JPA « GWT « Spring Q&A

1. GWT/Spring/Hibernate data change events and transactions

I'm working on an AJAX application using GWT, Spring and Hibernate. I'm keeping some configuration data on the client side, which is almost never changed, but when it is changed, I ...

2. A sample application in GWT + Spring + Hibernate

I've been thinking of using Spring + Hibernate with GWT, read a quite a few links on this topic but I'm not able to get started. So I'm looking for a ...

3. How to install JPA persistence provider in spring roo project?

I am looking SpringSource Tool Suite with Google Integration and I am getting that hint when I define persistence setup. hint:"Command 'persistence setup --provider DATANUCLEUS --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY' was found ...

4. SaaS / Multi-Tenancy approaches for Java-based (GWT, Spring, Hibernate) web applications

I am currently looking into converting a single-tenant Java based web-app that uses Spring, GWT, Hibernate, Jackrabbit, Hibernate Search / Lucene (among others) into a fully fledged SaaS style app. I stumbled ...

5. GWT hibernate spring serialization problem

Hey everyone! I'm developing a gwt + spring + hibernate app, but when I run it I get this error:

[WARN] Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call Type 'org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException' was not included ...

6. java.lang.StackOverflowError Problem

Hey everyone! I'm developing a spring/gwt/hibernate/jpa app. I got spring/gwt implemented and almost hibernate. The thing is I have a problem with this error:

[ERROR] Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call Service ...

7. Spring + hibernate lazy fetching

I have problem with org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role. How to implement lazy fetching with gwt + spring + hibernate? Here's my appContext:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:aop="" xmlns:context="" ...

8. Going crazy. Spring 3.0.x Hibernate 3.6.5 JPA - Unable to configure EntityManagerFactory

I've been going crazy for the last several hours. I simply cannot configure Spring, Hibernate, with JPA. I have a default GWT project. The only non default thing is I've ...

9. Is Spring + Hibernate the best for web apps?

just looking for a couple of great opinions I started with JSF+Spring+Hibernate, and it was wonderful. Hibernate makes DB abstraction so logical and simplifies work a lot. Then Spring help me get ...

10. fill the gap between a simple GWT app to ROO (or backwards)

I'm trying my best to use ROO, the problem is all I worked before was normal GWT apps created with eclipse and gwt designer. Also, I do know how Spring and ...

11. Spring + GWT + Hibernate

12. GWT advanced binding UI with remote hibernate model - best practices

GWT advanced binding UI with remote hibernate model - best practices What is the recommended approach for binding a remote hibernate model with with a service-like interface (such as GWT)? I ...

14. Install GWT, Spring, Hibernate, JBOSS

17. Spring, Hibernate, Lazy loading