generate « Roo « Spring Q&A

1. Modifying show method of generated roo controler

I am learning Roo and have a database with a student object that has associated score objects. I would like to display the score objects when the show method is executed ...

2. Project generation problem using Spring Roo

I just downloaded SpringSource Tool Suite, and tried to generate a demo application using roo, but i'm getting error below Code:

Created /home/dev/springsource/workspace/demo/pom.xml
Undo create /home/dev/springsource/workspace/demo/pom.xml
Invalid dependency scope: PROV?DED
[Timer-0] NullPointerException at org.springframework.roo.classpath.itd.AbstractItdMetadataProvider.notify(
What is the ...

3. BindingResult always empty in roo generated project

BindingResult always empty in roo generated project The problem: I have a controller method that is responsible for handling a validated command object and either redirecting to a list page on ...

4. Schema Change - Generated Roo App

Hi, I generated Roo MVC app using database reverse engneer. Now i want to point to different schema instead of generated one. If I change all the schema details in ...

5. Help With Roo Generated User Interface

Dear all, I have only just started using Roo a couple of days ago. I have a couple of questions. On using Roo, as per the tutorial However I find ...

6. textarea sizing in Roo generated code...

textarea sizing in Roo generated code... I am currently using Roo 1.1.3 for a new application. I created an entity that has two string members with a maximum size of 255 ...

8. How to "Push In" Roo Generated Code...

While the roo shell is running it scans, so as soon as you implement a public void persist() in and save the file, the shell removes the autogenerated aspect ...

9. How to Get Roo to Use a Custom Banner When Generating Web Pages

How to Get Roo to Use a Custom Banner When Generating Web Pages Dear Sirs et Madames, I am currently experimenting with Roo, and one thing I would like to change ...

10. How to generate roo script from existing project?

hi, Is it possible to generate roo script from existing project? I made some modifications added and removed roo annotations, entites, ... so my roo.log is not uptodate. thx, fifty

11. Roo (1.1.5) generated proj's have missing style sheets ?

Roo (1.1.5) generated proj's have missing style sheets ? I ...

12. Can Spring Roo generate CRUD pages without the source code?

Hi, i have a jar that some backend guys give maintenance to and i want to know how to create CRUD pages without having access to the source code of the ...

13. Stepping Through Roo Generated Code in Debugger

While debugging a Roo application in STS, if I want to break inside or step through the Java code generated from the ITD files, how do I do it? I did ...

14. using a dynamic datasource in a roo generated project.

using a dynamic datasource in a roo generated project. We created a project using roo and have been successfully operating the project with two static data sources for the past year. ...

15. Building multiple artifact from Roo generated code

Building multiple artifact from Roo generated code Consider a case where the service layer and entity layer which is generated by Roo should be used in different application. For example it ...

16. Roo generated view names not working

Roo generated view names not working For security mapping, I'm trying to locate a bunch of controllers under "/admin", e.g. "/admin/users/list". To make this work, it seems I have to: 1. ...

17. make roo generated Comparable methods

make roo generated Comparable methods Hi, Now that the tiles code seems stable (sort of) i m continuing with my work in a ordering feature for the generated lists in Roo. ...

18. RooEntity id generation strategy

Hi, Is there a suggested way to change the generation strategy of an entity Id? I resolved the issue by redefining the id field in my class and annotating it like: ...

19. Roo 1.0.1 generating fully-qualified names

I've just switched to doing some prototyping in 1.0.1, and have noticed that rather than using imports to qualify the names of field types and annotation types, it has started to ...

20. Asking Roo not to generate a setter

You can set gettersByDefault=false or settersByDefault=false in the @RooJavaBean annotation which would turn off the generation of all setters or getters. If you want to do it for an individual getter ...

21. Java code generation using Roo

Java code generation using Roo All, I am trying to generate a set of java source files and spring context files based on the dependencies specified on a xml file. For ...

22. Roo 1.1 generate list page view Dojo problem

in list view, show link and update link can not work in IE ,It is dojo problem I open dojo.js ,it show current version is 1.2. so how to update to ...

23. unable to deploy roo generated vote application

unable to deploy roo generated vote application Hi All, using roo and the script vote.roo that generated a voting application, but unable to deploy on jboss 5.1.0 using jdk6 Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: ...

24. generating roo scripts automatically

I have generated stored procedures & scripts that automatically reverse engineer an existing database and generate scripts you can feed roo to automatically generate your application (tables, columns, controllers etc.) These ...

25. dynamically generated content in Roo?

I've taken a brief glance on Roo with regards to a project i'm suppose to do. While i like the fast setup and generation I was having a few additional things ...

26. How to use Roo generated module in another project

Hi, I created a Roo generated module which holds my "domain" classes. This will be a module which I want to be able to use in other projects. How can I ...

27. Tweaking Spring Roo code generation?

Tweaking Spring Roo code generation? I've been playing around with Spring Roo and I'd love to use it for a project at work. However, it would be much easier if I ...

28. Generating finder methods for non-Roo project

Hi I am doing a project migration, which includes generating JPA classes. I have already generated some JPA classes with Roo annotations. Apart from that, I also want to utilise Roo's ...

29. Issues with ROO Generated hibernate mappings

Hi, I started using the DBRE tools in Roo 1.1.0 RC1. So far everything looked great. Every entity was created just fine and controller scaffolding worked a treat. However, when i ...

30. Why ROO avoid ITD generation to Enumeration class Types ?

Hi! My question is about the ITD generation to Enumeration class types. You Only can generate ITD for Class types. ROO avoid this behaviour in AbstractItdMetadataProvider method get: Code: public final ...

31. How to use dojox in a roo generated application.

How to use dojox in a roo generated application. I have seen quite a few questions regarding the use of dojox in roo applications. Here is a recipe for how I ...

32. Roo script generated from Excel Workbook

Roo script generated from Excel Workbook Hi, I often use Excel for defining data when talking with business. Usually, each excel table will end-up as a table in my database. These ...