websphere « Java EE « Spring Q&A

1. websphere portal 6.1 development - which web framework to use?    stackoverflow.com

I am starting a portal project using websphere portal server 6.1. This involves lot of portlets and i am inclined to use JSR286 specs rather than JSR168 Also, i wanted to use ...

2. where I can download Websphere Application Server 7 (was 7) server adapter for springsource tools    stackoverflow.com

like the title... I want to find was7 server adapter for springsource toos. any body know where I must download the software ??? thanks

3. Problems with WebSphereUowTransactionManager in Spring MDP    stackoverflow.com

I am having trouble setting up a MDP in Spring 3.0.4 in WebSphere 7.0 using the WebSphereUowTransactionManager. If I don't use WebSphereUowTransactionManager, it works just fine. Without it, I won't have any ...

4. Testing JNDI Spring Websphere Outside the Container    stackoverflow.com

I have successfully tested some DAO outside a weblogic server by looking up the datasource information through jndi. I have search for a similar option with websphere and have to yet ...

5. NoClassDefFoundError in Websphere -- JARs are present    stackoverflow.com

I have a simple Spring MVC application that looks up some user details from an LDAP server and prints out a simple HTML page using a JSP. The application works fine ...

6. How to prevent a Java EE app from starting when Spring DI fails    stackoverflow.com

(I'm not sure if this question applies to Java EE apps in general or is Websphere-specific.) When we get a Spring DI failure on apps we've deployed to WebSphere (a JNDI lookup ...

7. Spring JMS TextMessage write to PDF    stackoverflow.com

I have a default Spring message listener running. When the onMessage hits, it comes in as TextMessage (NOT BytesMessage) How do I write that into a PDF file? I think there is some issue ...

8. JMS TextMessage itext PDF header signature not found    stackoverflow.com

I have a listener that receives a JMS TextMessage that has pdf content in there. I am doing getBytes("Cp037") since it is coming from mainframe when i run the line "PdfReader reader = ...

9. Spring JmsTemplate & WebSphere MQ - ignoring RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_NO_WAIT    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring JmsTemplate and WebSphere MQ (inside WebSphere App Server). I create the JmsTemplate instance as follows:

def templateFor(managerJndiName: String) = {
  val connectionFactory = context.lookup(managerJndiName).asInstanceOf[QueueConnectionFactory]
  val jmsTemplate = ...

10. HTTP Header Mime Type in Websphere Application Server 7    stackoverflow.com

I have a Spring Web Application where a user can download PDF and Excel Files. I set the HTTP header for both of them:

    HttpHeaders responseHeaders = ...

11. Execute Spring ApplicationEvent asynchronous in WebSphere    stackoverflow.com

I have problem getting springs application events to execute asynchronous in WebSphere. The following configuration works fine and we can also successfully use 'myTaskExecutor' at other locations in the code.

<jee:jndi-lookup id="wm" jndi-name="wm/myWM" ...

12. Can Apache Camel connect to an ActivationSpec in WebSphere?    stackoverflow.com

In the past, I've been able to successfully connect Camel to a Message Queue exposed as a JNDI resource in WebSphere [1]. This works with a Connection Factory. Great. Now today, I ...

13. How to change the TaskExecutor implementation dynamically depending on the application server    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring 3.0.x to get a WorkManager from an application server and use it to run scheduled jobs that need database access. The problem is, is that this ...

14. Distributed MBean on WebSphere    forum.springsource.org

Distributed MBean on WebSphere Our client wants to keep their current implementation of configuration properties that can be changed at runtime. When a property is changed at runtime, the user clicks ...

15. Setting up JOTM within Websphere    forum.springsource.org

Setting up JOTM within Websphere As an effort to make my app testable outside Websphere, I'm moving away from Websphere JTA and attempting to use JOTM for transaction management. My question ...

16. messageSource and Websphere    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I have a messageSource define in a applicationContext xml file (referenced by contextConfigLocation in web.xml) I use It works fine in tomcat (5.0.18), i means i recover my messages ...

17. MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean with Websphere    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I'd like to use MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean on Websphere 5.0. But I don't know how to set the 'serviceUrl' property (which protocol to use, where is defined the corresponding port, etc.) Do ...

18. got NoSuchBeanDefinitionException when SLSB deployed to WebSphere 5.1 Server    forum.springsource.org

Mar 8th, 2006, 11:55 AM #1 yuanji View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jan 2006 Location Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Posts 42 got NoSuchBeanDefinitionException when SLSB deployed to ...

19. configuring and using LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean with websphere 6.0    forum.springsource.org

configuring and using LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean with websphere 6.0 Hello, I have an application that uses Spring on the web layer and have EJBs on the business layer. Actually, the EJB is a ...

20. Building spring core framework as a project in WSAD targeting websphere app server.    forum.springsource.org

My objective is to debug container at runtime. I need help to perform steps required to build spring framework as a project in WSAD targeting both websphere and tomcat as application ...

21. Websphere MQ 6.0 + Websphere 5.1 + Spring - JNDI NameNotFoundException    forum.springsource.org

Websphere MQ 6.0 + Websphere 5.1 + Spring - JNDI NameNotFoundException Hello I am trying to send a message to a local websphere mq server using spring and I am getting ...

22. Spring 2 + jdk 1.3 + Websphere 4 + J2EE 1.2    forum.springsource.org

Spring 2 + jdk 1.3 + Websphere 4 + J2EE 1.2 I'm working on a WebApp and I have some constraints: Spring 2 + jdk 1.3 + Websphere 4 + J2EE ...

23. mbeans in WebSphere 6.0 & 6.0 different behaviour?    forum.springsource.org

Solved: Spring mbeans on WebSphere 6.0 & 6.1 different behaviour? Using Spring I can successfully register an mBean on WAS 6.0, and then access it using wsadmin. On the WAS 6.1 ...

24. Spring with Websphere Application server 6.1    forum.springsource.org

Spring with Websphere Application server 6.1 Hello, I am using spring web application deployed on websphere 6.1. During initialization of websphere server, I am getting following exception. I added xercesImpl.jar and ...

25. Spring MDP + Websphere Application Server    forum.springsource.org

Hey everyone, Does anyone know the answers of these questions? 1) when running a Spring MDP app in WAS, do any WAS resources need to be defined (i.e., ListenerPorts, JMSDestinations, JMSConnectionFactories, ...

26. Monitoring WebSphere MBeans?    forum.springsource.org

Hi How can i get AdminClient from websphere with spring using JMX, i would like to do something like this in spring: Properties conProps = new Properties(); conProps.setProperty( AdminClient.CONNECTOR_HOST, "localhost"); conProps.setProperty( ...

27. MBeanProxyFactoryBean: serviceURL for WebSphere 6.1    forum.springsource.org

Hello, I'm trying to access a MBean registered on a WebSphere 6.1 Application Server by employing the MBeanProxyFactoryBean. Unfortunately I do not know what the right serviceURL is. I tried to ...

28. Can't deploy Spring MDP due Work Manager not available for WebSphere 5.1    forum.springsource.org

Dec 19th, 2008, 10:57 AM #1 localparty View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Posts 1 Can't deploy Spring MDP due Work Manager not available ...

29. classpath issue with MessageDispatcherServlet in Websphere    forum.springsource.org

classpath issue with MessageDispatcherServlet in Websphere I am getting this error when I invoke my spring web service from soap UI. I get the same error when I try to access ...

30. JNDI lookup in Websphere    forum.springsource.org

May 15th, 2009, 04:33 AM #1 dudleygb View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Nov 2006 Posts 193 JNDI lookup in Websphere Hi all, I'm struggling with ...

31. Ldap problems on Websphere    forum.springsource.org

Hi, We have an application where ldap authentication works without a problem on a Tomcat server. When we deploy this same application on Websphere we get the following error: [Servlet Error]-[Filter ...

32. WebSphere 6.1 doesn't kill WorkManagerTaskExecutor tasks on application shutdown    forum.springsource.org

WebSphere 6.1 doesn't kill WorkManagerTaskExecutor tasks on application shutdown Hello everyone, I use Spring 2.0 and would like to start tasks asynchrously on WebSphere In order to synchronize the started ...

33. Error when attempting to use WorkManagerTaskExecutor on WebSphere    forum.springsource.org

Error when attempting to use WorkManagerTaskExecutor on WebSphere I'm using Spring core 2.5.6 on WebSphere 6.1. Following the information in the article at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/we...09_alcott.html, I have set up a WorkManagerTaskExecutor as ...

34. Configuration required on Websphere App Server for Spring    forum.springsource.org

Configuration required on Websphere App Server for Spring Hi, I am currently working on an application using Spring web framework in Rational App Developer(RAD). The application works fine with the test ...

35. Spring+mdb+websphere+xml+jms+mq architecture    forum.springsource.org

Spring+mdb+websphere+xml+jms+mq architecture Could anyone help me in deciding the best approach for implementing an application as below: A request ( xml ) is provided to a handler, which calls specific java ...

36. JMS core java application gives JNDI Error on websphere    forum.springsource.org

JMS core java application gives JNDI Error on websphere In my core java (non-web) application on websphere 7.0, I am getting this error: A JNDI operation on a "java:" name cannot ...

37. WorkManagerTaskExecutor (Websphere) inherit JNDI from web.xml    forum.springsource.org

WorkManagerTaskExecutor (Websphere) inherit JNDI from web.xml Hi, I am using Quartz 1.7.3 Spring 2.5 on Websphere 6.1 and the WorkManager threads are being started correctly but I was hoping they would ...

38. Using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in Websphere Application Server    forum.springsource.org

Using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in Websphere Application Server Hi, I'm still learning how to deploy a Spring application in WAS 7, and this application already running well in Apache Tomcat, but when i ...