encoding « Internationalization « Spring Q&A

1. How to use Spring's StandardPasswordEncode?    stackoverflow.com

StandardPasswordEncoder encoder = new StandardPasswordEncoder("secret");
String result = encoder.encode("myPassword");
assertTrue(encoder.matches("myPassword", result));
This is all clear, but in database I just store a single VARCHAR password field storing hashed value concatenated by salt? Is it ...

2. encoding    forum.springsource.org

encoding Hi I am using Spring Roo and I have a BAD problem with encoding... 1. I know that I have a problem with request and response being encoded in ISO-8859-1 ...

3. UTF-8 encoding    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I've a problem with UTF-8 encoding for accented characters. My configuration is web.xml Code: characterEncodingFilter org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter encoding UTF-8 forceEncoding true applicationContext.xml ...

4. Content-transfer-Encoding is getting set to quoted-printable by default.    forum.springsource.org

Oct 3rd, 2011, 06:19 PM #1 atish.narlawar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2011 Posts 4 Content-transfer-Encoding is getting set to quoted-printable by default. Hi, ...

5. Encoding for freemarkertemplates    forum.springsource.org

Hi! How can I specify default encoding for freemarker templates when using my viewResolver-bean (freeMarkerViewResolver) and use new ModelAndView("my_template", ...)? When creating a bean for the freemarker template I can use ...

6. displaying UTF-8 character encoding    forum.springsource.org

displaying UTF-8 character encoding Hi all, I'm currently working on a web application for which I need to support UTF-8 character encoding. The application is such that the JSP pages don't ...

7. JasperReportsHtmlView UTF-8 encoding problem    forum.springsource.org

JasperReportsHtmlView UTF-8 encoding problem Hi all, It seems that JasperReportsHtmlView is not able to output the result as UTF-8 encoding. I have configured the view as follow .. Code: ...

8. How to set attachment 's encoding    forum.springsource.org

How to set attachment 's encoding I use springframework 's mail API to send mail. And I am Chinese; I find that the email 's attachment couldn't be open normally. it ...

9. International characters encoding problem...    forum.springsource.org

International characters encoding problem... Hi there, I have web application with spring-hibernate-based business logic tier (MySQL database). And I can't get character encoding rigth... Could somebody tell me what are the ...

10. character encoding    forum.springsource.org

I'm looking for a way to globally specify the response character encoding using Spring MVC. I've currently solved the issue by adding a standard filter, but wondered if Spring MVC has ...

11. Errors encoding problem    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have a strange problem: in messages.properties file I put error messages in UTF-8. If I put in JSP page Code: <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%> all messages are displayed ???####@@@, but ...

12. Convert MultipartFile with unknown encoding charset to UTF-8    forum.springsource.org

Hi, my application prints correctly documents if they are encoded in UTF-8. But a document is not ever in UTF-8. How can I convert a doc with an unknown charset encoding ...

13. Encoding/Binding problem    forum.springsource.org

Encoding/Binding problem I am having some problem with automatic binding in forms with ISO Latin characters. Everything works fine until binding is done by Spring. Accented character seems to be treated ...

14. Character encoding problem    forum.springsource.org

Character encoding problem Hi, I am using spring MVC framework in my application. The problem i am facing is whenever there are any special characters like '' in my forms, it ...

15. UTF-8 Encoding problem    forum.springsource.org

16. strange character encoding in file upload    forum.springsource.org

strange character encoding in file upload I'm doing a basic file upload in a form. Everything is going great, until I got a strange file from one of my users. Iterating ...

17. Encoding problem for czech characters in HttpRequest parameters    forum.springsource.org

Encoding problem for czech characters in HttpRequest parameters I have a rather nasty problem. I have an URL that contains an encoded string with diacritics as a parameter (i.e. the URL ...

18. Problem with AjaxResponseSender and UTF-Encoding    forum.springsource.org

Problem with AjaxResponseSender and UTF-Encoding Hi, in AjaxResponseSender.sendResponse, l. 41, the rendered response is written into the output stream of the httpResponse the following way: ServletOutputStream out = httpResponse.getOutputStream(); out.print(response); In ...

19. Character encoding problem in Textarea    forum.springsource.org

I am facing a strange problem displaying a '&' sign in the textarea element in my HTML form. The value displayed in the textarea is its HTML entity reference equivalent, ie. ...

20. oraclehandle Garbage encoding    forum.springsource.org

dear sir: when I insert a clob type to oracle database, I get a Garbage encoding of problem, code are below, my enviroment is weblogic8.14 + oracle 9i + spring 2.0, ...

21. Pb with char encoding    forum.springsource.org

Pb with char encoding Hi, I'm using Spring remoting between on my J2EE app. My server-side has services exposed via Spring Remoting and accessed by my Swing clients using this same ...

22. encoding: how to show spanish characters like     forum.springsource.org

Hello guys after to insert into my db a sql script and do a simple query via terminal like Code: mysql> SELECT a.idArticulo,descripcion FROM Articulo a WHERE a.descripcion LIKE '%%'; +------------+------------------+ ...

23. Encoding issue w/ upload of Spanish text file    forum.springsource.org

Encoding issue w/ upload of Spanish text file I am trying to upload a file of Spanish text and although I have set the default encoding on my multipartResolver to 'UTF-8' ...

24. Attachments of binary files get content 0KB - corrupt encoding?!    forum.springsource.org

Attachments of binary files get content 0KB - corrupt encoding?! Hello there! I am sending SOAP messages with email as transport using Spring WS 1.5.2. Everything works fine when sending attachments ...

25. i18n problem, encoding rendering no correct !    forum.springsource.org

hi, I had encounter a problem regards i18N. I had properties file like this Code: user.email= #file in UTF-8 encoding and my code run like this : Code: MessageSource resources = ...

26. Problem with Umlauts-Encoding    forum.springsource.org

Problem with Umlauts-Encoding Hi there! I've got a problem: I want to include error-messages in jsps. Here's the code: Code:

27. Encoding Problem    forum.springsource.org

Hi there! In my webproject sometimes umlauts are encoded right, sometimes they are not. For example a sentence is encoded right, but when i change language, the same sentence is no ...

28. DynamicWsdl11Definition encoding    forum.springsource.org

I'm using DynamicWsdl11Definition to generate the WSDL for a web service. What controls whether the encoding of the generated WSDL is in UTF-8 or ISO ? Mine is in UTF-8, a ...

29. mistery encoding    forum.springsource.org

mistery encoding Hi i'm program spring proyect. I use Spring 2.1-m2, Ibatis 2.3.0677 & Oracle 9.0.2 . We have web application to save data in BBDD. Oracle with character set WE8ISO8859P1 ...

30. i18n encoding problem for japanese    forum.springsource.org

i18n encoding problem for japanese Hello people, I am developing a web application using i18n. I am using JSTL for the view.The code is working fine for Roman scripts however there ...

31. Missing character encoding in AuthenticationSimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor    forum.springsource.org

Hi I found a problem in AuthenticationSimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor. In the line 80: Code: con.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + new String(Base64.encodeBase64(base64.getBytes()))); there should be a character encoding defined in "getBytes()". (for example getBytes(this.credentialsCharset)) A ...

32. About encoding problems    forum.springsource.org

Hi all, I just spent a few hours on a common encoding problem. Lots of posts in the forum give some hints about how to get your form submited with UTF-8 ...

33. UTF-8 encoding - resolved    forum.springsource.org

UTF-8 encoding - resolved When you build UTF-8 project, there are many small things that you have to care about. I workd on a project that needs to take care of ...

34. UTF-8 encoding - resolved    forum.springsource.org

UTF-8 encoding - resolved When you build UTF-8 project, there are many small things that you have to care about. I workd on a project that needs to take care of ...

35. Problem with utf-8 encoding    forum.springsource.org

Hi! I have a problem with sending request to my web service when request contains any of the following characters "". As a response from web service i get this error ...

36. Cannot set character encoding using @ResponseBody and HttpMessageConverter    forum.springsource.org

Cannot set character encoding using @ResponseBody and HttpMessageConverter I have a number of controller methods that use the @ResponseBody annotation with a custom HttpMessageConverter defined in the context to write the ...

37. Problems with UTF-8 encoding    forum.springsource.org

When I debug the application, and display the command object properties (the strings after binding), they are correctly in UTF-8 So, in my opinion, the problem must be somewhere after the ...

38. adding a second server for video encoding    forum.springsource.org

Lets say I have a webapp that allows users to upload a video file. I want to pass this file off to another server to handle encoding the video and storing ...

39. How to accept Chunked Transfer Encoding    forum.springsource.org

I got a WebService which returns a response with chunked Transfer Enconding. I use Spring Ws as client (soap1.1,saaj) Seems Spring Ws has a problem with chunked responses, how can i ...

40. don't understand file encoding setting in workspace    forum.springsource.org

don't understand file encoding setting in workspace Before I created any project, I set the text file encoding of the workspace to UTF-8. After that I created a grails project by ...

41. UriUtils improperly encoding UTF-8    forum.springsource.org

UriUtils improperly encoding UTF-8 Hello - I'm using RestTemplate to communicate with GeoNames.org's JSON service to search for locations. I'm searching for Tokyo, using the UTF-8 sequence Tky but the UtiUtils.encodeUri ...

42. Serious encoding problem    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have problem with stringHttpMessageConverter character encoding. For example if the browser send a request (GET) while denoting the http accept header : Code: Accept: text/plain the response will be ...

43. Spring api for rc4 encoding    forum.springsource.org

Hi. Is there a Spring (version=2.5.5) API available for RC4 cipher encryption using JRE 1.4/1.5 (preferably 1.4). Thanks

44. Problem with encoding    forum.springsource.org

Problem with encoding Hello, I have a problem with UTF-8 encoding in my web service. Web service send its request to external system like a SOAPMessage. The request message is in ...