Interceptor « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Access bean name in custom method interceptor

I want to write bean name and method executed in database so decide to create an custom interceptor. However, I am not able to access the bean name. I found ExposeBeanNameAdvisors ...

2. Spring Security Interceptor not getting added to a class

We're using Spring Security to control access to some services. It is working fine for 95% of the classes. However, there are two classes where the security annotations are being ...

3. How we will access to the database from AuditTrailInterceptor?

I'm trying to access the database from Hibernate Interceptor (I need to audit only specific objects that are defined in a different table) and the access is impassable (I get ...

4. If I have a handler interceptor that loads a user object, adds it to request attri, do I cast to get object?

I plan to create a Handler interceptor that will fire before the controller gets called (or I'll do this pre-action firing). I will then check the user's cookie, and load the user ...

5. Spring WebMVC: interceptor which has access to the method definition and the HttpServletRequest

I'm trying to intercept Spring Controller calls which are annotated, similar to:

@AccessRestriction(module = Module.Audit, action = AuditActions.Log)
public ModelAndView myPage() {
   // pls type teh codez
At this point I ...

6. Problems with Spring WS Streaming Attachments with Security Interceptor

I'm having problems getting Spring WS to receive a request which has a file attached and use streaming. The problem is I get the following exception whenever I try to use ...

7. intercept a control being rendered in Spring MVC

I am currently implementing the security layer for a spring MVC app using Spring Security. However I am interested in modifying the behavior of certain controls depending on the role of the ...

8. Spring Security: Why do I need a FILTER_SECURITY_INTERCEPTOR?

I want to configure spring security 3 to fail all URLs that are explicitly authenticated. I am finding that / is not being authenticated because of the FilterSecurityInterceptor:  - Public object ...

9. Spring interceptor/filter

I need to write an interceptor/filter in my spring-jersey application, which will check every request for session and on success it will pass a code to respective controller. Passing this code ...

10. Spring Security Interceptor-URL not working

I am using Spring Security 3.0.3 for a project. This project has 3 areas which should be accessible for different people Therefore I create the following structure - WEB-INF/ (for everybody = unprotected) ...

11. how to add interceptor in spring

I am using Spring Security 3.0.3 for a project.My user info is loaded from the database. I have following interceptor

<intercept-url pattern="/admin/**" access="ROLE_ADMIN"/>
<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER"/>
I want to add interceptor to user data. ...

12. Problems with Spring WS Streaming Attachments with Security Interceptor

Jan 11th, 2011, 10:47 AM #1 craigwarren View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2011 Posts 7 Problems with Spring WS Streaming Attachments with Security Interceptor ...

13. can an interceptor intercept root sub folder file access

We have a web structure like following at an app root directory: /css /images /js /WEB-INF /pdf_files index.jsp I specify an interceptor as: ...

14. Security Interceptor

Security Interceptor Hi, i'm relatively new to Spring Security. My goal is to achieve acl security in my service and domain-object layers. With the help of the book Spring Security 3 ...

15. WS-Security with XWS Security Interceptor

WS-Security with XWS Security Interceptor Hi, I have been having a hard time with X509 certificate-based authentication. I was able to get usernametoken profile authentication to work on both the client ...

16. sample code for domain object instance security interceptor?

sample code for domain object instance security interceptor? The documentation has an example of how to use MethodSecurityInterceptor to secure business beans that are obtained from Spring context via ProxyFactoryBean. I ...

17. Access Web tier logic in my Interceptor

I have a portal application. User are registering via Portal. In my SecurityInterceptor I need access user profile. I need to check username and role and perform simple logic. The question ...

18. Pass an User object in the Session to the Interceptor

Pass an User object in the Session to the Interceptor I have an Interceptor that validates the user before the call to the business methods (Service methods). The User object is ...

19. Howto: Manual login (i.e. forum) - Not by security interceptor

Howto: Manual login (i.e. forum) - Not by security interceptor Goal: ---- A webpage with a login form on it on which user can 'freely' log on. So I do not ...

20. Security interceptor woes (unsupported configuration attribute)

Security interceptor woes (unsupported configuration attribute) I cannot tackle this problem. I've been trying for about 5 hours without any success. I am trying to setup the security enforcement interceptor. My ...

21. Interceptor to get JDBCRealm's user role

Hello, is it possible to wrap an interceptor (I hope that's the correct tool for that) around every controller that first checks wether the user in the current session is allowed ...

22. Porlet authentication interceptor view

Porlet authentication interceptor view I'm working on a IMAP Webmail portlet using spring. Since I need to allow for user authentication with the IMAP server using credentials collected from the user. ...

23. Access existing Filter as an Interceptor

Hi, I would like to hear if it is possible to load an existing Filter as an Interceptor. I know I could refactor the Filter to a HandlerInterceptorAdapter but it is ...

24. Interceptor before Acegi Filters

Interceptor before Acegi Filters Hi, Does anyone know how I can have my interceptor run before the Acegi filters? I have an application which runs across two servers (one is a ...

25. Question on Method Security Interceptor

Question on Method Security Interceptor Might be a silly question as I am trying to understand ACEGI... I have a method defined that i want to protect. Basically users who have ...

26. A better Spring-AOP Method Level Security Interceptor

Thanks for the contribution. Could you open a Jira issue and post your code in there? It's a more useful place for contributions and discussions on them. It's liable to get ...

27. Strange problem with Security Interceptor and RMIServiceExporter

Strange problem with Security Interceptor and RMIServiceExporter Hi, I have a Service whichs interface is secured by an MethodSecurityInterceptor (acegi). This Service is exported by the RMIServiceExporter. There is although a ...

28. Interceptor shall access session scoped object

Hello, I want one of my Interceptors (and some controllers, too) to access some properties of the current user (which is of course session-scoped). I wonder how to achieve that. Right ...

29. Getting access to hibernate Session within a Hibernate Interceptor

Getting access to hibernate Session within a Hibernate Interceptor Hi All, I need to get access to a hibernate session object within a custom hibernate interceptor. My interceptor should adjust the ...

30. Spring 1.5.2 with Security Interceptor

Spring 1.5.2 with Security Interceptor Could anybody help me figure out what the problem is. I am receiving the following errors. Build is done with Maven 2.0.9 10:46:39,593 ERROR [ws]:253 - ...

31. Interceptor and cached Permission Service

I've got an interceptor in a Spring MVC app that checks user permissions to stop users just typing in the url. It has PermissionService bean autowired. Code:

32. How to change "ROLE" from Interceptor-url?

How to change "ROLE" from Interceptor-url? Hi guys, I'm starting my studies on Spring Security and I finally didn't find the solution for my needs. Imagine that I have a system ...

33. A Hidden Flaw in Audit Logging with Hibernate Interceptor and ACEGI

A Hidden Flaw in Audit Logging with Hibernate Interceptor and ACEGI We've recently discovered a problem in our audit logging facility where Acegi returns a different user other than the actual ...

34. Can't apply security interceptors when using Controller annotations?

Can't apply security interceptors when using Controller annotations? I have a project written using the inheritance & XML config method for controllers: Code: public class MyController extends SimpleFormController... then in my ...

35. How to handle authorization with interceptor and annotation

How to handle authorization with interceptor and annotation I have some authorization code which I used in Struts2 to handle authorization. Basically, I annotate a method with SecuredRoles(roles="a,b,c") and the Struts ...

36. SS 2.0 - How to access interceptor created with global-method-security

Hello, Is there a way to access interceptor object created with global-method-security tag? I need it to create MethodInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator. Or is there another to create it?

37. Web Service Security Interceptor in SimpleWebServiceOutboundGateway

Hi, I would like to implement message level web service security. To use it with spring web services, we need to define an interceptor and set the WebServiceTemplate.