FlushMode « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Spring/Hibernate - DataIntegrityViolation caused by FlushMode    forum.springsource.org

Spring/Hibernate - DataIntegrityViolation caused by FlushMode The situation I'm seeing is in form submission when I check for pre-existing objects of the same name in my DB. The general series of ...

2. hibernate FlushMode.MANUAL    forum.springsource.org

hi, what is the reason for throwing an exception when i try to do a update on a session which has the flush mode set to MANUAL? imho this operation is ...

3. JPA : Configuring Hibernate flushMode    forum.springsource.org

JPA : Configuring Hibernate flushMode Hello, I'm using Jpa APIs. Can we configure Hibernate flushMode to MANUAL in spring configuration files ? Thank you P.S. : I have the following configuration ...