xml « Spring Tool Suite « Spring Q&A

1. Why STS also keeps TC server.xml away from any customization?    forum.springsource.org

I need to add one attribute on the element in server.xml file for i18n. After restart the server, the file is rewritten back to the original one. That mean I ...

2. Extensible XML Authoring not working in STS    forum.springsource.org

Extensible XML Authoring not working in STS I have developed simple XML extension with steps declared in spring 3.0reference document. described in Apendix D My sample code is working in Eclipse ...

3. STS and spring xml problem    forum.springsource.org

STS and spring xml problem Hi, I'm setting up a test osgi project (using STS 2.3.2.RELEASE) and I'm using maven-bundle-plugin to generate the manifest. Also, I've added OSGi Bundle Project Nature ...

4. STS 2.3.3M2 - host-manager.xml not found    forum.springsource.org

STS 2.3.3M2 - host-manager.xml not found Hello everyone! I have downloaded STS 2.3.3M2 and the tuttorials from sample application directory (https://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-samples/) I followed the steps from the mvc-showcase screencast ( http://s3.springsource.org/MVC/mvc-s...screencast.mov) ...