Tapestry « Integration « Spring Q&A

1. Tapestry integration    forum.springsource.org

Tapestry integration Hi all, I am using Tapestry for my web framework and Spring for the backend. I wanted a clean way to access the ApplicationContext from within Tapestry. I wasn't ...

2. Tapestry integration problem    forum.springsource.org

Hi, we cannot get past our login page. We have configured Acegi as a chain of filters, but when we access our home page (which is also our login page), it ...

3. Integration with Tapestry 4.1    forum.springsource.org

Integration with Tapestry 4.1 Hello, I have problem with integration Spring 2.0 with Tapestry 4.1. I have follewed this guide http://static.springframework.org/sp...ry-40-style-di and some others. Iam using tapestry-spring.jar 0.1.2. When I start ...