Activator « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. How to send out 2 different messages to 2 different channels from a Service Activator

How to send out 2 different messages to 2 different channels from a Service Activator Hi, I am trying to implement the next flow: File-inbound-Adapter-->fileChannel-->ServiceActivatorWebService-->responseChannel-->ServiceActivatorProcessResponse I read a file from a ...

2. SpEL and service-activator

Hi, In following the reference manual section for service-activator, it mentions a SpEL expression can be used instead of a inline bean or a bean-ref. I am trying this, but would ...

3. SPEL Parsing inside Service Activator java class

SPEL Parsing inside Service Activator java class Hello, I need to send some templated messages inside my service activator. Templates can be potentially long strings (1000+ characters) with arbitrary number of ...

4. Multiple Service Activators in a Chain

Multiple Service Activators in a Chain Hi, Have a use-case where we need to execute a number of commands in a chain. Our first thought was to assemble a with ...

5. Difference between service-activator and outbound-channel-adapter

Difference between service-activator and outbound-channel-adapter I have several places in my application where I want a Spring bean to receive a message and perform some action (say, persist the message to ...

6. Service activator not called when message is put in init method of bean

I have a very simple use case where when a Si message is put into channel in init method - the service activator is not getting called. Is it a known ...

8. Possible to have channel adapter output directly to a service activator?

Just out of curiosity, is it possible to have a channel adapter output directly to a service activator, rather then to a channel that the service activator subscribes to? It's really ...

9. FTP Inbound channel adaptor and service activator issues

FTP Inbound channel adaptor and service activator issues I am trying to write a small app using ftpInbound adaptor and service activator. The app uses file inbound adaptor to listen for ...

10. Issues with Service Activator

Issues with Service Activator I have established SI channels that send HTTP requests from a client to SI to a REST service and back through SI to the client. I would ...

11. Service Activator sending message on file not yet ready

Service Activator sending message on file not yet ready I am experiencing a problem with service activator with file poller where it transmits its message as soon as it sees a ...

12. Using Spel Expressions in service activators

Using Spel Expressions in service activators Our Integration services have a few setters and getters for various other services. I wish to use spel expressions to invoke only one (always one) ...

13. What is really the purpose of return a value with the int:service-activator endpoint?

public static void main(String[] args) { ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:basic/spring-integration-basic06.xml"); MessageChannel input = (MessageChannel) context.getBean("input" , MessageChannel.class); PollableChannel output = (PollableChannel) context.getBean("output" , PollableChannel.class); input.send(MessageBuilder.withPayload("Mensaje 01").build()); Message reply = output.receive(); ...

14. Service Activator on void method

Service Activator on void method I have been having trouble off and on with this, and at first it seemed like spring integration broke altogether when using a service activator on ...

15. Autowiring problem with e defined service activator

Autowiring problem with e defined service activator Hallo all. In my spring context I have this service activaro definition: Code: I need to inject it in another activator: ...

16. getting Dispatcher has no subscribers issue with service activator

Sep 15th, 2011, 08:08 AM #1 resolve123 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Sep 2011 Posts 68 getting Dispatcher has no subscribers issue with service activator I ...

17. Sending response from service activator back to the web service

Sending response from service activator back to the web service Hi SI users, My flow is as follows: ws:inbound-gateway -> payload-type-router -> service-activator Code: When ...

18. File handling by service activator

File handling by service activator I want to handle my file throught service activator like as given below.I don't want to use outbound adaptor as i need this file in my ...

19. Dynamic Methods for Service Activator

I have a Spring-managed Object that I would like to connect an input channel and have method-returns sent to an output channel. The Object has multiple operations, and I would like ...

20. Dynamic Service Activator

Hi , I am looking for ways to invoke a spring bean without hard coding the bean's reference in the service activator. I would want to have the bean name in ...

21. TCP server, service activator, async messages

TCP server, service activator, async messages Hi, I am using a simple TCP inbound gateway with a server connectionfactory to act as a TCP server, see config below. Depending on the ...

22. NEXT_TARGET header for service-activator

The M6 release had a bug related to this: That was fixed on the SVN head shortly after the release, but since that time, the NEXT_TARGET header has been removed ...

23. service-activator

service-activator Hi all, I am trying to write an example a request-reply message using spring integration. I am only able to get it working with my annotation handler but not with ...

24. Service activator

When I defined a service activator in xml, I had to declare the "method" property. Generally a service has a lot of methods, then I had to define many service activators ...

25. The method argument of Service activator

The declared method of service activator in almost all the samples demonstrated has only one argument. Then if the method has more than one arguments, how should I build the message ...

26. Output channel in Service activator

Output channel in Service activator Hi, I have some problem to use a service activator which returns a result. It seems that it doesn't work correctly with milestone 6. I cannot ...

27. Message handler chain with several service-activators

In the chapter 13.2 of the documentation, it is written that a the chain can support several s. My code is pretty trivial: Code:

28. Multithreaded service activator

I am writing an app that is configured to read a file via a file channel adapter and then split the file string contents into lines. I then want a service ...

29. auto-startup=false broken for service-activator?

auto-startup=false broken for service-activator? Hi, I am plugging a PollableChannel as input to a service-activator containing a poller. If the service-activator has auto-startup=true (the default) this works fine and the handler ...

30. How to register a service manually in an activator but receive it with osgi:reference

How to register a service manually in an activator but receive it with osgi:reference Hello, I'm programming an OSGi application with Spring DM. For my application I'm now trying to program ...

31. auto acknowledge while using message driven channel adapter and service activator

auto acknowledge while using message driven channel adapter and service activator I am playing around with spring integration to see if this can be used in one of our projects. My ...

32. service activator fails after a couple of call

service activator fails after a couple of call I have simple configuration, where i'm sending files from a client to JMS with integration, then i'm reading out these messages from jms ...

33. Service Activator only reading one message at a time

Service Activator only reading one message at a time Folks, I have my pipeline running smoothly, except that when it gets to the end, the service-activator appears to only be processing ...

34. Error channel/Service Activator

Error channel/Service Activator My class is defined as follows: class MyClass { @Transactional public void doFunction(Data data) { .... } I have a service activator defined as:

35. BridgeHandler vs Service Activator

BridgeHandler vs Service Activator I have one component connected to another via a DirectChannel. When the producer component method returns a collection of objects the first time it's invoked Spring Integration ...

36. Jetty Activator and org.osgi.service.http.HttpService

Jetty Activator and org.osgi.service.http.HttpService Hi! I'm using Spring DM and the web extender with Jetty. Were does the code of the Jetty Activator live? I can't find it in the Spring-DM ...

37. Problem with service-activator and SI 2.0.0.M2

Problem with service-activator and SI 2.0.0.M2 Hi, I have come across a problem while testing SI 2.0.0 M2. I have created a simple example project to demonstrate the problem - see ...

38. @Publisher does not work from Service Activator

@Publisher does not work from Service Activator Hi, I have been working on creating a few POC's to check the viability of SI for a new project. While trying to publish ...

39. Service Activator vs Outbound Gateway

Outbound gateways are for bidirectional communication and generally used to provide integration with external systems such as JMS, File, TCP etc. Code: etc... Gateways generally ...

40. service-activator with thread-pool-task-executor; do I need polling?

service-activator with thread-pool-task-executor; do I need polling? Here is my example config below. When messages come into 'input' channel for the service-activator the task-executor runs the 'shouter.shout' in a thread, and ...

41. Service activators and channel adapters in their own threads?

Service activators and channel adapters in their own threads? My problem currently is that i need to start transactions for each of the method calls to a service activator, and a ...

42. Multithreaded service activator

How can I make my service activator multithreaded ? I have added thread pool in default poller: Code: ...

43. Calling a service activator after a channel adapter

Calling a service activator after a channel adapter Hello, Is there any simpler way to call a service activator after an output channel adapter than the following code? (Use of case: ...

44. service-activator multi-threading

business process Sure, we have a jdbc poller that takes messages from database, we want these persisted and put on jms queue, so I have a jms channel that does that. ...

45. Execute three service-activators parallel

Can someone help me? I have three in series. I need to first process the message immediately begins processing the next message. But in my case, it waits until the ...