encrypt « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Encrypting sensitive information in JBoss configuration    stackoverflow.com

The standard data source configuration in JBoss requires the username and password of the database user to be in the xxx-ds.xml file. If I define my data source as a c3p0 ...

2. Password encryption with Spring/Hibernate - Jasypt or something else?    stackoverflow.com

In a Java application stack with Spring & Hibernate (JPA) in the Data Access Layer, what are good methods of applying the password encryption (hopefully using annotations), and where can you ...

3. Store Password Field in Encryption Form Using MySQL and Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I am using Spring, Hibernate for developing my application. And as DB side, I have MySQL. I have an User table and that has password field of varchar type. Now, when ...

4. File based Spring Security    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a Web Service project to provide data to a partner. Our app is really light weight and has only a handful of APIs. Because of time constraint and ...

5. Spring Security: Step by Step    stackoverflow.com

I started on Spring a few months back and the Security topic seems the most complex to me. With Acegi moving into Spring I could not find a single tutorial that ...

6. ManyToOne reference with encrypted fields gives doesn't exist error using Jasypt    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem on the following situation: In my Spring, Hibernate application I got a User Entity and a UserCategory Entity. The table of the user entity got a username ...

7. Jasypt StandardPBEStringEncryptor setting password in spring bean configuration file    stackoverflow.com

When using Jasypt's StandardPBEStringEncryptor we have to set password explicitly in spring bean configuration file. Is it ok and secure to have the password in the bean configuration file? Will it ...

8. Require authentication through https with spring security?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using tomcat 6, spring mvc 3.0.0 and spring security 3.0.0, and since the passwords I store in the database are sha1 hashed, I can't use digest authentication (section ...

9. Hide datasource password in spring xml file    stackoverflow.com

there is a way to hide/encrypt password in xml spring config file? I read that is possible with a "custom" subclass of DataSource, but the solutions keep key in same config file ...

10. User Data Encryption for a Java Web Application (Spring/Jboss)    stackoverflow.com

we are saving user data on a server and we want to do save this data encrypted with TrueCrypt. If a user registers, we generate an asymmetric key for him that is ...

11. how to encrypt values in a properties file in spring for .net v1.3    stackoverflow.com

i am using .net 4.0 with spring.net v1.3 for IoC. my property placeholder is in a properties file (i.e. app.properties), where each line is a key-value pair (i.e. smtp.port=25). i would ...

12. Java -> LDAP account password encryption    stackoverflow.com

I have an Ldap directory synchronised from a microsoft active directory. This Ldap contain many account, each account have a password attribute. I must develop a java program where a user ...

13. Spring Encrypt Values from Properties File    stackoverflow.com

I am currently using a UserDetailsService to get values from a user file:

<bean id="userDetailsService"  class="org.springframework.security.userdetails.memory.InMemoryDaoImpl">
<property name="userProperties" value="users.properties"/>
My properties file is meant to be edited by the admin and the username passwords ...

14. Spring MVC and Encryption at Rest    stackoverflow.com

Sorry for the newbie question, I'm trying to use the Spring MVC framework to upload files. I am trying to maintain encryption at rest, however the MultipartFile states that the uploaded file ...

15. Spring application context encryption    stackoverflow.com

is there any way that i could encrypt the application context entries, for example:

<bean id="securityDataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://;characterEncoding=utf-8"/>

16. migrate users while modifing password encryption    stackoverflow.com

ok i have this application using a db called EXAMPLE. this has been going on for a while. applications uses a kind-of-old version of hibernate. users' password are stored as org.jasypt.hibernate.type.EncryptedStringType

<typedef name="encryptedString" class="org.jasypt.hibernate.type.EncryptedStringType">

17. org.apache.xml.security.encryption.XMLEncryptionException: Illegal key size or default parameters    stackoverflow.com

Hi when i am trying to add securement Encryption Sym Algorithm in spring ws configuration it is giving following exception :

Caused by: org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: Cannot encrypt data; nested exception is: 

18. catching password encoder exception spring security authentication-provider    stackoverflow.com

I have my own implementation of UserDetailService :

public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(final String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException, DataAccessException {

    final User user = securityDetailsService.getUser(username, AUTH_TYPE_ID);

    final String ...

19. When using Jaspyt to encrypt Spring properties files, is an environment variable really a secure place to store the master password?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Jaspyt and Spring 3 in my Java project. I currently store the database connection properties in a properties file. The user name and password are plain text, ...

21. Is there a way to encrypt/sign WS-Security elements?    forum.springsource.org

After doing some research (i.e., Googling), I am not still not certain as to whether encrypting and signing the WS-Security SOAP Header elements is allowed or not according to standards. If ...

22. Data Encryption, Hibernate, Spring    forum.springsource.org

I need to store an encrypted data into database using Hibernate. It is recommended to use the Hibernate interceptor in thsi situation. I, however, can't find how that is done with ...

23. Spring batch file writer to encrypt output file    forum.springsource.org

Spring batch file writer to encrypt output file Hi, I have a requirement like reading data's from db and writing into flat file with encrypted format using batch 2.1. I have ...

24. password encryption    forum.springsource.org

Hi, i'm new to Spring and Spring security. Can some one help me with how to use password encoder.My needs are, We don't use a database table to store username and ...

25. WS-Security Encryption applied the whole SOAP env Body won't work in Spring WS 2.0.1    forum.springsource.org

WS-Security Encryption applied the whole SOAP env Body won't work in Spring WS 2.0.1 I have deployed my webservice implemented (with the usual @Endpoint, @tPayloadRoot, @,ResponsePayload, @RequestPayload annotations). When I am ...

26. help: encrypt password in controller after submit    forum.springsource.org

help: encrypt password in controller after submit hey guys, what i am attempting to do is i have a form for creating a new Consumer and i want to get the ...

27. Encryption?    forum.springsource.org

28. acegi and encrypting password    forum.springsource.org

29. Password encryption using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext    forum.springsource.org

By thinking about it, you might subclass the class of the instance representing the data-source in your case. Override the setPassword method and add some encryption or anything like this. You ...

30. How to encrypt property for datasource in Spring Configuration    forum.springsource.org

How to encrypt property for datasource in Spring Configuration When configure datasource with dbcp in Spring. All properties are in plain text. but is there any way to pass an encryption ...

31. problem with password encryption    forum.springsource.org

problem with password encryption hi i have a different problem when i use a passwordEncoder and saltSource, and change the password, it is encrypting the password in thedatabase but then if ...

32. Problem with Password Encryption    forum.springsource.org

Can anybody please help me with this. I have encryption of the password and the user changes his password and then logout and try login back, acegi is not recogizing the ...

33. URL Encryption in Spring?    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I didn't have any problem to use QueryCrypt in Spring. 1. Add QueryCrypt.jar to your classpath. 2. Add servlet and mapping into web.xml QueryCryptServlet com.guhesan.querycrypt.servlet.QueryCryptInitServl et ...

34. Encrypting username/passwords in property files    forum.springsource.org

Encrypting username/passwords in property files Hello! I have been searching for answers to my problem - but it seems I'm alone on this so far :-). Here is my scenario: I ...

35. Acegi password encryption issue    forum.springsource.org

Acegi password encryption issue When I execute the following code and the password is changed in the database for that user, I can't login after that using the new password. The ...

36. Encrypt datasouce password    forum.springsource.org

Encrypt datasouce password I have a customer request to provide for a unique database login/password for each application, and additionally to allow them to set a different login/password for the application ...

37. Jasypt 1.1 (Java Simplified Encryption), with Hibernate and ACEGI integration    forum.springsource.org

Jasypt 1.1 (Java Simplified Encryption), with Hibernate and ACEGI integration Hello everyone, I have just published version 1.1 of Jasypt (Java Simplified Encryption) which, I think, may be of interest for ...

39. Credit Card Encryption    forum.springsource.org

I need to store customer credit card information in my database and would like to encrypt the information. I'm using Spring, Hibernate, and MySql. Can anyone recommend an approach?

40. Need to encrypt the LDAP DefaultInitialDirContextFactory managerpassword    forum.springsource.org

Need to encrypt the LDAP DefaultInitialDirContextFactory managerpassword I have set up ACEGI to authenticate our users against LDAP/AD using a bind userid and password. We do not allow anonymous binds to ...

41. How to encrypt massage in Acegi or xws ?    forum.springsource.org

42. Problem with xwss Encryption    forum.springsource.org

Nov 29th, 2007, 03:03 AM #1 vdvj View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2007 Posts 16 Problem with xwss Encryption I use xwss to secure ...

43. Encryption in xws    forum.springsource.org

Hi all , I would like to encrypt an ID card of an account. But I can't encrypt it . How can I encrypt a part of a XML file? I ...

44. Response Encryption Error    forum.springsource.org

Response Encryption Error I am successfully signing and encrypting requests to my web service but when I try and encrypt the response back from the service I am getting the following ...

45. Encryption Using Spring WS-Security    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have a confusion over how I can configure my client(java main ) so that the outgoing messages will get encrypted.I have gone thru the Spring-WS tutorial Its only talking ...

46. Encryption Spring configuration files.    forum.springsource.org

Hi everybody, I have some security requirements in my project. I cannot store login/password in a plain-text file. So, I would like to have some ideas to implement this demand in ...

47. Encryption and mapping problem    forum.springsource.org

Encryption and mapping problem Hi. I'm using Wss4jSecurityInterceptor and works fine for usernametoken and signature. But when I'm try to encrypt I have troubles with mapping, my server console prints: org.springframework.ws.server.MessageDispatcher ...

48. URL encryption    forum.springsource.org

49. Spring Security - encrypt password before authenticating    forum.springsource.org

Spring Security - encrypt password before authenticating Hello, I would like to know if anybody has tried encrypting the password entered by the user from the login page before actually passed ...

50. Encryption breaks Login    forum.springsource.org

Encryption breaks Login ok i set up acegi and all works lovely. Then i introduce password encoding and its broken . appCtx.xml is as follows Code: ...

51. How to encrypt the password?    forum.springsource.org

How to encrypt the password? Hi, I am using Spring Security 2.0.1 in my application. While submitting the username and password in my login page I monitor the value of the ...

52. How to encrypt response using client's private key    forum.springsource.org

How to encrypt response using client's public key Hello All, I've successfully created a secure web service (leverages signature and encryption) along with a client that calls it. The client sends ...

53. Encrypting passwords in property files    forum.springsource.org

Encrypting passwords in property files Hi All, I have a requirement that needs certain values in property files to be encrypted. We have an application that is to be deployed to ...

54. Password encryption    forum.springsource.org

Password encryption I'm developing a social networking web site using spring and mysql as database. I've a user table where in i have password as one of the field. Currently there ...

55. xmlsec-1.4.1 breaks response encryption with Wss4jSecurityInterceptor in 1.5.5    forum.springsource.org

xmlsec-1.4.1 breaks response encryption with Wss4jSecurityInterceptor in 1.5.5 After upgrading to spring-ws 1.5.5 I noticed that spring-ws bundled xmlsec1.4.1.jar in the distributions, so I upgraded it as well in my app ...

56. Password encryption in Spring Security    forum.springsource.org

Password encryption in Spring Security Hi All, I am new to SpringSecurity and i am trying to encrypt the password using ShaPasswordEncoder. Please find my security.xml which doesnt encrypt though i ...

57. SHA5 Data Encryption    forum.springsource.org

Hello, Our application is a data capture application that uses Spring core, Spring MVC, Hibernate 3 and Oracle 10g. Our client requires that all data persisted to the database is encrypted. ...

58. Acegi security - How to encrypt password?    forum.springsource.org

Acegi security - How to encrypt password? Hi , I am new to AcegiSecurity and i am trying to encrypt the password using ShaPasswordEncoder. Please find my security.xml which doesnt encrypt ...

59. Acegi + password encryption help required    forum.springsource.org

Acegi + password encryption help required Hi All, I m newbie to Acegi and have following requirement: 1) In my web application, at the time of creating a new user i ...

60. Encrypting Response w/Client's Public Key    forum.springsource.org

Encrypting Response w/Client's Public Key Greetings, I have a basic web service working using Spring-WS secured using XWS. Basically both the client and server require encryption and both require messages to ...

61. Recommended options to Encrypt datasource password    forum.springsource.org

i am looking at recommendations for encrypting passwords in job xml or property files that it reads so that passwords are not in plain text.. In org.springframework.batch-2.0.0.RELEASE\samples\org.springframework.batch.sa mples\src\main\resources\batch-oracle.properties the value for ...

62. User Login and Password Encryption    forum.springsource.org

I am storing password in encrypted form in DB. Login in my application is handled by Spring Security (JDBCDaoImpl). So I don't know where and How can I do the password ...

63. Concurrency and encrypting passwords    forum.springsource.org

i am following this guide and it suggests making your password encryption method a singleton so as to avoid concurrency issues: http://www.devbistro.com/articles/Ja...ord-Encryption Could someone explain what kind of issues there might ...

64. adding password encryption    forum.springsource.org

I am new to Spring and Spring Security. I have a web app running (in a DEV ENV) with Spring Security, but with passwords in plain text. If I turn on ...

65. ws-security, Encrypt, Cannot find key for alias:    forum.springsource.org

Nov 25th, 2009, 10:27 AM #1 JavaPenguin01 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 12 ws-security, Encrypt, Cannot find key for alias: Guys please ...

66. Configuring WSS4J Encrypt for multiple clients, how?    forum.springsource.org

Configuring WSS4J Encrypt for multiple clients, how? Hi All, I have been able to configure my client and server to use WSS4J Encrypt. So what happens now is: - client sends ...

67. Sign and Encrypt SOAP Message with the same key    forum.springsource.org

Sign and Encrypt SOAP Message with the same key Hi, I have web service which is secured by "Username authentication with symmetric key" method. I created web service client using Metro ...

68. Flat File encryption with Spring Batch    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I need to encrypt medium/large flat files using PGP. Can I get best result do encryption with Spring Batch? How to accomplish this? What should I do? Please Guide me. ...

69. Using Rijndael Encryption    forum.springsource.org

Using Rijndael Encryption I need help implementing Rijndael Encryption into Spring Security. Basically, I need help to implement a custom encryption for the password when doing authentication. I know of

70. OutOfMemoryError on WebSphere Application Server 7 with encryption    forum.springsource.org

May 17th, 2010, 10:16 AM #1 thackba View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2010 Posts 1 OutOfMemoryError on WebSphere Application Server 7 with encryption Hi. ...

71. Encrypt request with WSS4J    forum.springsource.org

72. Best password encryption option if I need to decode?    forum.springsource.org

I'm building a web app using Spring and Spring Security for the middle tier. As part of this web app I want to include a facility that allows users who have ...

73. Encryption leaving elements behind    forum.springsource.org

Encryption leaving elements behind I'm experiencing some bizarre behaviour with my spring-ws client. I'm using encryption and signatures, rsa 2048 bit keys, aes-256-cbc encrypt. java 1.5_18, saaj 1.3.4, wss4j 1.5.8, spring-ws ...

74. Body encryption leaving unencrypted elements in request    forum.springsource.org

Body encryption leaving unencrypted elements in request I have a spring-ws 1.5.9 client and server, using wss4j for encryption, signature and usernametoken verification. saaj 1.3.4 - server is running under tomcat ...

75. How to encrypt passwords in config files?    forum.springsource.org

No. I have to admit this is the first time I've seen it requested. What sort of thing are you after? You can insert an encrypted string as a setting value ...

76. Hibernate Encrypt Password    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I have Db user name and password configured in the hibernate.properties file. Password is an encrypted one. Is there any support or api in Hibernate to decrypt password in hibernate.properties ...

77. Spring, Hibernate, and aes_encrypt function in MySQL    forum.springsource.org

Spring, Hibernate, and aes_encrypt function in MySQL Hi all, Spring and Hibernate provided the way to insert a record into database via the save() method. Ex: User() user = new User(int ...

78. encrypt password with c3p0    forum.springsource.org

We have a requirement for all clear text passwords to be encrypted in the context.xml file. Has anyone done this with c3p0? I found an example on how to do it ...