log « Exception « Spring Q&A

1. Setting custom TestExecutionListener for all test classes, so I can log the stack trace of every exception/assertion thrown    stackoverflow.com

Hey, I'm using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner. By default, the TestContextManager.afterTestMethod() logs every exception or assertion thrown very briefly (just the message), like so: testMethod = testDataDriven@DataDrivenAbstractTest, testException = [null]] I would like to write a custom ...

2. Best way for logging exception in Spring.NET with log4net or nlog    stackoverflow.com

I would like to know which way of log exception in Spring.NET is prefered and why. I found two common scenario. 1.Use IThrowAdvice. Created throws advice and in method AfterThrowing handle / log ...

3. Exception in logs when HandlerExceptionResolver completes successfully    forum.springsource.org

Exception in logs when HandlerExceptionResolver completes successfully I am exposing Spring REST services and in case of exception need to send back an Exception XML. I have implemented HandlerExceptionResolver and configured ...

4. Exception while loading context -can't log resource object    forum.springsource.org

Exception while loading context -can't log resource object Hi, Not sure wheather this can be a problem with logging or initialization or springframework or my JVM's StringBuffer. Here is the spring ...

5. Logging exceptions    forum.springsource.org

Hello, In my web application, I have a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver which handles any RuntimeException (like DataAccessExceptions). It works fine but how could I tell it I want all MyExceptions to be logged ...

6. Exception not in Log file    forum.springsource.org

Exception not in Log file Hi there, i have a problem with my exception handling. I use a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to catch exceptions. This bean handles exceptions spezial created for my app ...

7. how to customize Exception catching and logs    forum.springsource.org

how to customize Exception catching and logs Hi All, I am new to Spring :-). Since we have support/tamplete for DAO, we dont care to catch exceptions. But if I want ...

8. logging exception using ThrowAdvice    forum.springsource.org

logging exception using ThrowAdvice ExceptionLogger in the following configuration implements ThrowAdvice logs the exception and method details and creates new exception to be given to UI layer and throws. This advice ...

9. MessageDispatcher - exception logging    forum.springsource.org

MessageDispatcher - exception logging I have 2 kinds of exceptions returned from my service implementations: 1. unexpected exceptions (eg. NullPointerException), and 2. exceptions which are normal and expected outcomes of the ...

10. Exception when trying to add logging Advice..    forum.springsource.org

Exception when trying to add logging Advice.. My Webservice works fine until I add my logging Advise then I get this exception. I just tried this on 1.5.2 and it's still ...

11. Exception when trying to add logging Advice..    forum.springsource.org

12. How to log exceptions?    forum.springsource.org

How to log exceptions? Hello all, I searched aroud the forums but I haven't found any topic similar to my problem. I am building a Struts 1 (view - controller) - ...

13. how to set up Spring to log exceptions with level ERROR    forum.springsource.org

I have set the log level to ERROR. But I don't see even runtime exceptions logged in my log. Code: log4j.logger.org.springframework=ERROR ===> No exceptions seen. But I change log level to ...

14. How dump exception logs in ListFieldstemapper into execution context    forum.springsource.org

How dump exception logs in ListFieldstemapper into execution context how to use execution context to dump bad records logged at ListFieldSetmapper ListFieldSetMapper.java:- Code: public class ListFieldSetMapper implements FieldSetMapper{ public ListItem mapFieldSet(FieldSet ...

15. prevent to display runtime exception Stacktrace in log file    forum.springsource.org

we are throwing business runtime exceptions from application code(filter class & Blogic class),but we want to prevent those business runtime exceptions from getting registered into log file. Is there any way ...

16. Logging exception stack traces - stack traces are lost    forum.springsource.org

Logging exception stack traces - stack traces are lost We have extended SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver to log all exceptions that get caught by the framework, but we have noticed that these exceptions do ...