lucene « Development « Spring Q&A

1. What happened to the Spring Modules project?

I read on Spring web site that the Spring Modules project is now deprecated in favor of Spring Extensions. However, unless I am missing something, Spring Extensions does not support Lucene ...

2. How to Implement Compass Search Engine with Spring Framework?

I am new to Spring Framework. I want to implement Compass Search Engine in Spring Framework. Please help me to understand things. Thanks.

3. Implementing compass

I have to integrate Compass with the Spring. First I thougth to implement the Compass using its core apis, I have also read the documentation
but i am not getting some application ...

4. Spring Lucene

Spring Lucene Hi All, I have been looking at the Spring Lucene module for a while and noticed that there have recently been a fair amount of changes so I guess ...

5. A question about Lucene module objectives

A question about Lucene module objectives Hi, I read a bit of the documentation of the springmodules 0.3 lucene integration (the html little tutorial and some javadoc), and from what I ...

6. Problems with lucene FSDirectoryFactoryBean

Problems with lucene FSDirectoryFactoryBean Hi, i'm playing around with the lucene module. As is read on the documentation the FSDirectory is configured within the beanfactory definition like ...

7. Dynamic Lucene IndexSearcher?

Dynamic Lucene IndexSearcher? Anyone out there using Spring's MVC w/ lucene? Basically each of our clients has their own index. I don't want to wire each IndexSearcher bean into the framework ...

8. sth wrong in

import; /** * @author Thierry Templier */ public class PoiWordDocumentHandler extends AbstractDocumentHandler implements DocumentHandler { protected String extractText(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { WordDocument wordDocument=new WordDocument(inputStream); StringWriter textWriter=new StringWriter(); wordDocument.writeAllText(new PrintWriter(textWriter)); ...

9. Lucene - error in indexing

Lucene - error in indexing Hi all, I got the following error and I haven't found any hint to solve it. java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.mergeFactor from class org.springmodules.lucene.index.factory.AbstractInd exFactory ...

10. Lucene Spring module: call for handlers

Hello everyone, first of all I'd like to thank you for the great job on Lucene integration. Next, I have a question regarding the file type handlers. You provide several handlers, ...

11. Lucene 2.2 support

What would be the appropriate venue to request springmodules support Lucene 2.2? I really like the convenient way that springmodules allows the use of the Lucene project, but would like to ...

12. Lucene - NegativeArraySizeException

Lucene - NegativeArraySizeException Hi there, I'm using springmodules-lucene (v 0.8) in my spring web application, and everything was fine, until I've receiced a NegativeArraySizeException while adding the document to the index. ...

13. spring-lucene - Searching very slow

spring-lucene - Searching very slow I have an application using spring-modules 0.8 and Spring 2.0.6. Indexing worked fine and I now have a 1.2 gb index of about 2 million documents. ...

14. SpringModules-lucene pom file

SpringModules-lucene pom file Hi. I just added SpringModules Lucene 0.8a as a dependency in my project (I'm using Maven). My Maven build stopped working, complaining that it could not download the ...

15. SM Lucene support for indexing large XML files

SM Lucene support for indexing large XML files Hi all, I want to use the Spring Module for Lucene support but I'm facing some problems because of indexing XML blacklist files ...

16. Problem With Calling SearchAPI in Lucene

Nov 24th, 2007, 06:47 AM #1 rajeev.sengupta View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2007 Posts 5 Problem With Calling SearchAPI in Lucene Issue - Its ...

17. Lucene - deleteDocuments() not taking effect

Lucene - deleteDocuments() not taking effect Hi all, I have a question about springmodules - Lucene. As part of a JUnit test, I am attempting to delete documents from the Lucene ...

18. how can i use lucene in spring? configure lucene in spring?

Hi all, Can anyone tell me how can i configure Lucene for my web Database application? i have lots of data in my database I want a full text search on ...

19. Lucene problem: No document handler defined for the name "test"

Lucene problem: No document handler defined for the name "test" Hi, I have downloaded the springmodule for lucene, version 0.9 and tried to test the sample I have used the lucene ...

20. Using Solr or Lucene

Hi, I was considering using Lucene or Solr for my project. I see many things common in both. Will be great if anyone could tell me the key difference between both ...

21. Which platform in collaboration with Lucene eases the deployment process

We're using Compass and gotta say that it has a great integration with not only spring (it even provides its own controller that make dead easy the interaction with the web ...