ManyToMany « JPA « Spring Q&A

1. Multiple @ManyToMany sets from one join table

I'm mapping a proprietary database to Hibernate for use with Spring. In it, there are a couple of jointables that, for entity A and entity B have the following schema:


2. JPA, Spring, Hibernate problem with loading entities ManyToMany Assotiation

I'm trying to get data from assotiation N:N, but I receive blank field.
There are my Hibernate mapping class:

@Table(name = "companies")
public class Company extends NamedEntity {


3. ManyToMany with interfaces

ManyToMany with interfaces Hi I have an application in which I have 4 entities User, Group, Message and Ticket each entity has an id that is being generated by their corresponding ...

4. Hibernate manytomany mappings

5. Lazy initialization problem in a manytomany association

Aug 21st, 2007, 05:38 AM #1 bradox1981 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 35 Lazy initialization problem in a manytomany association Hi, When I ...

6. ManyToMany + Subselect + JPA

ManyToMany + Subselect + JPA Dear all, I am facing a problem to fetch the data from db where a ManytoMany relationship is esablished. I am having 3 tables 1.CATEGORYTABLE(pkl CATEGORYID, ...

7. ManyToMany doesn't work?

ManyToMany doesn't work? Hey Gurus! I'm not sure what i've done wrong, but ManyToMany relationship doesn't seem to work for me here we go: Entity1: Code: Entity Table(name = "user_groups") public ...

8. ManyToMany Table not updating

ManyToMany Table not updating Hello! I'm having a problem with a relation. I'm using spring mvc, toplink and postgresql. The problem is that I have a class Person and a class ...

9. ManyToMany, removing object doesn't remove relation, but just on one side..

ManyToMany, removing object doesn't remove relation, but just on one side.. Hello, I'm having a trouble with a ManyToMany relationship. I've two objects, Contact and ContactCategory. This is the relevant method ...

10. JPA handles ManyToMany very inefficient... or am I wrong?

Ok, here is may problem... Take the @ManyToMany example form jee5 javadoc: In Customer class: Code: @ManyToMany @JoinTable(name="CUST_PHONES") public Set getPhones() { return phones; } In PhoneNumber class: Code: @ManyToMany(mappedBy="phones") public ...

11. Lazy init exception with HibernateInterceptor - @ManyToMany

Sep 3rd, 2009, 01:06 PM #1 Si-Coder View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Sep 2008 Posts 45 Lazy init exception with HibernateInterceptor - @ManyToMany Hi, I'm trying ...

12. @ManyToMany loss of relation on update

@ManyToMany loss of relation on update Hi, I have the following problem: I have a many-to-many relationship between Users and Applications. I create an application. Get the user.getApplications(). add the appliction ...

13. @ManyToMany - missing joinTable?

@ManyToMany - missing joinTable? Hi, Hope someone can help me out. I have a simple @ManyToMany scenario not working and have been fiddling with it for quite a while but no ...

14. Error Saving ManyToMany Relation into DB with Java Persistence

Error Saving ManyToMany Relation into DB with Java Persistence Hello everyone! I thank you in advance for the given time and patience. My Java code follows the steps below: 1. A ...

15. ManyToMany-Stack overflow and Multiple bag error

ManyToMany-Stack overflow and Multiple bag error Hi , I am facing issues while retrieving data for entities having bi-directional manytomany relationship. If I use List for storing entities , i get ...

16. ManyToMany Spring Update