LazyInitializationException « Transaction « Spring Q&A

1. LazyInitializationException with @Transactional annotation in MessageConverter

I have a REST-service exposed through Spring-MVC. I have a particular method which is correctly mapped and called through a HTTP-call. My Spring application contains the HibernateTransactionManager and transactions are configured ...

2. LazyInitializationException in spite of Spring transaction?

The method below results in the org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException being thrown and I'd appreciate help in understanding why. I'm using JPA 2/Hibernate & Spring. JPA 2/Hibernate are using the default transaction persistence context, therefore, ...

3. LazyInitializationException in the middle of a Transaction

LazyInitializationException in the middle of a Transaction Hi everyone, I'm getting some bizarre behaviour and need some help to figure out what is going on. I have a business method which ...

4. LazyInitializationException before transaction has completed

Hi, I've already described this problem in another thread, but the code has changed a bit since then, and I probably didn't explain it very clearly, so I'll try again... I ...

5. LazyInitializationException and TransactionProxyFactoryBean

Hello everybody, For Spring-WS i am trying to use TransactionProxyFactoryBean to solve my 'could not initialize proxy - no Session' and Soap fault with LazyInitializationException. Only when I am use it ...

6. LazyInitializationException within transaction boundaries

Hi, I've posted a couple of times about this problem, but still haven't resolved it, so I'll try and distill it down to it's simplest form. I'm using Spring 1.2.X and ...

7. LazyInitializationException with nested transactions

LazyInitializationException with nested transactions Hi all, At my current project we have problems to get nested transactions working. The transaction are configured as REQUIRED, so those transactions should participate in the ...

8. Help need with @Transactional usage (LazyInitializationException)

Help need with @Transactional usage (LazyInitializationException) I am new to hibernate with spring. When trying to implement Lazy Initialization according to Spring In Action book, it says to use Code:

9. LazyInitializationException in retrying a transaction

LazyInitializationException in retrying a transaction Hi guys, I have written an application that uses retry interceptor in order to retry operations. I have noticed the following behavior to which I can ...

10. LazyInitializationException in transactional context

LazyInitializationException in transactional context I have a problem I really do not understand. I get a org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: This happens in a service function ...

11. Facing problem with Transaction and getting hibernate.LazyInitializationException

Facing problem with Transaction and getting hibernate.LazyInitializationException Hi, I have a Standalone application where I am using Spring with Hibernate 3. I have an entity that contains another entity as a ...

12. Problem with transaction org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException:

Aug 12th, 2009, 07:28 AM #1 vijaykmr View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2009 Posts 12 Problem with transaction org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: Hi All, I am trying ...