error 1 « Message « Spring Q&A

1. Spring validation, how to have PropertyEditor generate specific error message

I'm using Spring for form input and validation. The form controller's command contains the model that's being edited. Some of the model's attributes are a custom type. For example, Person's social ...

2. Spring MVC tag doesn't find error messages

I work with a front-end developer who writes JSP files. We have a form that is working correctly, except validation/binding/processing errors can't seem to be displayed with Spring's <form:errors/> tag. I've confirmed ...

3. How can i get error message in form:errors tag by using MultiActionController?

I have a form:

<form:form commandName="command" method="post">
    <form:errors path="property"/>
    // some fields
And a MultiActionController
Command command = new Command();
ServletRequestDataBinder binder = createBinder(request, command);

for (Validator validator: getValidators())

4. weird grails error message

Using grails 1.1.1 I got this message when I did a modification on a service and then tried to refresh the page. I have a controller name ContributionPlanController. It has a service ContributionPlanservice. inside ...

5. Spring Web Flow Error MEssages

I have a java web application running on Spring Web FLow,Spring Faces. I would like to ask as to how to properly manage error messages display. Should I do the usual ...

6. Not showing error messages when validated using @valid(JSR-303) in Spring MVC

I have specified <mvc:annotation-driven /> in dispatcher-servlet. I am not using @InitBinder.
And I am using @valid annotation for validation in controller's method like

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "new")

7. jsp error message not displaying

on JSP when I want to display error messages but when it returns to JSP page by

<form:errors path="arnNumber" cssClass="error" /></span>
it is giving me an exception
org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException: No ...

8. Spring custom error message

I want to set a custom error message via @Controller, there is something like Struts saveMessages(...) in spring? for example:

ActionErrors actionErrors = new ActionErrors();
actionErrors.add("error", new ActionMessage("error.missing.key",     
saveErrors(request, ...

9. How to remove/hide Atomikos startup error message?

When Atomikos is configured via Spring, a or file is not needed. Nonetheless, Atomikos starts up with the follow messages printed to stderr:

No properties path set - looking ...

10. Spring - Populate form field with error message

I have a Spring 2.5 application and I have several forms where I perform various validation. I have no problem doing this validation and displaying the errors on the page ...

11. Customize Spring Error Message

I want to change the default error messages being thrown by Spring. I basically have this form. Format of the date should follow "mm/dd/yyyy"

    <label class="label">Start Date</label>

12. [Flex][GraniteDS] Flex side error : Didn't receive an acknowledge message

I've this error when I try to load a list of "Product" in a simple DataGrid :

Didn't receive an acknowledge message
Was expecting mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage, but received null
After several tests I'm pretty sure ...

13. Meaning and solution for Spring 3 error message? "Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended"

I'm using Spring 3 and every time I submit a HTML form to a Spring controller I get this message, which I don't understand:

org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase getResponseBody
WARNING: Going to buffer response body of ...

14. howto display validation errors in freemarker template

all approches i do to display my validation errors in a freemarker template fail. i use spring mvc version 3. My form looks like that

<@spring.bind "user" />
<#if spring.status.error>

15. Spring MVC : showing a link in the error message

I have the following snippet of code in the Validator which basically is used to show an error message. In the error message I would like to show a link by ...

16. Spring MVC Form validation error message

I have the following form:

<form:form method="POST" action="signin.dlp" commandName="user" >
<form:input path="useremail" id="useremail" /><FONT color="red"><form:errors path="useremail" /></FONT><Br />
<form:password path="pswd" id="pswd" /><FONT color="red"><form:errors path="pswd" /></FONT> <br />
<input id ="login" type="submit" value="Login"></input>   ...

17. Spring Framework - Display Warning Message as opposed to Error

I have Use Cases that require the User to be show a Warning message as opposed to an Error message. The user will be shown once and then they can ...

18. Spring: How to resolve a validation error -> error code -> error message

In Spring, after validation we get a BindingResult object in the controller. Simple enough, if I get validation errors I want to re-display my form with the error message above each afflicted ...

19. Spring MVC Error Messages

Spring MVC Error Messages Hello, Spring Fellows, I have a form that is validated by the Spring Validation once submitted. Each field on the form may contain multiple errors messages if validation fails, ...

20. ViewResolvers with excel views

I have two ordinary jsp pages in my Spring 3 application, and one is Excel view. The Excel wiev does not open Microsoft Excel sheet at all even thougt it should. ...

21. retrieve error message values from .properties file

i need to retrieve error message values for client side validation from file and display it on a page. i used <fmt:message key="uname.prop" />.

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {

22. How to internationalize spring-mvc form error messages?

I want to translate the default error messages for form validation, for example, when I annotate a field as @NotEmpty, I should receive an error like:

may not be empty
when I left ...

23. Spring usage of typeMismatch messages

I have done some searches on the web and in stackoverflow to see how to handle the following message that I get on one of my screens:

Failed to convert ...

24. Spring form error messages property file rules?

What are the rules for an error messages property file? Is there a specification somewhere? For example, I have several form fields, and I want a single message defined in my properties ...

25. Spring MVC setting Errors after an unsuccessful post

I have a conceptual question regarding Spring MVC. For post and get requests I have splitted my controller methods. I am tring to display errors at page which requested came. As ...

26. Javax validation not giving error messages

I'm using javax validation. I have this xml:

    <!-- Configures the @Controller programming model -->
    <mvc:annotation-driven />
    <!-- Forwards requests to ...

27. How to use annotation validation in Spring with error message gotten from properties file?

I set up validation in my domain class like this:

public class Worker {

    @NotNull(message="Name must be input")
    @Size(min=1,max=50, message="Name must not exceed 50 characters")

28. Grails not using for Errors messages?

I'm trying to get at the localized form of a simple error code, but I can't seem to get it to parameterize as it should. In my integration test, I have ...

29. Problems passing form feeback between controllers to re-display a form error message

Controller A shows some data and displays a form. The form submits to Controller B. When form errors are found in Controller B, the form needs to be re-displayed by Controller A. To do ...

30. Show error message with AJAX and Spring 3

I had a simple register form, and validation worked fine. Something like this:

@RequestMapping(value = "/email", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String changeEmail(@Valid @ModelAttribute("editEmail") EditEmailForm editEmailForm, BindingResult result) {
    if (result.hasErrors()) ...

31. Spring multiple error messages

I suppose that everybody that uses spring, uses form binding and validation. And you all defined the messages to display on validation errors. I did it with this in my config:

<bean ...

32. Is it possible to return multiple / variable error messages with a single (preferably Spring-based) custom annotation?

I'm currently using Spring for all of my validation, but wanted to build a custom annotation to group together a number of conditions on a single field, validating some of them ...

33. Issue - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet

I am trying to get simple spring application up and running posted at Spring Example. I am getting

SEVERE: Servlet /MavenWeb threw load() exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet ...

34. Bind global errors generated from form validation to specific form fields in spring

Is it possible to do that?
I have made a custom annotation that checks if 2 fields are equal from here.
I would like to validate if a field "password" is equal ...

35. @AssertTrue of javax.validation - isn't it supposed to create an error message?

I am having the following code in a Spring-MVC command bean:

public boolean isConditionTrue() {
    return false;

private boolean conditionTrue;
My JSP contains the following: <form:errors path="conditionTrue" cssClass="error" /> I would expect to ...

36. Spring MVC invalid Date Format error message not showing

Please help, I'm having trouble regarding Date validation in Spring MVC 3

 public class ClientForm
      private Date bday = new Date();


37. In Spring MVC validation, Is it possible to show only one error message per field at a time?

Example, I have

 @NotEmpty //tells you 'may not be empty' if the field is empty
 @Length(min = 2, max = 35) //tells you 'length must be between 2 and 35' if the ...

38. Maven pom error

I have example projects from spring core training courses I've been on. They did work on their machines, not on mine though. I am not really expert with maven, but .pom ...

39. How to use DefaultMessageCodesResolver?

Please don't send me to api. I don't understand it. I broke my brain.

import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
import org.springframework.validation.Validator;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat;

public class PersonValidator implements Validator {

public boolean supports(Class proposedClass) {

40. VelocityTools error - "java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name WEB-INF.conf.resources.ss_messages, locale en_US"

I'm trying to integrate VelocityTools.ResourceTool to localize velocity template but whatever I use as the 'bundles' parameter I keep getting the following error:

java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name 
WEB-INF.conf.resources.ss_messages, locale ...

41. Spring+Tomcat error message

I have requested some help about a web application in another message. I went forward trying to fix the errors that occured. Now the following is the new error message and ...

42. InitBinder - Error Message problem

InitBinder - Error Message problem Hi all, I have a problem with InitBinder and a error message. I have written this InitBinder in my controller Code: @InitBinder public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) ...

43. Validator error messages

Validator error messages Hello, I use Spring's Validator class to validate user's input in a form, in two different cases: 1) In AJAX-requests, to perform a 'quick' validation in the form ...

44. STS 2.5.2 Error Message during save/build

STS 2.5.2 Error Message during save/build Hi, I have a Mac Snow Leopard and am using STS 2.5.2 Carbon w/the Flex 4 plugin. When I am in the Flex perspective, there ...

45. STS 2.5.2 Error Message during startup

STS 2.5.2 prompts me error message during startup. I noticed the "Servers" tab showing "SpringSource tc Server Developer Edition v2.1 [Stopped,Synchronized]" then I try to right click and press "Start". Some ...

46. Displaying error message in a diff page

Hi, Using annotation, i am handling my exceptions and i am able to display my error messages in the jsp page also. my question is, i want to display all the ...

47. select/options Error message not displaying Spring MVC 2.5 form

select/options Error message not displaying Spring MVC 2.5 form Hello All, I am trying to get an error message to display next to a dropdown list of dates if the user ...

48. The error messages not show and input empty

I got a problem with Spring3MVC. 1. /loginInput initalize form data and forward to /loginInput.jsp 2. the jsp has form ,the form's action is"/Login" 3. /login process the form a. validate ...

49. Error Message: Filter [applicationContextMapFilter]: could not be initialized

Feb 21st, 2011, 05:55 AM #1 rkpandey08 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2011 Posts 2 Error Message: Filter [applicationContextMapFilter]: could not be initialized Hi, ...

50. How do i fix this error message?

Hello guys...! I keep getting the error code - [0x30000030] and it says "fail to update protection modules" How do i fix this error message for Combat Arms...? Thanks in advance...your ...

51. Petclinic Error Message "You must override call..."

Petclinic Error Message "You must override call..." FYI, I just got the latest version of spring-richclient today. I compiled and everything and ran the Petclinic. However, I received this error message ...

52. jms:message-driven-channel-adapter and Error Handling

jms:message-driven-channel-adapter and Error Handling Just looking for some clarification on expected behavior with regards to jms:message-driven-channel-adapter, message acknowledgment, and error handling. Here is my simple example... Spring Integration Config: Code:

53. Spring Intergration - Error Message

Spring Intergration - Error Message I get the Exception below - but the exception does not say which class and method the error occured on. It just say a method must ...

54. 404 error in eclipse after running Spring App...(message: Servlet dispatcher is not a

404 error in eclipse after running Spring App...(message: Servlet dispatcher is not a Hi all, I have this example ( ) in my eclipse IDE and have Tomcat 7 running ...

55. error messages i18n

error messages i18n hello, my problem i don't know how bind error message in other lenguage. i have a jsp: Code:

56. Spring is throwing incorrect error message!!

Spring is throwing incorrect error message!! Hi, I am trying to register a bean that is created outside of the Spring Container scope as follows: Code: public static void main(String[] args) ...

57. Default error messages

Does anyone know where the default error messages come from when you get a typeMismatch error for example? I can override it, but I would like to know ALL the defaults ...

58. How to get the error message to velocity.

How to get the error message to velocity. OK, I'm quite new to Spring and Acegi especially. I'm using velocity for the view. So, I have acegi returning me to the ...

59. Wich strategy to take for managing errors while sending of the messages ?

Wich strategy to take for managing errors while sending of the messages ? Hi I use JavaMail with Spring MVC 3. I implemented a service called JavaMailService for sending messages after ...

60. Error messages on top of page

Hello, I'd like to display all my error messages on top of my pages rather than under each field. If I read the documentation correctly, I can do the following: Code: ...

61. Error using when including a jsp

Error using when including a jsp I have this: Code: [12:06:36.970] Note: C:\code\subscriptions-trunk\war\WEB-INF\work\_jsp\_web_22dinf\_jsp\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [12:06:36.970] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 2004-10-29 12:06:37,211 ERROR [org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.MessageTag] - ...

62. Missing error messages for SingletonBeanFactoryLocator

Nov 3rd, 2004, 06:09 AM #1 rbraumandl View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2004 Posts 3 Missing error messages for SingletonBeanFactoryLocator Hello, we use the ...

63. Friendly Property Names for Validation Error Message?

Friendly Property Names for Validation Error Message? I make property "stefanoBestCoolGuy" in my domain object. Then I bind to a Form on a dialog. In, I add this: Code: label.stefanoBestCoolGuy=Stefano: ...

64. Validation Error: org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException : No message foun

Validation Error: org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException : No message foun Spring Masters and members, Can you help me with this problem. I am having this error when creating a custom validation. org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException : No ...

66. JMS error while posting message to Remote Server on Clustered Env

JMS error while posting message to Remote Server on Clustered Env Hi, I have a strange issue with Spring JMS configuration. My JMS server, connection factory and queue are configured in ...

67. Validation Error message - Need Help

Nov 18th, 2004, 01:17 PM #1 spring04 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Nov 2004 Posts 159 Validation Error message - Need Help In my FIRST ...

68. Can't display validation error message

Can't display validation error message Hi, With Spring MVC 3.0.6, my web application can't display error message using java validation annotations. Here is my pojo class: Code: import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import ...

69. create parameterize error message

Hi Guys, I want to have parameterize error message as we have in common-validation of apache Like eg we can have message in our property file as field should min {1} ...

70. Weird Error Message In Log

Weird Error Message In Log I have implemented a standard 404.jsp page to display a custom message when a 404 occurs. The application displays the 404 content correctly but I noticed ...

71. Spring:message and error codes resolving question

Spring:message and error codes resolving question Hi, I have this code in my JSP that displays all bind and validation errors : Code: You have errors:

72. Spring Validation, Can't find the error messages.

org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code '' for locale 'en_US'. at

73. commons validator i18n error messages

commons validator i18n error messages I have succesfully integrated commons-vildator into my spring app modifying the implementation slightly to take the configuration from a database and not an xml file. However ...

74. Customer Error Messages / Internationalisation

Customer Error Messages / Internationalisation Hi I have not come across how to do this yet.... A failed login (wrong password) results in a Bad Credentials Exception at the momment... 1) ...

75. Custom bind error messages.

I've searched the forum, but I think this is a bit to simple so no one has come right out and said it yet. Basicly, when my date binding fails, how ...

76. commons Validator - no error messages

commons Validator - no error messages Hi! Im trying to integrate the commons validator. I used Matt Raible's guide ( to do it - validation works but I get no error ...

77. Displaying Error from message resource

Displaying Error from message resource Can anybody tell me how to display a error message that was added to the errors object, I can see the error code, default message etc, ...

78. Binding error message?

Binding error message? How would I show (within jsp page) the exception or message of a form post that fails to bind to a command object? Is there a standard request ...

79. Error Message Codes for Validator

Im just trying to implement my first SimpleForm with Validation. Almost working but in my Validator Im adding code of the form: Code: errors.rejectValue("description",null,"This value cannot be left blank"); errors.rejectValue("description","ERR1","This value ...

80. Global error message with tiles

Global error message with tiles Is there any generic way to determine if there is an error in any of the objects bound on the page? I am using tiles and ...

81. Tomcat deployOnStartup=true causes spurious error message

Tomcat deployOnStartup=true causes spurious error message I am using Spring 1.2.1, Hibernate 3.0.5, and Tomcat 5.0.28 with a jndi datasource that is defined in a context.xml file. It works; however, when ...

82. How to display only one error message for 2 error codes?

How to display only one error message for 2 error codes? In the page, user can input a double value with 2 text input fields. For example, user can input 3 ...

83. Problems seeing Spring error messages in tomcat

Problems seeing Spring error messages in tomcat Hi , This is a problem i've been encountering every now and then and i was able to fix at times by redeploying my ...

84. SimpleFormController - how to add Error message

85. Passing values to resource bundles for error messages

Suppose I have an error message that says This username : sample.user is invalid How do I pass the value sample.user to the resource bundle to display I have seen it ...

86. How to Use Arguments for Error inside JSP for SPRING:MESSAGE

How to Use Arguments for Error inside JSP for SPRING:MESSAGE We are trying to pass arguments using Object array for Error Object in a JSP for the following message defined in ...

87. ProcessingFilter and struts error messages

ProcessingFilter and struts error messages In an effort to resurface the struts error messages I save them in my processing filter, strange thing though the page on which I'm landing on ...

88. plain error messages on form validation

Hi, Is there a way to set plain, hard coded, error messages on form validation? The only way I could find so far was to set error codes and these are ...

89. Problems resolving error messages for arrays of objects

Oct 11th, 2005, 07:40 AM #1 jonfurse View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2005 Posts 3 Problems resolving error messages for arrays of objects I'm ...

90. Nice way to display global error messages

Hi Can anyone show me a nice way to display global error messages. I have a common "messages.jsp", which i have included top of all jsp's. Here is the code. Code: ...

91. Unescaped html error messages

Hello, I want to use errors.rejectValue() referring it to an html-tagged error message defined in my properties file. No matter the escapeing flag in my .jsp tag, I am always getting ...

92. get error messages within AbstractView

You can simply set AbstractView.setRequestContextAttribute. The requestContext (from which you can retrieve the errors object) will then be available to the view under the value you passed in. HTH

93. parametrized error messages not working

parametrized error messages not working Hi folks, sometimes I want to pass f.i. an int value to an error message when rejecting a field (from my formbackingobject) but I do not ...

94. Customizing Error Message for ConcurrentLoginException

Customizing Error Message for ConcurrentLoginException Hi, We need to customize the error message shown when ConcurrentLoginException is thrown. By default, the error message is "Maximum sessions of 1 for this principal ...

95. how to customize the error message of binding?

96. how dose spring dealt with error message(validate and bind)?

with spring mvc, I'm missing at org.springframework.validation.* and org.springframework.web.bind.* Some body who can illustrate the relationship between these packages and classes?

97. Validation works but no error message displayed

Validation works but no error message displayed Hi I have a controller A that extends SimpleFormController and overwrites onSubmit, referenceData, OnBindAndValidate for validation. I have another controller that extends controller A ...

98. overriding default validation error messages

overriding default validation error messages I'm relatively new to spring and am having trouble fine-tuning tuning override of default validation error messages. For example, I have a date field (completeDate), which ...

99. Spring 2.0M3 form tags: displaying error messages?

Spring 2.0M3 form tags: displaying error messages? Hi all, I'm a completely dumbfounded by a simple problem: I'm trying to display an error message using the new Spring 2.0 form tags ...

100. CustomNumberEditor: how to overrule error messages

Hi all, I have registered a CustomNumberEditor in my Controller that enables me to have optional Integer properties. Code: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception { PropertyEditor editor = ...