JPA « Security « Spring Q&A

1. What are some good sample applications using Spring and Hibernate?

I need a quick jump start for using Spring and Hibernate together and I was looking for some sample code to modify and extend. Bonus points for Struts2 and Spring Security ...

2. Data access layer with Spring DAO and Hibernate.Problems

hi guys this is my first application in with spring and hibernate.So please bear with me with stupid questions :). i created a simple java application in netbeans 6.7. here are my daos ...

3. LazyInitializationException in Spring

I'm getting a LazyInitializationException in my Spring Application. I have the OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter configured so I have all my relations set as FetchType.LAZY and they all work. The problem is when I ...

4. How Can Spring/Hibernate Access Private Members?

As you know, Spring can inject values to private instance variables, and Hibernate can access private variables of persistent classes. However, I can't even call protected methods of a class through ...

5. How to use Spring security with jpa?

I am new to Spring. We are using spring security feature. Database connectivity: eclipselink implementation of JPA. Database: MySql While using spring security, Configuration of authentication provider is as follows,-


    <jdbc-user-service ...

6. spring security with custom user details

I am trying to apply security in my spring application using database tables. What I have so far in my applicationContext-Security is:

<beans:bean id="userDetailsService" class="org.intan.pedigree.service.UserDetailsServiceImpl"></beans:bean>

<http auto-config='true'>
    <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER" />


7. Hibernate: can't access one explicit column with setter

I work with Hibernate 3 (and Spring) on developing a webapplication and I got problems understanding the following issue: I got three tables (shortened)

create table USERS (
    id int ...

8. org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role (Hibernate + Spring)

I have a SpringMVC+Hibernate web application with the following files:

    <bean id="dataSource" destroy-method="close" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db"/>

9. static access to entity manager in spring and unusual architecture

quick question: I have webapplication (wicket+spring+jpa) and was thinking about rather unusual architecture design. Please check it out and give your comments. Consider class Wrapper:

public class Wrapper {
    protected ...

10. How to access hibernate session via AnnotationSessionFactoryBean?

I want to integrate hibernate with spring. spring 3 documentation says that you can access session via org.hiberate.SessionFactory's getCurrentSession() and this should be prefered over hibernateDaoSupport approach. But I want to know ...

11. Hibernate EntityManagerImpl: Getting or setting up access to it

We are developing a JEE application using Hibernate as a JPA provider. We now wish to use Hibernate Criterias but for that I need to get access to the HibernateEntityManagerImpl. We ...

12. Spring security No Hibernate Session bound to thread

I searched the forum for this answer, but i could not find a solution. I have configured my transaction manger bean

<bean id="transactionManager"  
      <property name="sessionFactory" ...

13. With springs getHibernateTemplate, how can I get a list of users and limit the result set?

I have a spring MVC application, how can I return a list of users and limit the results? My UserDao looks like:

public List<User> getUsers(int limit) {
  return super.getHibernateTemplate()????

14. No Hibernate Session when I use Spring Security

15. puzzled prolem about data access of hibernate and spring!

puzzled prolem about data access of hibernate and spring! Hello, everyone, I am encoutering a very, very pullzed prolem, I use spring and hibernate together to build an application, and I ...

16. use of Spring/Hibernate with different user connections??

Hello, I'm trying to use Spring framework with Hibernate. Up until now I am using the HibernateTemplate to call Hibernate methods, and this works perfectly. I need now to have different ...

17. Can Hibernate access DB2/AS400 store procs

Can Hibernate access DB2/AS400 store procs I am starting to work on a new project and we are going to use Spring 3, Hibernate 3 but the data is on the ...

18. Spring Data JPA - Return Multiple entities or user defined object

Using Spring Data JPA repositories is it possible to return a user defined object that encapsulates 2 entities. In other words is there a way to return a Tuple which is ...

19. Access to Hibernate MetaData

Hi Could someone please confirm whether it is possible to get access to a Hibernate Configuration instance when using Spring/Hibernate? If yes, how? I wish to do this: PersistentClass userMapping = ...

20. Hibernate Data Access for reporting (session.iterate())

Hibernate Data Access for reporting (session.iterate()) I've seen a lot of discussion about OpenSessionInView and the recommended strategy seems to be one that obtains a full object graph in the service ...

21. can acegi use hibernate?

Hey, I'm certainly no expert here. But I would guess that since Acegi is built on the Spring Framework, and Spring can use Hibernate, Acegi should be able to use Hibernate ...

22. hibernate layer for access to everyone

hibernate layer for access to everyone hi, Is it better to have hibernate persistence layer put inside another classloader/jvm so that others can also access. As of now we have tapestry ...

23. Making Acegi ACLs and Hibernate work together nicely...

Making Acegi ACLs and Hibernate work together nicely... I'm using Hibernate, and have recently started using Acegi ACLs. I'm running into an annoying problem that I hope someone else has had ...

24. Decl. TX+Hibernate:possible nonthreadsafe access to session

Decl. TX+Hibernate:possible nonthreadsafe access to session Since I introduced declarative transactions using BeanNameAutoProxyCreator in conjunction with TransactionInterceptor and MethodMapTransactionAttributeSource and CGLIB, some of my DAO methods are not working anymore, stacktrace ...

25. access hibernate

I've to prepare web and ejb modules as 2 separate ears. From my session beans I've to use hibernate. Is it possibile to use spring and its hibernate support without creating ...

26. Data access tier design questions (Hibernate)

Data access tier design questions (Hibernate) Hi, I have got a design question regarding the business layer of my application. I have setup Spring and Hibernate (with lazy loading, using declarative ...

27. A fundamental question about data access through hibernate

I know a lot need to explored before asking this but still as a fresher inquistiveness i want to know that whether "It is possible to do all the data access ...

28. Lazy loading, private getters/setters and field access in Hibernate

Lazy loading, private getters/setters and field access in Hibernate I am looking at ways to protect my domain model using private getters and setters and field access instead of property access ...

29. Spring + Hibernate + Acegi + GERONIMO

Spring + Hibernate + Acegi + GERONIMO (I use Spring 2.0) Not working for me. my geronimo-web.xml: Code: org.springframework org.acegisecurity org.hibernate antlr /frog false error: Code: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException: ...

30. Acegi security for spring + hibernate application

Hai all, I am developing an application using spring and hibernate technologies. Now i need to implement the acegi security framework in this application, As i am new to the acegi ...

31. Acegi using Hibernate Qustion

Hi everyone I used Andromda genterate simplest spring-hibernate database, Just User table and username, password. i need use acegi apply to my owner hibernate object. any suggest. thank

32. Hibernate Not closing/Cannot open user connection

Aug 10th, 2006, 06:48 PM #1 certus View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Dec 2005 Posts 36 Hibernate Not closing/Cannot open user connection Hi I am having ...

33. Hibernate users check in

I've never really thought lazy loading was that hard to setup and get working. It just demands that you either think about what you need before the session closes (and make ...

34. Acegi+Spring+Hibernate

Acegi+Spring+Hibernate For last few days i am trying to develop a demo webapplication using Acegi+Spring+Hibernate. I have taken latest version for all. For you help i have attached the source files ...

35. Hibernate and Acegi caching

Hibernate and Acegi caching I don't know if I'm writing in the correct column, but I want to set two different cache for acegi security and hibernate. I've tried to configure ...

36. Data Access using Hibernate

Data Access using Hibernate Hi, I am new to Springs and Hibernate. I am using Hibernate for Data Persistence. I am trying to retreive all objetcs from a Table using the ...

37. The reason for nonthreadsafe access to Hibernate session

The reason for nonthreadsafe access to Hibernate session Hi all I'm maintaining a fairly standard Spring (2.0)/Hibernate(3.2.5) web application. We have DAOs configured as singletons, data service beans using TransactionProxyFactoryBean which ...

38. How to access a hibernate session from JPADaoSupport

How to access a hibernate session from JPADaoSupport HI , I have a DAO class that looks like public class CustomerDaoImpl extends JpaDaoSupport implements CustomerDao { .... I'd want to access ...

39. Hibernate relationship and concurrent users

Hibernate relationship and concurrent users Dear Sirs Let's say I've got two entities, Signer and Contract (many-many relationship between them). There are already a few signers in the database, and there ...

40. Acegi to integrate with hibernate

Acegi to integrate with hibernate Hi, I am a new bie to Acegi security. I had done with Acegi Security with custom JdbcDaoImpl. Now i would like to integrate acegi to ...

41. Acegi with Spring hibernate

Hi, Could anybody please help me out in integerating Acegi with Spring hibernate. where by it should get the data from the Hibernate DAO. Suggest me if there is any link ...

42. Need help setting up JPA data access layer

I'm having some hard time setting up data access layer with JPA. Does anybody have a sample config file that will setup JPA entity manager (using persistence.xml) and will setup transaction ...

43. Spring And Hibernate Multi Datasbase Access

Can any one help me in how to access multiple database in springs application with hibernate. I am using HibernateDaoSupport provided by Spring for hibernate. In that i can set only ...

44. Problem with Acegi+Hibernate

Hi, i have a class like: public Class FOO { List BAR; } when i call the list of class FOO in my application i can filter it with ACL with ...

45. Recommendation for Hibernate default-access attribute

I posted this question first on Sun's Java forum: What is the prevailing wisdom for Hibernate's default-access attribute? field or property? property requires the get/set pair; field bypasses this and ...

46. JPA and spring-security 2.0

JPA and spring-security 2.0 Hi, I'm integrating the just released spring-security 2.0.0-RC1 on my existent application. I already have my own User, UserDao an UserService implementation, based on JPA. In order ...

47. Acegi Hibernate throwing AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent

Acegi Hibernate throwing AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent I am in the process of moving Acegi from a custom jdbcImpl to a Hibernate solution. I have a custom User table using annotations mapped to my ...

48. optimizing hibernate data access

optimizing hibernate data access So right now loading data from the db is extremely slow. I have thousands of objects in a db. each of the top level objects has children ...

49. Using set:s in hibernate (acegi)

Hi, I'm implementing table "users" and "authorities" as suggested by the login-procedure of Acegi-security framework. I've made the implementation so that a user has a Set of authorities such that multiple ...

50. Spring Security with JPA (toplink/spring)

Spring Security with JPA (toplink/spring) Hello, All -- I am new to Spring Security. I try to learn as much about spring security with all the tutorials and samples I can ...

51. HibernateTemplate Vs HibernateDaoSupport Vs Direct Hibernate Access?

HibernateTemplate Vs HibernateDaoSupport Vs Direct Hibernate Access? Team, I have seen in lot of forums and still in confusion. We are starting a new project and need to decide whether we ...

52. hibernate user session issues

hibernate user session issues My application uses hibernate for ORM. I know that the app must be clusterable, and sticky-ing users to a particular host isn't likely to be possible, so ...

53. Problem with setting up JPA access.

Feb 8th, 2009, 11:11 AM #1 aadz5 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jan 2009 Location London Posts 25 Problem with setting up JPA access. Hi, ...

54. Spring Security with Hibernate. Some questions to get me orientated

Spring Security with Hibernate. Some questions to get me orientated Hi, I've read most of the documentation and browsed the JavaDoc's quite a bit as well as done some Googling. I ...

55. some quick queries about data access including hibernate

some quick queries about data access including hibernate hi all i'm not getting how to implements following points in my web application using spring 1) if parent record delete then all ...

56. Using Hibernate and Spring Security - Custom query

Using Hibernate and Spring Security - Custom query Hi, I've read the documentation many times but there is no clear explanation of how to use hibernate and spring security together. (which ...

57. is HibernateTransactionManager mandatory when hibernate is DAO access technology

hello ... we have got a web application where we use struts as web layer spring as service layer and hibernate as DAO layer technology. here we use DatasourceTransactionManager to manage ...

58. Trying to integrate the spring rpc with spring security and hibernate rpc

hi is it possible to integrate the spring rich client,spring security and hiberante rich client with maven.if so please forward me the details Thanks Poorna

59. Spring MVC + Spring Security + Hibernate

Aug 31st, 2009, 03:28 PM #1 jhoerig View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 3 Spring MVC + Spring Security + Hibernate I tried ...

60. Spring Security & Hibernate

Dec 16th, 2009, 01:30 PM #1 YoYoPa View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2009 Posts 3 Spring Security & Hibernate i'm using Spring Security for ...

61. hibernate access restriction

hibernate access restriction I get an error in the following code: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findByExample(F0finance instance) { log.debug("finding F0finance instance by example"); try { List results = (List) sessionFactory .getCurrentSession().createCriteria("F0finance").a dd( ...

62. Hibernate and MVC, Security Problem

Jun 11th, 2010, 07:16 AM #1 jeeper View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date May 2010 Posts 317 Hibernate and MVC, Security Problem Hello, I am new ...

63. AbstractWizardFormController with JPA/Hibernate access.

Hi, With spring 3.0, Hibernate and JPA, Can anyone tell me how to use JPA/Hibernate connect with database in AbstractWizardFormController? I know I can use Model in AbstractController. But the project ...

64. Authentication is not working, spring-security, spring mvc, hibernate, stringTemplate

Oct 1st, 2010, 01:30 PM #1 jolsys View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2010 Location Poland Posts 23 Authentication is not working, spring-security, spring mvc, ...