bean « Integration « Spring Q&A

1. Spring Integration and Tomcat solution vs Websphere MDB solution: functionality?

We're looking at the choice between implementing an enterprise integration solution in either:

  • Spring/Spring Integration/JMS/Spring Web MVC
  • Websphere Application Server/MDB/Spring
What are the pros/cons? Especially interested in what WAS/MDB solution is functionally ...

2. Spring integration : replace xml configured bean property dynamically?

I'm trying to do a ftp poller with the help of Spring integration and the poller works great with the xml configuration. Now I would like to be able to dynamically ...

3. Injected spring bean no longer available during integration test tear down in grails

I've got this strange error during my integration tests. I've got a domain object which extends another one, where I have injected a spring bean [defined in resources.groovy]. It looks something like this:

class ...

4. Can a Spring Bean programmatically replaced in an loaded SpringContext

i want write an integration test but with one minor restriction. i got a TimeSourceBean that i want to mock out. this TimeSourceBean is used serveral times deep in the application. ...

5. Spring Beans Problems when defining an integration scenario

Spring Beans Problems when defining an integration scenario I created a simple integration scenario Code: ...

6. Integration testing: how to define test beans?

Hi. I basically want to know how to define test beans that use other non-test beans, something that probably requires overriding a bean definition. Here's my situation: Suppose I have a ...

7. struts integration: are beans not threadsafe?

struts integration: are beans not threadsafe? I'm new to Spring; my first Spring project is using Struts as the web tier. Two common options for integrating Spring with Struts, according to ...

8. new bean scopes and integration testing

Hello, I think I've found a way to test the new bean scopes in spring 2.0 (request, session, globalSession). See my blog entry here. Let me know what you think about ...

9. Easy integration of Groovy Spring Bean Builder

I was quite interested to read that Grails supports BeanBuilder without servlet / webflow dependencies (but actually found it not to be the case with the latest release which I believe ...

10. recommended integration of JSF Beans

Hi @ all, we've decided to build a web-application with JSF, Spring and Hibernate. Therefore I've read a lot about Spring, especially about managing JSF Beans, in the last few days. ...

11. simple bean integration test

simple bean integration test Hi, I created a sample project using the archetype as described in the docs. mvn archetype:create \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.springframework.osgi \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-osgi-bundle-archetype \ -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0-m2 \ -DgroupId= \ -DartifactId= \ ...

12. Help with integration of custom beans xml format

Help with integration of custom beans xml format I am trying to help the ActiveMQ people with integration of their configuration file format into a spring application context. Currently they use ...

13. Cannot import beans from Spring Integration

Cannot import beans from Spring Integration Hi, I have two projects containing Spring Bean Definition Files. The first project A defines some beans and - using the int-namespace - some channels ...

15. integration with spring bean scopes