SpringBeanFacesELResolver « JSF « Spring Q&A

1. Classcast Exception with SpringBeanFacesELResolver and JSF in Tomcat 6.0.32    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to upgrade to JSF2 and Spring 3.0.5, I am getting the following error when I deploy to Tomcat. Any help appreciated.

SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance ...

2. JSF managed prop not being set via SpringBeanFacesELResolver    forum.springsource.org

JSF managed prop not being set via SpringBeanFacesELResolver I'm trying to integrate Spring 2.5.1 with JSF 1.2 (w/facelets) so I can define my managed bean in JSF and include a managed ...

3. SpringBeanFacesELResolver and JSF Managed Beans    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I tried out the SpringBeanFacesELResolver in Spring 2.5.1 in a small JSF 1.2 WebApp, to replace the JSF Managed Bean entries in the faces-config.xml. The application works fine now, but ...

4. JSF: Using EL-Funtors with SpringBeanFacesELResolver    forum.springsource.org

JSF: Using EL-Funtors with SpringBeanFacesELResolver I have just discovered an extension of the JSF EL, that allows using functions from the beans that do not begin with get or set. For ...