javamail « Java EE « Spring Q&A

1. Spring JavaMailSenderImpl: where to set the charset?

Where do you define the charset a mail is sent with if you are using a Spring JavaMailSenderImpl? We are using the Spring JavaMailSenderImpl with a mail session we get from the ...

2. Which artifact for org.springframework.mail?

I'd like to use spring support for sending mails. My project is built with maven-2 and I use spring-core 2.5.5 I tried to look in maven central repo for artifact ...

3. spring - config spring email

I used the springmail to send email from my smtp server with the following config:

<bean id="springEmailSender" class="org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl">
 <property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8"/>
 <property name="host" value=""/>
 <property name="port" value="25"/>

 <property name="username" value="username"/>
 <property name="password" ...

4. javamail smtp issue

I am using spring to send mail and for some reason its stripping the from email address. I ma sending the complete address form the sender to the mails server. I ...

5. Spring JavaMailSenderImpl javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp

I have a very large project with a ton of dependancies, and am getting the following exception when trying to send mail:

javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp
I know the code works because it is part ...

6. Accent support for mails in Spring Framework

I'm sending a mail with the word Òmnium (see the accent) in the sender using Spring Framework. The code is the one I found for Spring:

    org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl sender = ...

7. How to set content type for emails sent using spring's JavaMailSenderImpl

question is from subject. I'm using JavaMailSenderImpl from spring 3.0.3.RELEASE and velocity 1.6.4 for mail preparation from template. When I send email with Croatian characters from my webapp recipient ...

8. Preparing simple multipart/alternative email using MimeMessageHelper (Spring Framework)

I'd like to prepare simple html email with alternative plain-text version. I don't need any attachments or inline elements. By default if I use:

MimeMessageHelper message = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage, true, "UTF-8");
I get MimeMessageHelper.MULTIPART_MODE_MIXED_RELATED mode. My ...

9. Spring's JavaMailSenderImpl throws an exception but still sends the email

Using Spring 3.0, I wrote an interface to hide from the application which template engine I was using for sending mail. The interface is

public interface MailSender {
    public ...

10. Transport not work for sending smtp email in java

I am using :

transport.connect(getHost(), getPort(), getUsername(), getPassword()); 
to send email, but it always gives me the following exception:
class com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPAddressFailedException: 503 This mail server requires authentication when attempting to send ...

11. JavaMailSenderImpl sending inline photos

I'm trying to send an email using Spring's mail implementation, and using velocity templates for replacing content of html files. So far it has worked great, but right now I'm facing ...

12. Unicode chars and Spring JavaMailSenderImpl, no unicode chars under Linux!

I'm using Spring and JavaMailSenderImpl, a famous spring class to send emails. My emails contain a lot of unicode chars like èéàò or most notably the dreaded € symbol. My classes ...

13. How to configure spring to send SMTP emails through Annotations without using XML?

I need to send SMTP emails, but I'd like to avoid to use XML to configure spring services and use annotations only. How can I configure the whole SMTP sender and use ...

14. Email Client using Spring

I am looking to build an email client using Spring in Java to hopefully get some experience using the Spring framework. Would I be best off using the JavaMail library or ...

15. Send combined plain text/HTML mail with Spring and JavaMail

I'm currently using JavaMail and Spring to send email in HTML. As it happens, the HTML is generated by some Velocity templates I have, and the sending code is roughly as ...

16. Reading mails using Spring email abstraction layer

Spring provides abstraction over JavaMail Api. There are lot of examples to describe how to send mail using spring email abstraction layer. but how can i read emails using this?

17. Odd javamail behavior: method blocks...

Odd javamail behavior: method blocks... Hello, I have the following code in a Swing/Spring application: Code: private void envoyerMail(final List nouvellesSculptures, final Abonne abonne) { log.debug("envoyerMail"); final ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resources", ...

18. JavaMail - weird NoClassDefFoundError

JavaMail - weird NoClassDefFoundError I'm trying to send mail from a Spring web application running under Tomcat 5.0. This works fine on my own machine (using the same war file and ...

19. JavaMail & Tomcat on Redhat problem

JavaMail & Tomcat on Redhat problem Hi, I am having trouble sending mail with javamail from Tomcat on Linux. 1. My standalone test works fine. 2. Sending mail from Tomcat 5.5.9 ...

20. Testing javamail code

Testing javamail code Folks, I was wondering how other people go about writing unit tests for code which uses the JavaMail API and Spring's JavaMail support classes. I'm having difficulty with ...

21. spring javamail

Hi, I am not sure where to post my question in this forum... I am using: org.springframework.mail.javamail to send email but I was wondering if it would be possible to send ...

22. Japanese mail using JavaMail

Japanese mail using JavaMail Sorry if this is the wrong forum but it didn't seem to fit in any of them. I have a project where I need to send single ...

23. problem sending an email with javamail

problem sending an email with javamail Hello guys i need really your help, my boss have a gun and .... i want to live, i cant send a simple email this ...

24. Javamail for multiple recipient

Hi I written an interface to send mails in spring and its working fine but I want to include more recipinets in TO and CC. Could you please any tell me ...

25. Spring and Javamail

Spring and Javamail hi i want to send an email programatically in my spring application,... my configuration entries are Code:

26. JavaMail Extensions: Wrong transfer encoding

JavaMail Extensions: Wrong transfer encoding Hi everyone! I'm using the Spring JavaMail Extensions to send Mails from my servlet. The bean definition for the JavaMailSenderImpl-Bean is as follows: Code:

27. Need Help Passing Bound Items to JavaMail

Need Help Passing Bound Items to JavaMail I am new to the Spring framework and would really appreciate any help... I am debugging a Java web site that utilizes both the ...

28. SMTPAddressFailedException: 553 JavaMail

Hi friends, i am using following code Code: try { JavaMailSenderImpl senter = new JavaMailSenderImpl(); senter.setHost(""); senter.setPort(80); // also used port 25 senter.setUsername(""); senter.setPassword("123456"); SimpleMailMessage msg = new SimpleMailMessage(); msg.setFrom(""); msg.setSubject("nothing"); ...

29. problem using Javamail

problem using Javamail Hi all, I am trying to send e-mail using org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderIm pl but I get this exception when starting my Tomcat server. Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ...