name « File « Spring Q&A

1. Is it possible to specify a class name for Spring Framework in an external file?

I have an application built on the Spring Framework that uses an external properties file for some things like database host string, username and password so that we can check the ...

2. MultipartFileEditor and file name

3. How to get file name from CosMultipartResolver

I have been using the org.springframework.web.multipart.cos.CosMultipart Resolver and binding the file bytes to a command class with initBinder e.g. binder.registerCustomEditor(byte[].class, new ByteArrayMultipartFileEditor()); This gets me the file bytes, but I also ...

4. DocumentHandler.FILENAME

DocumentHandler.FILENAME Hi, I have tried to compile the sources in the org.springmodules.samples.lucene package The member DocumentHandler.FILENAME referenced from AbstractDocumentHandler does not exits according to my jdk compiler. I have checked the ...

5. File-source name

I've download the filesucker example posted in the blog section. I see that the FileSucker class processes the polled directory. However the method param is a String. Code: @Handler public void ...

6. Using MultipartFile with several files having the same name

Using MultipartFile with several files having the same name Hello, I am new to spring framework and I have got a question about MultipartFile. as far as I know it is ...

7. Append datetime to output file name

Greetings, What is the simplest way to append the datetime to the output text file name? Today I name my output files via spring configuration:

8. How to personalize the name of output file

How to personalize the name of output file Hello, i want to personaliez the name of outputfile writer using the current date: for example the writer is :

10. Pass file name to FlatFileWriter at runtime

hi, I need to pass file name to FlatFileWriter at runtime, i need to do a file read and use that data to arrive at the file name. Am storing the ...

11. FileSystemResource that accept wildcard for the file name

Originally Posted by ballistic_realm Hi all My question is how can i specify the multiple input file as somekind of FileSystemPath like c://files/*.TXT I try to inject 'c://files/*.TXT' as the resource ...

12. Setting File Name at runtime

Hi All, I have a requirement that need to read data from Database and generate XML files. The XML file name should be logically created as the row data selected and ...

13. Using the current filename in the FieldSetMapper

Using the current filename in the FieldSetMapper I have a scenario where I need to extract a date value from the input filename and use it within the FieldSetMapper. I'm using ...

14. FileConverter fix to add TAB driven file name completion

FileConverter fix to add TAB driven file name completion Could you guys pls add couple of lines into rter.getAllPossibleValues() to implement file name completion? Something like: for (String file : ...

15. Need help getting all filename strings

Need help getting all filename strings Hello: Wondering if anyone can help us with this. We are using spring bat to iterate through all xml files in a directory. Unfortunately, we ...