aspectj « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. Trying to match an AspectJ pointcut signature for any methods containing a variable

I want to create a pointcut that matches any method in my Web controller that contains a ModelMap:

pointcut addMenu(ModelMap modelMap) : 
    execution (public String example.web.MyController.*(..)) && args ...

2. AspectJ & Spring MVC: doesn't work

AspectJ & Spring MVC: doesn't work I'm trying to implement a simple security check using AspectJ. I use Spring 2.0 Final with Tomcat 5.5. I wrote a pointcut and an advice ...

3. Spring MVC w/ AspectJ slow?

Spring MVC w/ AspectJ slow? I'm in the process of rewriting a really old application that was entirely written with scriptlets within JSPs so that it now uses Spring and Spring ...

4. Spring MVC with AspectJ ?

Spring MVC with AspectJ ? Hello! We have to combine our Spring MVC with AspectJ. Our Spring MVC project was programmed according to the Spring MVC tutorial. We have studied ...

5. AspectJ + Spring MVC + Stack size too large

Hello! I'm learning AspectJ, no Spring AOP, just AspectJ and I'm having trouble with Spring MVC + AspectJ. My aspect looks like this: Code: public pointcut testingController() : call(* org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.*(..)) && ...