validation « Security « Spring Q&A

1. Should validators in spring access the database?

I'm not really sure if it's a good design decision to make the validators validate commands based on the state of the database. For example if I need to validate a ...

2. How to user Hibernate @Valid constraint with Spring 3.x?

I am working on simple form to validate fields like this one.

public class Contact {

    private ...

3. Disabling SSL Certificate Validation in Spring RestTemplate

I am having two Spring based web apps A and B, on two different machines - I want to make a https call from web app A to web app B, ...

4. How do i access an object in validation.xml in bean validation framework

My class:

public class Employee {

private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Department department; 
//with getters and setters
My employee-validation.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<validation xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://localhost:8080/BVF http://localhost:8080/BVF/validation.xsd">

<class name="Employee">
<validator class="EmployeeValidator"/>

<property name="firstName">
<not-blank message="FirstName cannot be left blank"/>
<length min="5" ...

5. XML validation missing tags

What these xml validation results actually stand for? Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/ddloaders/catalog/resources/datatypes.dtd". cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'filter-name'. One of '{"":description, "":display-name, "":icon, "":servlet-name}' is expected. [48] The element type ...

6. Grails testing user role custom validation constraints using Spring Security Core Plugin

I'm sure this is a fairly common situation. I'm using the Spring Security Core plugin and want to create a domain model that has a Person limited to certain roles:

class Workgroup ...

7. Database access from jsr-303 custom validator

I'm using spring based validation in combination with hibernate validator enabled by the following in my application context:

<bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">

8. How to make extra validation in Spring Security login form?

I wonder how to make extra validation on login form before it will be processed by Spring Security. I'm thinking about some LoginController, LoginForm bean, but i don't know how to ...

9. Spring 3.0 URL pattern validation

I'm wanting to to add an endpoint like /user/foo where foo is one of a set of values determined at runtime. I'm wondering what the best way is to do this ...

10. Spring 3 annotation-based validation: password and confirm password

In my Spring 3 MVC application a users need to save a password and it would be a nice feature if they also were able to confirm the password upon saving. In ...

11. Spring Validation Framework without Annotations

My requirement is to validate Class fields on the basis of external configuration file i.e xml. I dont want to use annotation as if I want to change some configuration, I ...

12. WebService Certificate Validation using WebSphere, Spring-WS and WSS4J

i'm working on a webapp offering SOAP WebServices using Spring-WS 2.0. The WebService Requests need to be signed with a certificate which is of course validated on the server. In order ...

13. Can Spring Security validate the relationship between user?

I am new to Spring Security. Can Spring Security validate the relationship between users? for example: I have two users type. one is teacher, another one is student. I wanna validate whether this student ...

14. Spring RestTemplate HTTPS Connection Disable Certificate Validation (If possible for a given domain)

I am trying to use RESTTemplate at my existing Spring 3 Rest application. I have that configuration:

<bean id="httpClient" class="org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient">
    <constructor-arg ref="httpClientParams"/>
    <property name="state" ref="httpState"/>

<bean id="httpClientParams" ...

15. Spring MVC: How to access validation messages from a controller

I have a typical that contains my validation messages that I use in annotations like @NotBlank(message="{}"). Now I would like to implement some extra validation in a controller, so I need ...

16. spring security validation

15 Nov 2011, 14:50 by nidheesh spring security validation If I use ,I can't login when using j_username and j_password (Spring security+primefaces). If I uses simply the

the email ...

17. Data access in Validator?

Data access in Validator? Any opinions on the best place to locate complex validation and/or validation that requires database access, for example validating a username and password? I see two options, ...

18. Password validation.

Password validation. History: I have just started to use the Hibernate validator and all had gone smoothly apart from my admin input user-defined password field. I was using @size(min=4,max=8). The validation ...

19. How do I bypass Spring validation of "int" field when user cancels?

How do I bypass Spring validation of "int" field when user cancels? Hi - I have added no overt binding or validation meta-data to my application. I am relying on jQuery ...

20. WSSecurityException while validating WS-Security headers

WSSecurityException while validating WS-Security headers Dear all, I'm using spring-ws 2.0.2 and wss4j-1.5.11. I secure my endpoint by using UsernameToken element in the security header. The definition of the security interceptor ...

21. validation with database access

validation with database access Hello all, I've been struggling with a certain problem lately, I'd be happy to read your opinions. I'm quite new to Spring, but I believe it's a ...

22. User-Defined Schema - Data binding and validation

User-Defined Schema - Data binding and validation Our application allows the end user to define custom fields that extend various core objects. For example, a customer can extend our "contact" object ...

23. How to access the HttpRequest object during validation

Hello, Is it possible to access the HttpRequest object during validation when using Spring MVC 2.5? If so, how can I do this? thanks

24. How to access validation messages from a controller?

Hi guys, I have a typical that contains my validation messages that I use in annotations like @NotBlank(message="{ }") Now I would like to implement some extra validation in a ...

26. Validator with HttpServletRequest access

Validator with HttpServletRequest access I am asking myself how I could use the validator facility to do more complex tasks than simply checking fields for value ranges and such. To do ...

27. Any way to access Session from a Validator?

I have a two-page form. On the first page, the user logs in with username & password. The backing form bean ("UserBean") is placed in the Session for use on the ...

28. how to access the session from the validator class?

hi! how can I access my session from the validator class (implements org.springframework.validation.Validator)? in the controller I get access by the request object (request.getSession()...) tia, lana

29. Access a message from a ResourceBundle from a Validator class

Access a message from a ResourceBundle from a Validator class I do not know how to access a message from a ResourceBundle from a Validator class! I have a form like ...

30. custom username validation w/ Hibernate

custom username validation w/ Hibernate Hi, I'm new to Acegi Security, so I'm having trouble starting. I have a solid understanding on working with Spring, Struts and Hibernate. Now, I want ...

31. Access session variable from inside of a Validator?

Hi, I think in validator,it is not possible.However u can do in formcontroller by overriding following method: Code: @Override protected void onBindAndValidate(HttpServletRequest arg0, Object arg1, BindException arg2) throws Exception { // ...

32. Problem Validating User Input

Problem Validating User Input Hello all, I have the following validating class that is supposed to check the usernames and passwords held in a file against what the user has typed ...

33. Spring Validator Vs Acegi

What I want is to be able to validate the username and password and to inform the user of any errors (without redirecting to other pages), before Acegi takes over and ...

34. Validator need access to database

Hi all. I have a validator that needs access to a service that will check via dao serveral stuff. My question is how can the validator get the access to the ...

35. Access Message Resources from validator

hi, I have following message property: Code: error.field.required={0} is a mandatory field in my validator I have following check: Code: ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmpty(errors, "projectManager", "error.field.required", ???, null); You probably already feel what's coming ...

36. Validating solution for update user password for first login and when password expire

Validating solution for update user password for first login and when password expire Is this solution considered appropriate as intended by the ACEGI development team. In other words, is this solution ...

37. UserForm- Confirm Password Validation Problem

If you're binding to the command object, you need to have the field in the object. Well, what you really need is a setConfirmPassword() method -- this may be more acceptable. ...

38. Tiles DTD validation failures on server with no internet access

Spring 2.0.6 I have a web application where I am using spring mvc and tiles as the presentation layer. On our development systems with outbound internet access, everything works fine. When ...

39. Bean Validation and Valang (List access and type casting)

Bean Validation and Valang (List access and type casting) Hi, 1) Is there any way i can validate the entire list using valang? Validating individual elements ( list[0].name ) works. But ...

40. How to validate username/password length before authentication?

Hi I have the following situation: database is accessed through iBatis, which means I get exception if username or password is longer than 30 characters. Is there a simple way to ...

41. Spring-WS security. Multiple public keys validation.

42. Problems with Fault creation when validating x.509 Certificates

Problems with Fault creation when validating x.509 Certificates Dear Community, we've got some problems when trying to validate incoming WS-Requests against a valid x.509 Certificate. Context: - Spring-WS 1.5 - Spring ...

43. xml validation fails with no internet access if spring.jar is merged with app.jar

xml validation fails with no internet access if spring.jar is merged with app.jar Hello, we have an interesting problem. we package java application as one jar using maven:assembly plugin. The result ...

44. Password Validation using regexp

45. access Bean from Validator class

Hello to all, is it possible to access a Bean from validation method of a validator Class? I usually use ApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicati onContext(request.getSession().getServletContext() ); and then UserDAOImpl udao = ...

46. ExceptionResolver not returning error to user on failed validation

ExceptionResolver not returning error to user on failed validation Sorry to make a second post, but this is a different issue than the first one. Basically, I'm looking for an error ...

47. Username Validation

Hi guys, I'm new to Spring and Hibernate, looking for some help on Validation... In my application, I have a registration form with two fields 'username' and 'password' and a corresponding ...

48. validation/access for fields not in command object

validation/access for fields not in command object Hi- How can you access and validate fields in a form that are not part of your command object? For example - I have ...

49. err on validating user form

Aug 3rd, 2009, 04:49 PM #1 storms View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 6 err on validating user form Hello. i have a ...

50. Spring Security and Struts Validation

Spring Security and Struts Validation Hi, I'm having some trouble with the flow in my application and was hoping somebody could help me out. Basically I've set up a url-intercept to ...

51. spring-security-3.0.xsd validation

spring-security-3.0.xsd validation I have recently started looking at spring-security-3.0. Tomcat reports difficulties validating applicationContext-security.xml. Code: 968 [main] WARN org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Ignored XML validation warning org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document ...

52. Spring IDE with Spring Security 3.0 - XML validation

Is Spring Security 3.0 being supported by Spring IDE yet? I'm getting XML validation errors whenever I'm trying to add an anonymous element inside an http element. The message is "Class ...

53. Access service in bean validation method

I am new to Spring, so this should be simple, but I searched everywere and still have no solution: I want to invoke a service that validates a value inside the ...

54. WS Security - Adding TimeStamp Validation brings problem

Mar 12th, 2010, 09:28 AM #1 titoun256 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2010 Posts 5 WS Security - Adding TimeStamp Validation brings problem Hello ...

55. SiteMinder proxy ticket validation support in Acegi

Hi all, I would like to know how should i implement "proxy ticket validation" support in SiteMinder, integrating with Acegii security .. The support is there for CAS , but could ...

56. newbie - password validation

newbie - password validation hi all... I'm not sure how to validate a password using spring security. I have a UserDetailsService: Code: I have implementedBy UserDetailsServiceImpl and ...

57. spring security 2.0.4 additional validation in addition to authentication.

spring security 2.0.4 additional validation in addition to authentication. Hi I am using spring security 2.0.4 and i have a situation i want to know how to best solve. I have ...

58. Password Again field and validation

I think this could be a spring-mvc realted question but since I am using Roo, I would like to ask this question here. How can I make have a password again ...

59. Spring security 3.1.0.M1 and XSD validation

Spring security 3.1.0.M1 and XSD validation I am using the milestone release of spring security 3.1 (this feature is awesome!). I noticed that the XSD for the XML configuration is ...

60. How can I access the validator configured through the Spring MVC namespace? If I use this: Or if I put a JSR-303 validator on the classpath and use this: How can I then access that validator inside my ...

61. User/Data Security Validation

User/Data Security Validation On a current project, I am tasked with trying to secure the access to particular data records. The approach I have still strikes me as wrong, so I ...

62. how to access spring beans from inside a custom validator

63. Spring bean access from custom validation