DirectChannel « Java EE « Spring Q&A

1. DirectChannel is default

DirectChannel is default Hi, I am trying to run an example with and when i get this bean from the context in the test class, it is always ...

2. DirectChannel as ReplyChannel

Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [ nel] to required type [ annel] for property 'defaultReplyChannel'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert ...

3. Exception in directchannel - messageendpoint freeze execution

Hi folks! I have this scenario: A message arrive at a messageendpoint, gets processed, then a new messaget is sent to a directchannel. Code: @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "fileInput") public void split(Message message) ...

4. PollableChannel vs DirectChannel

PollableChannel vs DirectChannel Hi! In my context.xml i'm trying to read files from a location which are getting stored there by some middleware application

5. Doubt on load balancing of Directchannel

Yes, I can confirm, that based on your configuration, the messages are process one at the time and that is because yo are using DirectChannel which uses the caller's thread to ...

6. Default errorChannel a DirectChannel instead of PublishSubscribeChannel?

It is pub-sub channel. I would also suggest to move to 2.0.0.RELEASE, a GA version that was released 2 days ago.

7. Error Handling when using DirectChannel, best practices

Krzysztof The overall error strategy for exception handling is to re-throw it back to the entry point of he message flow. In the async case we use error-channel simply because async ...