jetty « Security « Spring Q&A

1. How can I prevent spring-security from appending ;jsessionid=XXX to login redirects?

When an unauthenticated client requests a URL that requires a non-anonymous access level as defined in security-config.xml, spring security sends an HTTP redirect to our login page (e.g. /login). That's ...

2. How to enable HTTP digest for embedded jetty / spring security?

I have two small http servers. One using the sun ( server and one using an embedded jetty. Now I'm trying to get HTTP digest working on at least the jetty ...

3. User thread spawning in Jetty

I have a web application running over Jetty, and I need to spawn a thread for idle connection handling. This thread is being started in the spring context. I know it's not ...

4. XML schema error with Jetty

I got a problem with my spring configuration when I run it in jetty. I used the exact same file in tomcat without any problems. The error i get is the ...

5. Fetch application port without access to request object

I have a back end process which is initiated on server startup. After completion of this process I send an email to users. I need access to application port in order ...

6. Configure Spring Security on embedded Jetty in Spring

I have a Spring beans definition file, as below

<bean id="jettyZk" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server" init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
    <!-- properties, threadPool, connectors -->

    <property name="handler">

7. Configuring default user in spring security

is there a way to configure spring security to have a default user (with roles and such)? i want to use it for testing purposes in an embedded jetty environment. ...

8. Send customized response after custom certificate validation with Jetty 7 failed

we are currently using a certificate based login for our webapp (running Jetty 7.4) With JSSLUtils I configured a custom org.jsslutils.sslcontext.X509SSLContextFactory that basically inspects a certificate, validates it against the backend and ...

9. combining spring security 3 with jersey rest api

I have a scenario where I am trying to combine spring security with jersey for my REST API. My need is rather complicated (I think) and it is as follows: Spring security ...

10. Problem deploying an ACEGI app under Jetty

Problem deploying an ACEGI app under Jetty Hello, I have been biten by the Tomcat/CGlib/redploy issue where tomcat is unable or unwilling to garbage collect threadlocals upon redploy. I thought I ...

11. Cocoon-Hibernate-Spring-Acegi in Jetty: classloader error

Nov 22nd, 2006, 05:32 AM #1 remmerie View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Nov 2006 Posts 2 Cocoon-Hibernate-Spring-Acegi in Jetty: classloader error Dear all, I'm using ...