Filter 1 « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Why is my (Spring Security) servlet filter getting called twice?

Any ideas about why doFilterHttp in my SpringSecurityFilter subclass is getting called twice on each request? I don't really know where to start looking. Feeling a little stumped. I'm reverse engineering a ...

2. spring authentication provider VS authentication processing filter

both spring authentication provider and authentication processing filter also need to register with authenticationManager? authentication provider i can use custom-authentication-provider tag but what is different spring authentication provider and authentication processing filter ? ...

3. Spring MVC Custom Authentication

What I am looking to accomplish is a filter (or similar) that would handle the authentication model for my Spring MVC application. My application is also hosted on Google App Engine. The ...

4. Spring Security - Different Filter Entry Points based on Role

I'm developing a webapp which allows for two types for users - User and Admin. There's are two parts of the site - the User side, and the Admin side. I'm using ...

5. How to force unauthenticated users to a loging page in Grails / Spring Security Plug-in

I think I'm missing a very obvious solution here, but I'll ask anyway. I've got a grails application that uses the Spring Security Plugin for my AAS. I want ...

6. How do web.xml filters work? Can you have two filters map to all pages (/*) and specify the order?

I want to use Spring Security, and it says to map the filter to /*. But I already have a filter mapped to /*, which is the Tuckee URLRewrite filter. Is ...

7. Adding custom filter in spring security

I am trying to make a custom AuthenticationProcessingFilter to save some user data in the session after successful login here's my filter:

package projects.internal;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


public class MyAuthenticationProcessingFilter extends AuthenticationProcessingFilter ...

8. How to perform custom logic with Spring Security when user is remembered?

I'm using Spring Security 3 and I want to perform some logic (saving some data in the session) when the user is visiting the site and he's remembered. I extended the ...

9. spring security filter-chain regex pattern

In my application which uses spring security I want to define two different areas both using their own spring security filter-chain. My question is: is it possible to define two regex ...

10. protecting grails melody with grails filter

I have an application where I am using spring security along with grails melody. I am planning to run grails melody in production environment, but don't want visitors to have access ...

11. Accessing logged user from a filter

I have a Spring 3 application with Spring Security. I need to do some proccessing in almost all the urls of my application. The proccesing is different depending on the user ...

12. Spring Security Custom Filter (Change Password)

I'm using Spring Security for securing HTTP requests to a website. The primary usage is for securing pages such that the user is redirected to the login page when trying to ...

13. How do I implement a custom FilterSecurityInterceptor using grails 1.3.2 and the plugin spring-security-core 1?

I'm writing a grails 1.3.2 application and implementing security with spring-security-core 1.0. For reasons outside the scope of this question, I'm implementing a custom FilterSecurityInterceptor in addition to the out ...

14. How to add multiple custom-filter in Spring Security 3?

I need add two custom filters for FORM_LOGIN_FILTER, e.g.

<custom-filter after="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="myUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter" />
<custom-filter after="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="myUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter2" />
What I expect the filter sequences is:
2. myUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter
3. myUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter2
But above will cause configuration error. So, ...

15. Got Problems with Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter and Spring 3 Web MVC

I have a Spring Web MVC application and I want to use RESTful URLs. Regrettably I haven't found any configuration that works for me with Tuckey's UrlRewriteFilter. I'm using the "DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping" and ...

16. spring / hibernate - filter by current user id

I have a table CompanyList in my Oracle database :

CMP_ID INTEGER -- ID of company
CMP_NAME VARCHAR2 -- name of company
USR_ID INTEGER -- Foreign key to the USERS table
i have my Spring ...

17. How to use more than one custom filter invoked after each other?

hi all i am using spring security 3.0.2 and i have one custom filter and its order is last and i want to add another filter after that filter, is the following ...

18. Spring Security 3.0: How do I specify URLs to which a custom filter applies?

I am using Spring Security 3.0 with JSPs. I have created a RequireVerificationFilter that redirects unverified users to a "verify your email" page. I added the filter to the spring security ...

19. Spring Security 2.0.x - Filter based on role type + Session based bean state

We have an application where users with proxy rights need to be able to see links in an application. For example, we might have:

<s:intercept-url pattern="/resourceManager.htm" access=" ROLE_ADMIN_GROUP, ROLE_PROXY"/>
If the user ...

20. Spring Security 3.0.3 and custom authentication processing filter

I use Spring Security 3.0.3.RELEASE. I would like to create a custom authentication processing filter. I have created a filter like this:

// imports ommited
public class myFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter {

21. HttpsCookieFilter - IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response

Following exception is thrown every once in a while and it shows up in localhost log file in tomcat log directory. If anyone know how to get rid of it, all ...

22. how can i use custom filter with spring MVC

I want to develop my login process on my app in a secure way. I used spring MVC 3 structure to dispatch the request related urls. My dispatcher servlet handle all ...

23. Format exception message thrown by Spring security in filter chain

The setup: Resteasy + Spring Security on Tomcat. Data exchanged between client/server is in JSON format. Have exception mappers to return JSON formatted messages when the app throws any exception. Goal: Always return properly formatted ...

24. Spring Security 401 error with custom authentication filter

We're developing a website using Java and Spring. As a server, we're using a custom server based on Tomcat 6.0.29. In the web.xml file there is this custom authentication filter declared: ...

25. How do you externalize a spring filter-chain?

Due to cross-platform constraints, I'm trying to externalize the filter chain in spring security. While it works great when I specify the filter list as a string literal, if I ...

26. Spring Security 3.0.5 Custom Filter Issue

when I try to configure a new custom authentication filter using spring security 3.0.5 it calls the custom filter (XMLAuthenticationFilter) constructor at server startup and complains about not having an authenticationManager ...

27. Spring Security Filter and Posted Data

I wrote a custom Spring Security filter that needs to user XML data that was posted to it. How would the filter get the posted data?

28. Spring Security custom filter

I would like to customize Spring security 3.0.5 and change login URL to be /login instead of /j_spring_security_check. What I need to do, is to to allow login to "/" directory ...

29. Can't get spring-security.xml right

I have my spring security set up to do basic authentication to a database with no issues, however I would like to add custom login/logout and admin pages as well as ...

30. HibernateTemplate Filters User?

I am trying to apply hibnerate filters using hibernateTemplate and it does not seem to work the result of my searchByName method below retrieves all companies it does not filter by company ...

31. Spring Security 3 forceHttps and Channel Filter problems

We recently upgraded to Spring Security v3.0.5 (jdk 1.5). Everything has gone pretty smoothly except for dealing with SSL redirects. Previously, we didn't take advantage of the Channel Filter. Instead, we ...

32. Spring security Custom Filter: cannot read FROM POST parameter

I am trying to read a form-post parameter with the following code:

String hohumId = request.getParameter("HOHUM_ID");

if (hohumId == null) {
throw new
    PreAuthenticatedCredentialsNotFoundException("ID not found in request");
This is inside a ...

33. after web filter all images gone in jsf page

I am using spring security with jsf 2. I have a filter that control if db access is ok in each page. :

public void doFilter(ServletRequest aReq, ServletResponse aResponse, FilterChain aChain) throws ...

34. Cumulative filters in Spring Security 3

I need to secure my website using 2 layers. First is an LDAP check, next is a username/password entry. I have written both custom authentication filters for both checks. If the ...

35. Spring filters working flow

i am using spring mvc. for login whenever request comes it passes through various Filters to get the flow(as different flow for different types of users). please suggest me a good ...

36. Configuring URL patterns for servlet filters

We are trying to use spring security in our application. IN the below code, How do we configure the URL pattern to say "intercept all the URLs except the URLs of pattern '/xyz/' ...

37. Multiple pre-auth filters in Spring Security?

I have a need to have multiple PRE_AUTH Spring Security filters. In particular I need to use a PRE_AUTH filter in addition to the two filters configured as PRE_AUTH in ...

38. Spring security Filter Chain error

I use Spring security 3.0.5 for authentication. But, sometimes.. I see stacktrace below.

[2011.08.19 00:01:44][1][b242] [container1-102] worker(webtob2-hth0(swgspw02:10900)-w13:Socket[swgspw02:10900]) : servlet execution error - unexpected runtime error
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: DefaultWebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator does not support filter chains

39. With Spring-MVC, how can we filter HTTP POST form parameters based on user role?

I have forms to edit users in a web application. If the user role is a director, I want them to be able to edit all the properties on a user ...

40. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/Filter?

I am using spring-security for a desktop application, that's my xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

41. Spring Security RememberMe success handler or url filtering

I am using Spring Security with a login page and a remember-me filter. The remember-me filtering can happen on any page of the application. But I want the same behaviour both when ...

42. Difference between access="permitAll" and filters="none"?

Here is a part from Spring Security petclinic example:

<http use-expressions="true">
    <intercept-url pattern="/" access="permitAll"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/static/**" filters="none" />
    <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" />

43. Configuration problem: spring-security-web classes are not available. You need these to use

I am attempting to run some unit tests on my spring web app using Maven. The app installs and runs fine, it generates a deployable war file all OK (all using ...

44. Login failed when using custom Grails Spring Security filter

I am using Grails with the Spring Security plugin. I have crafted a custom filter, authentication provider, and token and registered them as beans and into filter chain:

SpringSecurityUtils.clientRegisterFilter('myFilter',SecurityFilterPosition.SECURITY_CONTEXT_FILTER.order + 10) 
(I am ...

45. Retrieve Spring Security's Authentication, even on public pages with filter="none"

Let's say I have a simple page called faq.html. I want this page to be publicly accessible, so I apply the usual Spring Security configuration:

<sec:intercept-url pattern="/faq.html" filters="none" />
Let's also say that ...

46. Spring MVC 2.5 - remember me with custom pre authentication filter

I am working on a legacy app that uses Spring Security 2.0.4. I have created a custom AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter and PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider. They create and authenticate the user based on an email address ...

47. Does adding Custom Filter affect the Chain?

If I define a filter Chain Proxy as follows:

<bean id="filterChainProxy" class=" nProxy">
<security:filter-chain-map path-type="ant">
<security:filter-chain pattern="/**"
authenticationProcessingFilter" />
will the other filters in Standard Filter chain be executed? Should I define all the filters I ...

48. Do filter action before spring security login-processing-url (/j_spring_security_check)

I use a spring security form, which looks like :

         <form-login login-page="/login.jsp" 

49. save object in session inside a custom spring security filter

I am using Spring 3.1.0.RC3 and JSF 2.0. I implemented a custom spring security filter and I want to store an object in the user session in order to recover it later. ...

50. No WebContext for Security filter

No WebContext for Security filter Hi, I am stucked with implementing spring security to my webproject. I created project using spring 3.0.5 without ContextLoaderListener. Everything was working fine, but then i ...

51. filter-chain filters="none" issue on upgrade from acegi to Spring Security 2.0.6

filter-chain filters="none" issue on upgrade from acegi to Spring Security 2.0.6 I am in the process of an upgrade to 2.0.6. I have couple of controllers and JSPs in my app ...

52. need urgent help with custom security filters

need urgent help with custom security filters i- can I use spring security 3.x.x and spring mvc 2.x.x with each others. ii- I am using OAuth authentications on my clients and ...

53. stripQueryStringFromUrls missing from filter-security-metadata-source?

stripQueryStringFromUrls missing from filter-security-metadata-source? I am using Spring Security to secure an application that has both web pages and web services. I just migrated from Spring Security 2.x to 3.0.5. My ...

54. Domain Object Security(ACL) DB filtering

Domain Object Security(ACL) DB filtering Hi, I'm starting to use the ACL for domain object security. In the documentation there is a good example on how to filter objects after they ...

55. servlet filter, httpheaders, conditional access settings

servlet filter, httpheaders, conditional access settings Hey, I hope the title is somewhat clear, I'll clarify. I'm developing an application that gets its initial data from a security service like a ...

56. Filters used in security filler chain are not initialized

Filters used in security filler chain are not initialized Hi, I have the following simple scenario: applicationContext.xml: Code: The ...

57. Spring Security Filter Pattern

Spring Security Filter Pattern I try to implement security for my application using spring security. I intercept page using `intercept-url`, for example: Code:

58. Invoking scoped bean inside custom authentication filter

Invoking scoped bean inside custom authentication filter Hello everyone, I've searched this on the forums and while the question has been asked a few times I haven't found a thorough answer, ...

59. Spring security filter not found in spring security 2.0.6

Spring security filter not found in spring security 2.0.6 Hi, I am using Spring Security 2.0.6 for basic Authentication and have a Custom Authentication provider. The application is deployed in IBM ...

60. problem with filters="none" in spring 3.0.6 with spring security 3.0.X

problem with filters="none" in spring 3.0.6 with spring security 3.0.X in spring 3.05 with spring security 3.0.5 the following worked just fine: however, with an upgrade to ...

61. getting my filter to run *before* spring-security filter chain

getting my filter to run *before* spring-security filter chain i currently have a filter defined in conf/SomethingFilters.groovy, and i would like to get that to run before the spring-security filter chain. ...

62. Spring Security and Spring Remoting Pre-auth-filter

Spring Security and Spring Remoting Pre-auth-filter I am trying to make the following working: There is a Spring client app (none-web) that calls a service on the Spring Server through HttpInvoker ...

63. Filter to run before security filters?

Filter to run before security filters? I have a filter, MobileRedirectFilter, that implements Filter, the purpose of which is to detect if someone is connecting via a mobile device and (if ...

64. Problem with adding Custom Filter in security filter stack...

Problem with adding Custom Filter in security filter stack...

65. Spring Security 3 filter + Struts 2 actions

Spring Security 3 filter + Struts 2 actions Hello, I'am trying to intercept Struts 2 actions from Spring Security filter but when i'am looking for Log, Struts url will never been ...

66. acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war does not work

I copy acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war to webapps of jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30, start tomcat and open browser with http://localhost:8080/acegi-security...ontacts-filter, but comes Exception. What should I do? Thanks.

67. authorization-aware query filtering...

Almost every recent project I worked on had the requirement to show some list of domain-objects to specific user groups, with each group having their security-related filter applied to these lists. ...

68. Filtering permissions list

Filtering permissions list Hi all: We are working on an application that deals with user management. The application uses Acegi ACL to manage what rights users have over other users. User ...

69. struts plugin / acegi filters

Hi! Is there a way to use the struts-plugin (defined in struts-config.xml) and acegi FilterToBeanProxy (defined in web.xml filters)? The problem is that the filters don't have access to the ApplicationContext ...

70. How filter user input for bad HTML/Javascript

How filter user input for bad HTML/Javascript Hey guys, I'm writing an app that accepts user input in the form of free-form text. The problem is that the Spring HTML escaping ...

71. Acegi filter not invoked

Acegi filter not invoked in web.xml: Code: contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/myservlet-servlet.xml Acegi Authentication Processing Filter net.sf.acegisecurity.util.FilterToBeanProxy targetClass net.sf.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilter Acegi Authentication Processing Filter /* ...

72. How to filter out those invalid URIs before authentication

How to filter out those invalid URIs before authentication I'm new to Acegi. I am integrating Acegi to a web application. I have a problem with Acegi as below and need ...

73. acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war

I think the binary distribution contains a runnable war file, of the sample-contact web application; but there is no Java source code in it (the .war file in the binary distribution). ...

74. Existing filters and acegi filters

Existing filters and acegi filters Hi All I'm trying to integrate acegi into my spring based web application. However, after integrating acegi into my app, my own filter seems to be ...

75. acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter broken?

hi all I got the acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter webapp deployed in tomcat 5.5.12 and here is what i did: 1. login as bob 2. copy the url from my browser ie. 3. ...

76. Exception starting filter Acegi Filter Chain Proxy

Exception starting filter Acegi Filter Chain Proxy Ok, I have a folowing problem with Acegi Filter Chain. As I am starting Tomcat it occures in log file: Exception starting filter Acegi ...

77. Data Filtering on Query level using Acegi

Data Filtering on Query level using Acegi Dear Acegi / Spring professionals, It is quite nice to have domain object data security / collection filtering in the context of application memory. ...

78. acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war in acegi-security-1.0.0-RC2

acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war in acegi-security-1.0.0-RC2 Hi, i have installed the acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war in acegi-security-1.0.0-RC2 when i get to this url logging in as marissa http://localhost:9080/acegi-security...cure/index.htm and do a tail -f catalina.out i see these ...

79. Way to filter data from db depending on role or acl

Way to filter data from db depending on role or acl Hello, i'm just beginning with Acegi and have a question regarding its usage in my application. I have the requirement ...

80. how can i get acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war

how can i get acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war Hi, i am new to acegi-security stuff, i need to look at acegi-security-sample-contacts-filter.war file i went to acegi main site and looked under downloads but i ...

81. Serious Security Flaw in Acegi: A way to bypass URL filters.

Serious Security Flaw in Acegi: A way to bypass URL filters. It appears that there is a serious flaw in the Acegi security version 1.0.1. The code that matches the URL ...

82. How can code all Acegi configuration filters into simple java

Hi, I am new to Acegi Security. I had planned to integrate Acegi Security for our Application. We are using Jetty 5.1.5 server +Servlets. I am planning to integrate simple form ...

83. Authentication - without Filters

Hi All, Is there any way in Acegi to authenticate a user and populate the authenticated principal into SecurityContext - with using any of the Filters? AuthenticationProcessingFilter - authenticates a user ...

84. LoginInterceptors Vs Acegi filters

LoginInterceptors Vs Acegi filters Hi , I have this scenario where , when a request comes it needs to be intercepted to check if it is secure or unsecured URL , ...

85. filter that controls where the user is directed?

filter that controls where the user is directed? Hi, I am migrating an application to acegi. One of the things my application does is allow users to join groups when they ...

86. Run filter only for j_acegi_security_check?

Run filter only for j_acegi_security_check? Hi, First off, i am just very appreciate of folks helping me run with acegi. It's been wonderful not to be stuck. I have written a ...

87. Simple Collection Filtering based on roles possible?

Simple Collection Filtering based on roles possible? Hi, I have a question concerning filtering a specific collection of an object stored in the application's database. Imagine the Object like this: Code: ...

88. How to access Beans from servlet filter

89. Authentication halting filter chain?

Authentication halting filter chain? I am attempting to protect all URL's for an application using ACEGI but am finding that after the FilterSecurityInterceptor generates an AccessDenied exception, all subsequent filters are ...

90. how can I get user from filter?

In my program, I need filter a url,so I create a filter,in it I try to get user infomation, public class CourseAuthFilter implements Filter { ... SecurityContext sc = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(); User ...

91. what to do to ensure Acegi Security filters execute before the SiteMesh filters

Jan 14th, 2008, 07:00 AM #1 rashmi View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 33 what to do to ensure Acegi Security filters execute before ...

92. Role-Based Data Filtering with Hibernate and Lazy-Loaded Associations

Role-Based Data Filtering with Hibernate and Lazy-Loaded Associations I am wondering if anyone has ever come across this problem and has a suggestion on how to solve it. The application is ...

93. spring security NullPointerException in filter chain proxy.

spring security NullPointerException in filter chain proxy. Code: Apr 16, 2008 4:10:35 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart SEVERE: Exception starting filter Spring Security Filter Chain Proxy java.lang.NullPointerException at at at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter( ...

94. Define filters in the filterChainProxy for spring-security-2.0.0

Define filters in the filterChainProxy for spring-security-2.0.0 In my applicationContext-security-ns.xml file, I defined But from the log, ...

95. acegi filter is not working

Apr 18th, 2008, 03:45 PM #1 rajanikar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 1 acegi filter is not working Hi, I configured acegi ...

96. Spring Acegi Filter

Spring Acegi Filter Hi all, I am writing a simple filter that allows me to log all requests transparently. I want to be able to determine the amount of time lapsed ...


Overriding AUTHENTICATION_PROCESSING_FILTER Running Spring Security version 2.0.2, I'm trying to override the default authentication processing filter, and am getting this error: Code: Filters '[ order=700; ]' and '[ order=700; ]' have ...

98. Configuring multiple filters in spring security

I have form-login authentication working with a userdetailservice. There is also a need to perform a SSO based on certain values in a cookie in request object when navigating from another ...

99. filter pipeline only for doing authorization

Hi, Could you please guide me in defining the pipeline of filters to do only authorization, I would want to do the authentication using custom logic which already exists and would ...

100. Trying to Set up SSL Using Channel Processing Filter

Nothing specific to channel processing needs to be in the web.xml - just the normal Spring Security filter chain declaration (which you'll find in the docs and the examples). You can ...