Exception « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. spring mvc: detect if an exception has been thrown while loading the context    stackoverflow.com

I have a spring mvc application and we run tests with it using jetty. Sometimes the loading of the context totally fails, because bad xml or because Class Not Found exception or ...

2. Exception thrown after processing onSubmitAction    stackoverflow.com

I am very new to Spring and I have a simpleFormController with 2 methods. referenceData() with is called when the page loads and onSubmitAction() which is called on the submit ...

3. How to handle DataIntegrityViolationException in Spring?    stackoverflow.com

I need to show custom messages in my Spring 3.0 application. I have a database with Hibernate and there are several constraints. I have doubts in how DataIntegrityViolationException should be handled ...

4. spring exception    stackoverflow.com

I am following this tutorial http://static.springsource.org/docs/Spring-MVC-step-by-step/part4.html to try and learn Spring. Everything worked fine but when i got to part4 and made the changes at section 4.3 i get ...

5. fileNotfound exception of my properties file    stackoverflow.com

i am trying to use a custom .properties file i created to host some properties about a SQL database but the issue is that my spring app cant find it. i get ...

6. No adapter for handler exception    stackoverflow.com

I'm developing a web application using spring mvc framework. I want to to both annotation and beanName based url mappings. I've the following configurations in my context file

<mvc:annotation-driven />

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping"></bean>
My annotation based ...

7. using spring MVC - Convention Over Configuration throwing exception    stackoverflow.com

I have configured a UserController and ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping in following way

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.support.ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping"/>
<bean class="spring.mvc.stage2.controllers.UserController"/>
So, when I type
in addressbar of browser I am getting 404 status message. What was ...

8. ExceptionHandling with Spring 3    stackoverflow.com

I have this controller:

@RequestMapping(value = "*.xls", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String excel(Model model) {

    return "excel";
The excel wiew opens actually a ExcelViewer, which is build in method
 protected void ...

9. springmvc-resteasy and exception mapping    stackoverflow.com

I am using the RESTEAsy Spring MVC integration (springmvc-resteasy using RestEasy 2.0, Spring 3.0) I would like to map my application exceptions to HTTP responses by declaring the RESTEasy exception mapping ...

10. LazyList.decorate - InstantiateFactory: The constructor must exist and be public exception    stackoverflow.com

I have that code:

public class User   
private List<Country> countries = LazyList.decorate(new ArrayList(), FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(Country.class));
    private String country;

public void setCountries(List<Country> countries) {

11. Spring MVC returning JSONS and exception Handling    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring MVC with Controllers, my question is how do I return a JSON response which is different from the @ResponseBody object which is returned and convereted to a ...

12. Serialize exceptions to JSON with spring-mvc    stackoverflow.com

public SearchResponse search(SearchRequest request) throws SearchException { .. }
I want to return to the requester:
  • JSON-serialized search response in case everything is fine
  • JSON-serialized exception details if SearchException is thrown.
The first part works ...

13. List of Spring Runtime Exceptions    stackoverflow.com

Does anyone know where I can find a list of Spring's (3.0.x) runtime exceptions? I'm talking about exceptions like DataRetrievalFailureException; there's a whole set of these runtime exceptions that you can ...

14. why exception handler is not catching error in spring mvc    stackoverflow.com

I want to catch an Error in springMVC3 using exception handler.I annotated the exception .i can catch throwable and any exception.But when i tried with Error.It is not catching the exception.Any ...

15. Spring MVC and exception handlers    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I try to develop an handler to catch all exceptions from my service layer to convert them ( with i18n ) to errors in order to show them in the ...

16. SpringMVC exception handling: getting rid of the ModelAndView infrastructure    forum.springsource.org

SpringMVC exception handling: getting rid of the ModelAndView infrastructure I currently develop a RESTful web application using the @MVC REST extensions (@RequestBody, @ResponseBody, messageConvertors...). My plan is avoid the ModelAndView infrastructure ...

17. Spring MVC - class def not found exception    forum.springsource.org

Mar 27th, 2007, 03:49 AM #1 lkamal View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Jan 2007 Posts 27 Spring MVC - class def not found ...

18. Handling exceptions in Spring MVC|    forum.springsource.org

Handling exceptions in Spring MVC| Hi guys Long time from my last post. Well here is another need. I now Spring MVC knows how to handle exceptions redirecting to a page. ...

19. springMVC when disploying has exception    forum.springsource.org

springMVC when disploying has exception when I use weblogic to disploy my web application,exception has ocouer,yesterday,I post my question on the csdn,yester error is Servlet class org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet for servlet dispatch could ...

20. Spring MVC Ajax Exception Handling    forum.springsource.org

Spring MVC Ajax Exception Handling Greetings all - How does one handle exceptions raised as a result of an Ajax call from Spring MVC. If someone has encountered this and resolved ...