View « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. How to create a JSON view from a domain object?

I'm creating the server side implementation of an AJAX based web application, where the client side receives responses that are domain objects serialized as JSON. In order to provide a ...

2. Spring MVC View

What are you guys using for your view in Spring MVC. I know Spring MVC has a wide support for views but I'm having trouble finding what works well, what view to ...

3. How to display common information in multiple views in an MVC application?

What is the best way to share common objects between multiple views in an MVC application? Say I have a LoginController that takes a user name and password and authenticates ...

4. How does Spring resolve views?

I've been having a little trouble with View Resolution under Spring 2.5.5. Basically I'm just trying to show my view with a message from the controller passed in. The issue comes ...

5. Spring MVC 3.0 InternalResourceViewResolver custom view file

I have a view resolver:

<bean id="jspViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
    <property name="viewClass" value="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView"/>
    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/>
    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/>
    <property name="order"><value>1</value></property>
And a ...

6. Spring and view resolvers

is it possible to use InternalResourceViewResolver and BeanNameViewResolver together in the same web app? I mean InternalResourceViewResolver to resolve my jsp.

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver" p:prefix="/WEB-INF/jsp/" p:suffix=".jsp"/>
and instead BeanNameViewResolver to resolve my excel (I need ...

7. Which view will be resolved, code from spring's docs

So when you go to /appointments the get() action is called, so then would the view be get.jsp (assuming you are using .jsp, and assuming you are mapping action names to ...

8. view is not rendered when returning ModelAndView

I have the following problem. I need to export a PDF in a controller The code below, where I return a View, works as expected.

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public View ...

9. Spring Web: Correct way to have a single default ViewResolver

What is the best way to have every request be sent to a single ViewResolver - specifically in this case a JsonView? Was thinking this:

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.UrlBasedViewResolver">
    <property name="viewClass" ...

10. Spring SimpleMappingExceptionResolver not going to default view

I am playing with the SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to see how it works and to see if it will be of use to us for a client but I am having problems understanding ...

11. Spring MVC AJAX and JSON using Custom View Resolver, and Custom View

custom view:

public class MyView extends AbstractView {
   .... awesome stuff ...
public ModelAndView dosomething() {
   modelAndView.setView( new MyView() );
   return modelAndView;
For some reason this doesn't work... ...

12. Using Spring and Jackson to Render JSON without affecting all Views Here I've gotten a view to display JSON by adding ".json" to the end of a URL, but using this method a visitor to the site can just put .json ...

13. Please recommend a view technology to be used in Spring MVC 3 applications

I'm looking for what view technology would be considered the best approach for Spring MVC 3.0 which is flexible, maintainable and allows multiple rendering technologies such as HTML, PDF etc... We're looking ...

14. Resolving a view that is outside the application container

I'm building a Java Spring app, and I'm working around a few constraints in the production environment, due to the fact that content is being published from a CMS. I have ...

15. Quick Spring MVC question: If I don't return a model, how come I can still render a view via the response?

I can use: return new ModelAndView(viewName, model); Or I use:

response.getWriter().print("Hello World!");
Now where's the difference n design, other that I dont need a JSP in the second solution. But I could also output ...

16. SpringMVC - Change view when accessed by Mobile

I was wondering if someone has already solved this. I have a SpringMVC app and we are adding support to WebKit type mobiles (iPhone and Android basically) so I was wondering ...

17. Using in spring 3 causes all other views to stop working

Simplest example: I have a dispatcher servlet configured to catch everything:

I have a simple test controller:
public String rootTest(){
    return "Main page ...

18. Is it possible to have destination view name configurable in spring mvc 3?

Code snippet is like this:

public class TestController {
    public String getCreateForm(Model model) {

19. How to nest views in Spring

I'm still just getting my feet wet with Spring, but am curious if it would be possible to somehow build a nested hierarchy of views. The goal would be to have ...

20. Suggestions for simple StringTemplate view resolution in Spring Web MVC app?

I'm migrating my Spring MVC app from a Tiles/EL view resolution setup to a StringTemplate view resolution setup. From my investigation so far I've gathered there are 2 possible approaches: 1) ...

21. help in implementing show details view

hi Trying to build my own spring application,I made a page to input name and age.Clicking on Submit button should take me to another page that displays the user input.I decided not ...

22. Spring ViewResolver Problem

My application was running succestfully until I add a org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver in it. It gives the error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Could not resolve view with name '/jsp/cusbilman/main/billportmain.jsp' in servlet with name 'cusbilman'
I ...

23. Does Spring MVC 3 have view components?

I'm learning Spring 3 MVC for a project I'll start soon for a client and I can't find if it supports view components (similar in a way to portlets). Ideally the ...

24. Can a Spring MVC exception handler ONLY support return type of type View?

@RequestMapping(value = "/testerror", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        ErrorTO testerror(HttpServletRequest ...

25. Spring variables not carrying into view

I'm very new to Spring and can't seem to figure out what's wrong here. I'm sure it has to be something simple, but anyway: I was going through the tutorial on

26. Spring-MVC: Disabling comments in view output?

In JSF i can disable rendering comments in view by setting javax.faces.FACELETS_SKIP_COMMENTS context-param. Is something similar in Spring-MVC i can use ?

27. How to stop implicit enriching of model with command object in Spring handlers when dispatching to View?

if you look at the handler return types, it all says, that the model is enriched with commandObject before it gets to a View. How to stop it ? I ...

28. How can we call another view from a view Spring MVC

I am using SpringMVC and extJS for my project. In dispather-servlet: I am mapping (welcome.htm to file) and (process.htm to file. file return view name hello.jsp In hello.jsp I ...

29. defining a view resolver in Spring 3.1

I am creating a new project based on 3.1 M1 as a test case. I have my web.xml set up to use DispatcherServlet with a contextClass of ConfigWebApplicationContext and a ...

30. Dummy View with Spring MVC

I have the following piece of code in my Spring MVC application:

@RequestMapping(value = "/ping")
public void ping () {

I want to respond to that request with a simple plain text with:
But I'm ...

31. Not getting correct view in spring 3 mvc

I have

@RequestMapping(value = "/*/getEmpList", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView getEmpList() {
    System.out.println("Getting EmpList");
    List<Emp> list = empService.getEmpList();
    ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("emp/empList");

32. What's the default Spring 3 view resolver?

I've read Spring 3 docs about view resolvers... But in my project I didn't define any. I just return a ModelAndView or @ResponseBody String from the controller methods. I guess there ...

33. Map exceptions to view Spring 3

Given the following function in an controller class:

public void validateImage(MultipartFile image) {
    if (image.getContentType().substring(0, 5).equals("image")) {
    } else {

34. SimpleMappingExceptionResolver - Exception not exposed to view

I'm using SimpleMappingExceptionResolver to handling errors, but have a problem to expose exception to the view - it is null. I made an error in some .jsp on purpose ...

35. Benefits of using either of Spring MVC ModelAndView or View name and ModelMap

Can anyone describe when and why you might want to use Spring MVC ModelAndView instead of just returning a String for the view name and using a ModelMap. I know one method ...

36. How do I determine spring-mvc different view resolvers based on different domains?

I have a Spring-MVC project which needs to have 2 views for example: views/xxx/... views/yyy/..., I wondering how to determine which view i gonna use based on the domains for example: ...

37. How do I wire up ModelAndViewDefiningException to send errors to my view

In the easiest, most straightforward way, how do I wire up a/the ModelAndViewDefiningException doodad to send errors to my specified view? This guy should be called from: org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndViewDefiningException Much thanks to anyone in ...

38. Spring MVC, what view components to use?

I´m facing a project where I need to build a presentation layer, where a lot of the logic is already implemented in Spring MVC 3. I´ve been working a little with ...

39. spring mvc: show country-specific view, or default if none exists

situation:I have an application that uses separate jsp files for each specific country(I've implemented with view resolver). However with this approach I have to repeat the jsp changes for each country ...

40. View part of Spring MVC

I am reading the Developing a Spring Framework MVC application step-by-step specifically the Create the View section. It uses hello.jsp. I am new with this. I assume that ...

41. Spring and JacksonJson, serialising different fields with views

In a previous similar question, I asked about, how to serialise two different sets of fields using JacksonJson and Spring. My use case is the typical Controller mapping with @ResponseBody annotation ...

42. Spring MVC: How to Handle exceptions thrown when rendering view?

Exceptions can be thrown by our controllers or at Freemarker rendering time. One of our requirements is to log it both in the DB and log files. How do you implement ...

43. Customizing spring exception handler AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver error view

I am building one application using Spring 3.0.
And for exception handling i had made use of AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver .
My Class handles all exceptions and then using ModelAndView I am sending ...

44. Spring MVC: ModelAndView objects are not getting carried to the view

I am currently trying show variables from the controller into the view, the view is not showing them. Thanks for any help!

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;

public class UserController {

  @RequestMapping(method = ...

45. What to choose for view layer with spring 3 mvc?

I develop web application with spring framework. I use spring IOC, spring security, spring mvc. For view layer i use jsp, but i find it inconvenient. I need in ajax form ...

46. UrlBasedViewResolver checkResource creating a view that doesn't exist

UrlBasedViewResolver checkResource creating a view that doesn't exist Hi all, I seem to have a situation where a UrlBasedViewResolver is creating a view that doesn't exist, even though that's not supposed ...

47. PortletMVC : Invalid action method return value: ModelAndView: reference to view...

PortletMVC : Invalid action method return value: ModelAndView: reference to view... Hi, I'm trying to use portlet MVC annotation based, but I get some trouble if I want to use @ActionMapping ...

48. Not getting correct view in spring 3 mvc

Hi, I have Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/*/getEmpList", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView getEmpList() { System.out.println("Getting EmpList"); List list = empService.getEmpList(); ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("emp/empList"); //mv.setViewName("emp/empList"); mv.addObject("empList", list); System.out.println("Got EmpList"); return ...

49. (MVC) Views and lists

I have A with a @OneToMany to B (and B with a @ManyToOne back to A). But when I view A's: * show.jspx, I see no references to B whatsoever: see ...

50. Could not resolve view with name error when adding model

Could not resolve view with name error when adding model I'm still getting my head wrapped around spring mvc (using roo 1.1.5/EclipseLink for ORM) ... I have done some .Net MVC2 ...

51. ModelAndView losing the model, not displayed by the view

ModelAndView losing the model, not displayed by the view I am trying to get the Step-By-Step application working and I am having trouble with the model which is set into the ...

52. spring mvc - composite views?

spring mvc - composite views? Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could provide me with some direction regarding composite views. ie. take for example a three column layout. I want ...

53. adding a model to the success view

Hi, What is the proper way to add a model to the success view of a SimpleFormController? In most cases a success view will need some model data. The only way ...

54. Multiple models to display in one view

Hi, I am getting data from two different tables and want to display the data in two tabular formats in the corressponding view. TeamStatus is one bean which holds data abt ...

55. Could not display the model in view

Could not display the model in view Hello all, I am trying Spring for the first time. Everything seems to work fine expect that I could not display the Model in ...

56. Problem with model attributes in views

Problem with model attributes in views Hi I have a very strange behaviour with the rendering of the views. I followed the MVC-step-by-step tutorial from the spring site. Inside the view ...

57. Passing model data between views?

I have a frameset that displays details about some content and then the content itself. The content and the details are retrieved from an object that hits the database. I dont ...

58. how to configure spring MVC - view resolver - for facelets

Hello How do I setup ViewResolver for Facelets? I thought i could use InternalResourceView, but it seems it doesn't work Code:

59. maintaining view lookup data in Domain model?

maintaining view lookup data in Domain model? hi.. we are struggling with an issue of where or how to bring deocding data of lookup fields, from a domain object model to ...

60. Model data to view using SimpleMappingExceptionResolver

Hi, I would like to know how to set the model data when using SimpleMappingExceptionResolver. As when we use SimpleMappingExceptionResolver then the exception view is shown by servlet.xml file and we ...

61. How to share models between views?

How to share models between views? Hello, I'd like to do some kind of MDI-app, where one window/view contains a list and some other, rather independant views rely on the selected ...

62. 2 model objects to the view

Hi, In a controller class,we can return a ModelAndView object...but associated with this..we can have only a single model object... Suppose for a particular view page,I wish to display 2 diff ...

63. Groovy Views in Spring MVC

I had an idea the other day and decided to put it together. Basically, I wanted to see about using Groovy as a View technology. It turned out to be incredibly ...

64. Calling static methods from Views in Spring MVC

Calling static methods from Views in Spring MVC Is there any particular view technology that makes it easy to call static methods from the view in Spring MVC? With Struts 2, ...

65. Facelets as View for Spring MVC

66. View is not parsing model content

I've been trying to get my testView.jsp to parse my model by calling: Code: I'm handing off a HashMap to the view like this: Code: Map model = ...

67. Spring MVC / View Helper

Spring MVC / View Helper Hi all, I think my question is related to a quite standard problem in (JEE) web development, however... I did not yet find an appealing solution. ...

68. What technology is best for the "view" when using Spring MVC?

The tutorial I've been following doesn't explicitly use an outside framework for the view. It appears to be simply JSPs thus far. I've read that Spring is great in terms of ...

69. Can we return other than model and view object in Spring MVC?

Can anyone knows that if i want to return other than ModelAndView object than is it possible? Suppose i have a file which is .txt or .pdf file and i want ...

70. Partial View Rendering in Spring MVC

Hi everyone, I had a couple of posts earlier about partial view rendering in web flow and things have been working great. I have come to a point in my application ...

71. Need to use Spring MVC without the View. How-to?

Need to use Spring MVC without the View. How-to? In our current project, we don't render the view, rather send the model maps to PHP for them to render the view. ...

72. Accessing model data in view

Accessing model data in view I'm in the process of converting a legacy jsp application to something modern and flexible. The first step was the introduction of spring for dependency injection ...

73. SpringMVC view technology experiences

Hello everyone, I want to use SpringMVC as part of a new project, but before taking the final decision about the view, I would like to hear your opinions on the ...

74. Accessing model from view

I'm sure this question has probably been asked or the answer is somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. And experimentation has let me know where. How to I access ...

75. Add enrry to model on each view. Modify model datas

Add enrry to model on each view. Modify model datas Hi everyone, I need to write a web app taht is easilly configurable. I need that the owner can easily setup ...

76. Spring MVC view resolver contentType

Spring MVC view resolver contentType I have a controller that maps from a .html url and uses the view resolver to map to a jspx file. It works ok but for ...

77. Empty model when changing views

Empty model when changing views Hi guys, I used to have a controller that extends AbstractWizzardFormController and since I am moving now to Spring 3.0 I removed the extends attribute and ...

78. Accessing model from view, use ${} or ${xyz}

Hi, I'm struggling to understand the difference between the following ways returning a model to a view from my controllers: Code: Map model = new HashMap(); model.put(key, value); return ...

79. Spring MVC with multiple view types

Spring MVC with multiple view types I have an application that has multiple view types that I need served up based on the accept header from the client. I set up ...

80. Help with model & view

Help with model & view I'm trying to use annotations for the Spring MVC tutorial. I am getting a cannot find symbol error for ModelAndView modelAndView = controller.handleRequest(null, null);. This is ...

81. How to add the same model data to every view?

How to add the same model data to every view? Hi all, I would like to display some model data in the header of each page. Specifically, the full name of ...

82. How to get model data into view

How to get model data into view Hello, I want to show some data retrieved from the server side in a form contained within a view. The current manual only describes ...

83. Empty model in view

Code: package com.springtest; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.portlet.ModelAndView; @Controller public class HelloWorldController { @RequestMapping("/hello") public ModelAndView helloWorld() { String message = "Hello World, Spring 3.0!"; return new ModelAndView("hello", "message", message); ...

84. spring web mvc without view

hello I have just started learning Spring and it's not going well at all. Is it possible to use Spring Web MVC without a view? I have an html page using ...

85. Automatic update of JSPX view artifacts reflecting changes in the domain model

Automatic update of JSPX view artifacts reflecting changes in the domain model I have recently started to explore roo and found it quiet exciting in many ways. I have come across ...