portlet « Session « Spring Q&A

1. Portlets - Keeping session alive from server side    stackoverflow.com

I am implementing jsr 186 portlets, with some servlets to the mix to implement some ajax. The problem is if I only make AJAX calls for some time, I lose the ...

2. How to correctly implement OpenSessionInView with Spring 3.0 and Hibernate 3 (in liferay portlets)?    stackoverflow.com

I have some problems in implementing the OpenSessionInView pattern. From various resources on the web i configured my application in this way:
1) in my dispatcher-servlet.xml I have an interceptor that ...

3. Spring Portlet MVC and session objects    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on some portlets which I lay on Springs Portlet MVC framework. Now one question comes around: In these portlets I need some session objects (user info, etc) - to ...

4. SSO/CAS intranet session to my JEE portlet    stackoverflow.com

I develop a jsp/servlet application that will be a "portlet" on intranet and I want that the user stay connect to his intranet CAS session and retrieve session informations to use ...

5. Session Scope Bean and Portlet Issue    forum.springsource.org

Mar 11th, 2011, 04:40 AM #1 anyz View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 50 Session Scope Bean and Portlet Issue I am working on ...

6. Spring MVC portlet session time out issue    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I am having a issue with session time out. I want once the session is timeout and user click on any action it needs to redirect to timeout page. I ...

7. Spring Portlet MVC and Session State    forum.springsource.org

Spring Portlet MVC and Session State I am using Spring Portlet MVC for a portlet. This portlet will allow users to search for service requests, display a list of search results ...

8. Spring Portlet MVC and Session Problem    forum.springsource.org

Spring Portlet MVC and Session Problem Hello, we convert our current application from spring mvc to pring portlet mvc. everthing works fine, but a small error occurs. this error causes that ...

9. Spring Portlet MVC and session creation    forum.springsource.org

Spring Portlet MVC and session creation Hi! I have written a small sample portlet using the Spring Portlet MVC framework. There was one thing that caused pain: there was always a ...

10. openSessionInView problem in portlet action phase    forum.springsource.org

I use PortletOpenSessionInViewInterceptor in render phase correctly with spring mvc. But I get error "Nested Exception is org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - the owning Session was closed" in action phase. ...

11. Could not obtain command object from portlet session    forum.springsource.org

Could not obtain command object from portlet session Hi, i am trying Spring portlet MVC (version 2rc4) on small portlet. I have simple controller for custom config mode. SessionForm property is ...

12. Spring Portlet MVC and session-scoped beans in render phase    forum.springsource.org

Spring Portlet MVC and session-scoped beans in render phase The DispatcherPortlet allows to use session-scoped beans by injecting a PortletRequestAttributes object into the RequestContextHolder. Unfortunately, this is only done for the ...

13. Bean Session Scope in portlet environment    forum.springsource.org

Am getting the following error and cant find a workaround or dont how to resolve it. Scope 'session' is not active; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request: use RequestContextFilter I ...

14. Portlet Session nightmare    forum.springsource.org

Portlet Session nightmare We have been in the process of moving to portlets over the past few months. We were using Liferay bundled with Tomcat for development, but we are required ...

15. how to convert portlet session to http session    forum.springsource.org

Could you explain why you are building a Servlet that needs to access the PortletSession? The APPLICATION_SCOPE of the PortletSession is the same as the normal ServletSession of the containing webapp. ...

16. Spring Portlet Session    forum.springsource.org

Hi, i need 2 display the successful username of the Login spring portlet in the user dashboard spring portlet. for this, i did like, PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest)request.getAttribute("javax.portle t.request"); PortletSession portletSession ...

17. Portlets and session beans    forum.springsource.org

Portlets and session beans Hi there, I'm working in a JBoss Portal env atm. I created some portlets and facing now an issue where I don't have a clue to resolve ...

18. spring global session scope    coderanch.com