Parameter « MVC Controller « Spring Q&A

1. Spring SimpleFormController onSubmit request parameters

I am using SimpleFormController in my application to handle form submisions. one thing i am missing is the request object that is passed onSubmit(request,response..) is a different one from the initial ...

2. Handling parameters from dynamic form for one-to-many relationships in grails

My main question here is dealing with the pramas map when having a one-to-many relationship managed within one dynamic form, as well as best practices for dealing with one-to-many when editing/updating ...

3. Request parameter is null calling methods on MultiActionController

In Spring 3.0 if i have a jsp page with two different links each calling different method on MultiActionController

<form:form method="POST">
    <a href="user.htm?action=add" style="color: blue;">Add</a>
    <a ...

4. Should I close the Writer parameter to my Spring 3 controller?

In Section Supported handler method arguments and return types of the Spring 3.0 documentation, it says that a or can be specified as a parameter of ...

5. In a Spring controller, can I have a method called based on the number of request parameters?

I've been retrofitting an existing webapp with Spring. Clearly it's easier to start with Spring than to add it on later. We have servlets that can take multiple request parameters. ...

6. How to load configuration parameters from XML files into Spring MVC Controllers?

I've noticed that I can load a config parameter into a bean using something like this in application-context.xml:

<beans:bean id="foo" class="">
    <beans:property name="foo" value="${foo}" />
What about if I want ...

7. Is it possible to have handleRequest function in a Spring Controller along with annotations for parameters?

I just started working with spring and set up a simple spring project in NetBeans. By default it doesn't seem to use annotations. In one of my controllers I'd like to ...

8. Opening PDF in Controller- Can't use open parameters

In my controller I want to open a pdf and stream it to the browser. This code works fine if I don't use the open parameters. However, I need ...

9. Spring Controller request parameter wrong encoding in one instance of Tomcat but not the others

I have a Spring MVC application which works fine in eclipse (local tomcat instance) and in a test environment where tomcat is installed as a service. But when I deploy the ...

10. how to handle the controller with different methods each handling different parameter

hi .. i have a requirement that my request url is same always same but with different parameters(some are hidden) depending on each parameter i have to handle it in ...

11. AbstractWizardFormController and GET parameter binding

AbstractWizardFormController and GET parameter binding I use an AbstractWizardFormController to add price changes to a product. The URL addPriceChange.html is mapped to the controller, and I use a query string (aka ...

12. Wizard Controller -- Parameters are null on IE submissions

Wizard Controller -- Parameters are null on IE submissions I must say that I am quite perplexed by this one. I set up a Wizard Controller--the form has an array of ...

13. Setting render parameters in SimpleFormController

Setting render parameters in SimpleFormController Good day, I'm using a SimpleFormController to submit a form, perform validations and then route it to a success view. I need to pass a parameter ...

14. Avoid parameter duplication when forwarding between controllers

Avoid parameter duplication when forwarding between controllers I have two controllers, each controlling a semi-autonomous jsp panel in an web application (much liked a tabbed panel). The request to change a ...

15. Simple Form Controller: Request Parameters on Errors

Simple Form Controller: Request Parameters on Errors I am extending SimpleFormController. I am supplying the commandClass, commandName, formView, successView and validator properties via xml configuration. I use SiteMesh to handle the ...

16. Passing parameter to a view from controller

Hi! All i want to know how to pass parameter to a view, on the basis of which i can set jsp from appropriate path in the aplication. i mean when ...

17. SimpleFormController: problem with skipping form rendering if parameter is present

SimpleFormController: problem with skipping form rendering if parameter is present Hello everyone, I'm having the following problem. Suppose I have two well working SimpleFormControllers: one takes say X from the form ...

18. MVC SimpleFormController request parameters

on function: protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Object command, BindException bindException) throws Exception I want to extract additional request parameters/attributes that are not part of my controller backing command object. ...

19. SimpleFormController and parameters on show form

I'm creating a contest entry page using Spring by extending the SimpleFormController. When I display the form, I need to look up the contest and display extra information about the contest. ...

20. AbstractWizardFormController and _page request parameter problem

AbstractWizardFormController and _page request parameter problem I have 3 pages 1]first page-----userBasicInfo.jsp------- facility to go to next page 2]second page---userOfficeInfo.jsp-------facility to go to back page and next page 3]third page-----userPersonalInfo.jsp-----facility to ...

21. Pass parameter to SimpleFormController

Pass parameter to SimpleFormController I have a SimpleFormController mapped to form.htm, but need to pass an id parameter to it from a standard non-form initial page. First I tried "form.htm?id=100" but ...

22. Setting GET Parameters from a SimpleFormController

Setting GET Parameters from a SimpleFormController Hi, I'm stuck in the following situation: In a jsp, I have the following link: /action/a.html?id= . When the user clicks on this link, a ...

23. cant get parameter with spring controller!!!

Hello everybody I am using spring MultiActionController.For some of work i need to send special character value to the server(tomcat-5.9).in jsp page in the textbox if i enter "#40405" or "4%" ...

24. I don't like request/responses in my Controller parameters

I don't like request/responses in my Controller parameters Is there a way to retrieve html parameter/values in a Controller without having a method with HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response parameters? I want ...

25. 2 values for same parameter with SimpleformController with Redirection

2 values for same parameter with SimpleformController with Redirection I am having a binding issue with SimpleFormController. The Binding works fine in normal scenarios.but when the session expires,I am getting redirected ...

26. Add parameter to Spring MVC controller class

For a class as follows: public class TestController extends MultiActionController public ModelAndView test(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ... ... ... The test method is triggered from the javascript by ...

27. Missing request Parameter in SimpleFormController

Missing request Parameter in SimpleFormController Environment: Weblogic Liferay 5.1 Spring portlet-mvc Here's the problem: I have a SimpleFormController that is navigated to from the following code fragment: Code:

28. servlet / controller parameter automation

servlet / controller parameter automation Hi, I've found when writing servlets or spring mvc controllers that a lot of code is repeated for getting parameters from the HttpServletRequest. I mean: Code: ...

29. parameter between views or controller

Hello Everybody I'm working with spring-rcp 2.5.5 Does anybody know how to pass parameters - from one view to another view- from on command to a view Thanks for your help ...

30. Requesting parameters from the view controller

Requesting parameters from the view controller I'm in the middle of learning how to use Spring Portlet MVC and I'm trying to understand how to use controllers. Right now, I'm attempting ...

31. How to pass parameters to an @Controller

Hello, how to I pass any parameters to an @Controller? I want to have some parameters in my xml files (e.g. app-config.xml) and pass them to an @Controller. But the controllers ...

32. Request parameter is null calling methods on MultiActionController

Request parameter is null calling methods on MultiActionController In Spring 3.0 if i have a jsp page with two different links each calling different method on MultiActionController