jsp 2 « MVC « Spring Q&A

1. ModelAndView returns no data to jsp views    forum.springsource.org

ModelAndView returns no data to jsp views I am using Spring MVC 3, NetBeans I have the following model, public class MarketPlace { private String status; public String getStatus() { return ...

2. Modify jsp page based on some logic using Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Modify jsp page based on some logic using Spring MVC Hi all. I am new to Spring framework. I am designing an application where there would be different types of users ...

3. Accessing model in a JSP using JSp Expressions    forum.springsource.org

I can access my model as returned by a Spring Controller in a jsp but not having much luck accessing it using Jsp expression tag ...

4. model and jsp    forum.springsource.org

model and jsp I need help understanding basic jsp. I have a debug view.jsp page that has the following: Code: No model.

5. ModelAndView - map more than one object to JSP code?    forum.springsource.org

HashMap result = new HashMap(); result.put("customerList", customers); result.put("customerForm", customer); return new ModelAndView("searchCustomerList", 'cust_map', result);

6. Calling back the index.jsp file in the spring mvc    forum.springsource.org

hai users I have returned a signout controller as per the mvc configuration.on signeout the Index.jsp shpuld be called.How can i call the file(web-inf/index.sjp) out of the path configuration(web-inf/jsp/) in a ...

7. Spring MVC and JSP include    forum.springsource.org

Hi everybody, I'm facing some struggles when trying to include a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping to a jsp. My jsp resides in /WEB-INF/jsp/includes. It should: Code: <%@ include file="rrdHeaderbar.htm" %> My mapping looks as: ...

8. Problem going to next JSP in SpringMVC    forum.springsource.org

Problem going to next JSP in SpringMVC Hi, I am very new to Spring and Spring MVC. Trying to create my first simple Spring MVC app, just a few very simple ...

9. JSP can't see model object    forum.springsource.org

JSP can't see model object Hi guys.. I have a little problem with Jsp and Tiles, this is the log of my application servlet: Code: 2006-10-06 11:50:55,156 DEBUG [org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBund leViewResolver] - ...

10. Spring MVC Multiple actions from JSP    forum.springsource.org

Spring MVC Multiple actions from JSP Hi All, This is my first post in this forum and I'm new to Spring framework. I have a framework question: If I have multiple ...

11. Model not merged into view (JSP)    forum.springsource.org

Model not merged into view (JSP) I am working with Spring 1.2.8. I have an implementation of AbstractFormWizardController with 4 JSP files. The controller implements processFinish() and processCancel() callbacks. I find ...

12. modelandview items in jsp scriptlet    forum.springsource.org

Why not use the varStatus function on the JSTL tag to get the previous item? I'm going to assume that you have an java.util.Collection in your model called itemList. So ...

13. Accessing the ModelAndView data in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Accessing the ModelAndView data in JSP My controller returns this ModelAndView object. HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("commanddata", myCommand); map.pit("result", result); return new ModelAndViewObject(getSuccessView()).addAllObjects (map); How can I access ...

14. ModelAndView addObject not showing in jsp?!?    forum.springsource.org

Yes, you're right that it doesn't work because you're using a RedirectView. For a redirect, Spring isn't responsible for binding any of the URL parameters to request scope - requestScope only ...

15. successView jsp not populated    forum.springsource.org

successView jsp not populated Hi all, I've recently started on a simple website using Spring and i've only got about a month's experience using spring so i'm still very green. My ...

16. Can't seem to get my model in my jsp    forum.springsource.org

Can't seem to get my model in my jsp I am trying to build a generic jsp for outputting xml error messages, here is my controller: Code: package com.ostheimer.search.controllers; import java.util.ArrayList; ...

17. Spring-MVC-step-by-step-Part-1 hello.jsp not found    forum.springsource.org

Spring-MVC-step-by-step-Part-1 hello.jsp not found I have been working through the Spring-MVC-step-by-step-Part-1 tutorial and have got stuck. My first attempt with fiddling failed, so on my second attempt I cut and pasted ...

18. Model variable not evaluating in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Model variable not evaluating in JSP Hello everybody, I have a problem with SpringMVC using JSTL JSPs. Controllers and everything else seem to work, but the model objects that I put ...

19. Getting model in JSP Java code    forum.springsource.org

Hi. I'm fairly new to Spring, and I'm pretty sure this is a stupid question, but I've tried everything I can think of and searching all over and can't figure this ...

20. Problem with Model and JSP    forum.springsource.org

21. ModelAndView.addObject(...) and JSPs    forum.springsource.org

ModelAndView.addObject(...) and JSPs Hi am running in to a problem where I have dynamically created menu list created based on server data set on the controller through: ModelAndView.addObject("mydataList",data) on my JSP ...

22. Spring MVC - JSP Navigation    forum.springsource.org

Spring MVC - JSP Navigation Hi, I am looking for an implementation for Employee app wherein I have a main page where there are hyperlinks for "View Employees","Add Employee" & "Edit ...

23. [MVC]Add dynamic content to a view (JSP)    forum.springsource.org

use modelandview and read it with el. ${value}. If you are using pure JSP, you can consider using FreeMarker to generate your output. It is faster, easier and simply better to ...

24. variables not passed via ModelAndView(..) to jsp    forum.springsource.org

Hi All Reading the following tutorial, http://static.springframework.org/do...tep/part2.html, I got stuck in the second chapter! In my HelloController.java, I make the following call: Code: ..... String now = (new Date()).toString(); logger.info("Returning hello ...

25. Accessing model attributes in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Accessing model attributes in JSP Hi, I am having a problem accessing the variable that I am sending through modelandview object. Here is the code: Code: public class MultiActionControllerImpl extends MultiActionController ...

26. The requested resource (/SpringMVC/WEB-INF/jsp/logonForm.jsp) is not available?    forum.springsource.org

Jul 28th, 2009, 04:57 AM #1 maheshvrk3 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2009 Posts 5 The requested resource (/SpringMVC/WEB-INF/jsp/logonForm.jsp) is not available? i am ...

27. How to generate DateTimePicker in SpringMVC + JSP?    forum.springsource.org

You'll need some sort of JavaScript magic if you want a pretty one. Check out Dojo, YahooUI or a similar JS framework for the easiest implementation. HTH

28. swf in model for jsp display?    forum.springsource.org

I'm looking to embed a swf file into a jsp, the swf is actually created server side. Is it possible to simply add the file to the model and then access ...

29. Model Objects Not Resolving in JSP    forum.springsource.org

Model Objects Not Resolving in JSP Hello; I am in the process of learning annotations and a few other features of Spring 2.5. Maybe in the process of learning this stuff ...

30. How does the Spring stores the FormObject in able to display the data to jsp views    forum.springsource.org

How does the Spring stores the FormObject in able to display the data to jsp views the scenario is: SWF1.0.5 Ajax via YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest Spring 2.5.2 #1 start the flow #1.1 trigger ...

31. [SpringMVC] Link between java & jsp    forum.springsource.org

Hi everyone, sorry for my English i'm french I'm actually develop a SpringMVC website and I've a problem So I've a ModelMap and i make : addAttribute("campaignTestList", toto.getCampaignTestList()); campaignTestList is a ...

32. Adding to Model from a JSP view    forum.springsource.org

Adding to Model from a JSP view For reasons I won't go into, our application can't use the MVC pattern of creating the model in the controller before passing to a ...

33. Can't pass model to jsp view    forum.springsource.org

Can't pass model to jsp view Hi, I can't pass the model to my JSP page view. I just don't see where is the problem. Just simple example doesn't work. Please, ...

34. Dynamic loading of an embedded JSP using Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic loading of an embedded JSP using Spring MVC Hi all, I want to implement pagination in a JSP. I have a requirement that i need to include this JSP into ...

35. Spring MVC - accessing model from jsp/javascript view    forum.springsource.org

Spring MVC - accessing model from jsp/javascript view Hi, Apologies for the ignorance - I'm quite new to all the technologies/frameworks etc mentioned below.. I have a Spring MVC 3 application ...

36. spring + mvc + jsp in bd postgresqlthe    forum.springsource.org

spring + mvc + jsp in bd postgresqlthe Hello, This is muy first post in this forum, I have got an error in a proyect appfuse editing a app-user. I copy ...

37. Japanese resources for addon-web-mvc-jsp    forum.springsource.org

38. Problem in jsps with formBackingObject and Errors model    forum.springsource.org

Hi to all, I'm continuously getting this error message: Error 500: Could not find Errors instance for bean 'reo' in request: add the Errors model to your ModelAndView via errors.getModel() Whenever ...

39. JSP alternative for Spring MVC    forum.springsource.org

JSP alternative for Spring MVC Hello, I've seen a few thread about this subject but no answer so I'll try one more time, maybe things have changed since! I really like ...

40. Passing a list using modelandview to jsp    forum.springsource.org

Passing a list using modelandview to jsp Have been struggling with the following for hours !! I am using ModelAndView to pass a list of objects from controller to jsp ...