55. Valang in validation.xml?

Hey. I don't want to have the valang inside the servlet.xml. Instead i would like to define it in the validation.xml file under each field. How can i do this? The ...

56. Valang client-side / Freemarker demands a body!

57. Valang and Radio Buttons

You just code one of them to be checked...then you can't 'un-check' any of them. You shouldn't need a validator for that unless you need to validate the actual values to ...

58. Is anyone maintaining Valang Validator?

Is anyone maintaining Valang Validator? Hi, I've submitted a number of patches to JIRA, fixing 3 bugs with Valang validation and adding support for Client Side validation for Portlet-MVC. I've not ...

59. validation: Valang global errors

validation: Valang global errors Hi everybody, I'm trying valang and I really like it. I have one little problem I couldn't figure out how to solve it. I have this validator: ...

60. java script validation and Valang

61. How to set the Valang rules optional depending on the request parameter?

How to set the Valang rules optional depending on the request parameter? Hi all. I have the following typical configs for Valang validator in the servlet.xml: Code:

62. VaLang and servlet.xml. How to configure ?

VaLang and servlet.xml. How to configure ? Hi all! My configs for Valang validator in the servlet.xml: Code: ...

63. Valang Alphabetic only in Input

Hi All, I wanted an input with only text which means only alphabetic (A-Z) I used valang validation to it.

64. flashScope inside Valang

Is this possible to get flashScope objects inside Valang validator? If yes how? As we only have on two thing inside Validator Target and Error.

65. A question about using Valang-Validator

A question about using Valang-Validator Hi all, I use the Valang-Validator to validate the form datas. Now I have a problem. In my page there are two radio-buttons, YES and NO. ...

66. A question about using Valang-Validator

A question about using Valang-Validator Hi, assumed I have a radio button gruppe with two buttons "Yes" and "No". When I click the "Yes", some input fields will be shown.Assumed just ...

67. Does VALANG client-side validation work with freemarker

Does VALANG client-side validation work with freemarker I am able to get my server-side validation working, but once I add <@valang.validate commandName="promoCodeValidator"/> to my ftl I get the following final root ...

68. not call custom function in valang "customFunctions"

not call custom function in valang "customFunctions" my spring config: Code: com.mycompany.myproject.domain.DoItFunction ...

69. Can valang create dependency controls?

my spirng config Code:

70. where get valang.tld for client side validation?

71. Escape Dollar Sign in Valang

Escape Dollar Sign in Valang I have a form command object with a property named mail$from. Just in case some of you are thinking of it, nevermind that the property has ...

72. valang in the desktop appliction. Is it possible?

73. how do I use valang in simple java project

Hi , I am new to spring. I searched a lot how to execute a simple program ,but i didn't find enough information and from where I can download spring-module-validation.jar .Please ...