file 2 « File « Spring Q&A

1. What to do with file uploads

What to do with file uploads Upon getting a file upload, where is a good spot to put it? I want to be able to keep the files whether the server ...

2. File check and movement

File check and movement Hi, Please provide solution for the given scenario::== I am using MultiResourceItemReader to read multiple text files(assume more than 10 files), in each file i may have ...

3. welcome-file-list not being fully honoured

welcome-file-list not being fully honoured Got a tricky problem that has had me stumped for a while. The welcome-file-list section seems to by pass the springs DispatcherServlet so that all the ...

4. Installing and uninstalling a addon from a script file

Is it possible to install / uninstall a addon from a script file e.g.: deploy.roo: perform assembly addon uninstall addon install file:target/ What happens now is that the restart performed ...

5. Support for File Uploads

Hello, Consider the following RooEntity: @Entity @RooJavaBean @RooToString @RooEntity public class Image { @Lob private String description; @Lob private byte[] contents; } Currently the generated controller and views do not handle ...

6. Automatically created files.

How to deny roo shell to create unwanted files like these: Code: Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/views/dataAccessFailure.jspx Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/views/resourceNotFound.jspx Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/views/uncaughtException.jspx Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/views/index.jspx Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/views/controller-index.jspx I've a bit reorganized views structure - error files ...

7. cannot slurp a file via file adapters

cannot slurp a file via file adapters Hello all i am trying to read teh content from a file in directory X. the setup is simple: - have an inbound file ...

8. Redefine a config file with another config file

9. The same pom file in two projects. an error in one, but not the other

I copy the pom file of the new PetCare project to a new project. In the new project, an error says "Missing artifact javax.validation:validation-api:jar:1.0.0.GA:compile" on the both overview and dependencies screens ...

10. Saving a MailMessage as a .msg file

Hi, Is it possible to save a MailMessage as a .msg file that can be opened using a standard email client (such as Outlook)? Thanks, Abdullah

11. with File.separator not work

with File.separator not work Code: public static void main( String[] args ) {"Showcase application starting up"); String rootContextDirectoryClassPath = "/org/springframework/richclient/samples/showcase/ctx"; String startupContextPath = rootContextDirectoryClassPath + "/richclient-startup-context.xml"; String richclientApplicationContextPath = rootContextDirectoryClassPath ...

12. backup command lost my files

I have modified the .jspx files to my style. Today, i use the backup command in roo shell in STS and unfortunately, it changes my views file to the auto-generated one. ...

13. Are the ITD files being combined into the same compiled .class?

Are the ITD files being combined into the same compiled .class? hi guys, I thought the ITDs were combined into the same compiled .class file at compilation time. Into my project's ...

14. gsp file

i open with gsp file with gsp editor ,but why like text editor to editor my gsp file?? ??????? on line wait.thanks

15. ItemReaderListener to file

Newbie to Spring Batch... What is the proper / best practice way to write the error records in ItemReaderListener.onError method to a ItemFileWriter and not out to a log? Thanks much ...

16. Problem while archiving files using MultiResourceListener

Problem while archiving files using MultiResourceListener Hi, I am processing some flatfiles and once they are processed, they are being moved to archive directory. But what happens is if everything is ...

17. File Transformation

File Transformation I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on the ways to integrate file transformations within Spring Integration. For example, in some integration products, it is fairly simple to ...

18. automatically remove .aj file

Hi, everybody, when I import org.springframework.validation.ObjectError in the controller , roo *.aj automatically remove the controller of the file, looking for a long time, not the cause, and I am confused, ...

19. @PreRemove in .java file

I have been messing around with spring roo and I found a reference in the documentation in the field commands section which says when making a One to One relationship you ...

20. 1.1.0.M2: "Too many open files"

1.1.0.M2: "Too many open files" Hi, been trying to model a project which has quite an amount of domain objects and when it comes to the generation of controllers (controller all ...

21. Fantom config file

I was playing with Roo and Integration to see how it perform but the configuration was a fail ... maven cannot dl the integration-file M5. I decided to remove the ...

22. How to change the default index file.

Hi all, We are using Velocity as a template engine, and view resolver is configured to use velocity. However, when I'm trying to access the root of the app it tries ...

23. strange js files behaviour

I have those JS files, and when downloaded onto the browser, half of them show up as hieroglyphs. I am opening them in the ide, they show up normally. I tried ...

24. How to update the content of a File

Hi all, I have got a use case where in i want to change a particular line with some other line. Is there any other alternative as such rather than reading ...

25. Automatic build of project with different config files for different customers

Automatic build of project with different config files for different customers Hi all. I have a problem where I'm responsible for an application sold to different customers. Some background: The application ...

26. How to display shockwave files

I have to intercept a .swf-URL, perform some checking and then show that file on browser. I need some tips how to do this. Can I do it in a similar ...

27. Problem in appending to a file

Hi I am trying to append to a file but getting an error: File already exists private FlatFileItemWriter delegate; FileSystemResource resource = new FileSystemResource("abc.txt"); this.delegate.setShouldDeleteIfExists(true); this.delegate.setResource(resource);; this.delegate.write(list); this.delegate.close(); Please help ...

28. Spring 3 config file error

Spring 3 config file error I have competed the templated config files that exist in a new mvc spring project. I have done the same to the three files. In one ...

29. Spring 3 config file error

Spring 3 config file error I have competed the templated config files that exist in a new mvc spring project. I have done the same to the three files. In one ...

30. using a default in config files

I am using a JAVA_OPTS variable ('env') to set the proper environment for loading things like jdbc connnections, etc. Is there a way to specify a default value in my xml ...

31. tagx files question

A simple question... I see a {sec_id} in datetime.tagx and other files. for e.g.,

Where is sec_id set?