Dynamic « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. setting a custom http header dynamically with spring ws client    stackoverflow.com

how do you set a custom http header (not soap header) dynamically on the client side when using spring-ws?

2. Add Bean Programatically to Spring Web App Context    stackoverflow.com

Because of a plug-in architecture, I'm trying to add a bean programmatically to my webapp. I have a Spring bean created through the @Component annotation, and i am implementing the ...

3. dynamic wsdl creation by spring-ws error    stackoverflow.com

I want to create my wsdl by spring-ws automatically and I inserted the code below to my app context file, but I got the error; "Cannot locate BeanDefinitionParser for element [dynamic-wsdl]" what ...

4. No Endpoint mapping found using annotation driven Spring WS 2.0.2 with dynamic wsdl    stackoverflow.com

Im using annotation driven Spring WS 2.0.2 to create a simple Webservice, but the enpoint mapping was not found. Input and Output are jdom Elements to keep it as simple as possible. The ...

5. Spring Dynamic Module and WebServices    forum.springsource.org

Hi, Is there some documentation available on how to expose spring beans/services (deployed within an OSGI Container; Felix in this case) as webservices? Or if one could provide an example of ...

6. Dynamic WSDL generation/exposure problems    forum.springsource.org

Hello fellow developers, I'm having a hard time to make a very simple ws app work. Right now, after configuring everything by the book, or better, by the reference (v2.0) and ...

7. Accessing remote services using dynamic hostnames    forum.springsource.org

Accessing remote services using dynamic hostnames I'm in the process of converting my application to use Spring DI, and hopefully eventually other portions of Spring. Spring makes a lot of sense, ...

8. Dynamic service lookup from web controller    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic service lookup from web controller I want to know if anybody has any suggestions on this problem I am facing in the web application that I am working on. Basically, ...

9. soapAction attribute of operation when dynamically generating wsdl    forum.springsource.org

soapAction in dynamic WSDL Hello: I've recently started playing around with Spring-WS and I've run into a little issue. I'm sure I've missed something so I was hoping someone can point ...

10. dynamically created wsdl ?WSDL    forum.springsource.org

I am trying to get the endpoint in the wsdl dynamically generated. It seems i cannot provide the endpoint with ?WSDL as parameter. I am using Spring-ws m3.

11. Dynamic WSDL generation error for Echo Sample    forum.springsource.org

Mar 1st, 2007, 05:28 AM #1 Peabrain View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Mar 2007 Posts 2 Dynamic WSDL generation error for Echo Sample Hi, I ...

12. Dynamic DataSource Switching in a WebApp    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic DataSource Switching in a WebApp This is my first Spring/iBATIS project, converting an app that currently uses raw JDBC calls to stored procedures (only access to db is via sprocs). ...

13. Dynamic Web Services    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic Web Services Hi, Suppose that I have a web service that I want to dynamically create other web services from... For instance, based on metadata, I'd like to generate a ...

14. Dynamic web service client question    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic web service client question I am attempting to write an application that will dynamically invoke a web service and process the response. That is, the user will enter a WSDL ...

15. Wsdl dynamic generation problem with imported request/response elements    forum.springsource.org

I have a schema that imports another schema. Both schemas have request/response root elements. When the Wsdl is generated, it does not generate operations for any of the request/response elements in ...

16. Dynamically creating XFire exported Web Service    forum.springsource.org

I'm creating a web application that will dynamically create it's XFire exported web service. I'm guessing I need to programmatically add beans to the application context. Can anyone offer advice on ...

17. Spring Dynamic wsdl generation - multiple schemas    forum.springsource.org

Hi, We have seperate schema for request and response,how do I generate wsdl using those schemas dynamiccaly. It looks like XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder takes only one xsd? Thanks Harshi

18. Dynamic wsdl generation -XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic wsdl generation -XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder Hi, I have imported response schema in request schema and generated wsdl had operation name pointing to same schema instead of input operation and output operation point ...

19. configuring wsdl:faults for dynamic wsdl creation    forum.springsource.org

May 23rd, 2008, 10:30 AM #1 richard.hart View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 4 configuring wsdl:faults for dynamic wsdl creation Hi there, I'm ...

20. Dynamic extraction of the saop port of a WSDL    forum.springsource.org

Dear all, is there a way to configure the defaultUri property of a WebServiceTemplate using the uri of a WSDL instead of directly providing the uri of the endpoint ? Our ...

21. Dynamic WSDL Generation and specifying SOAP Headers    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic WSDL Generation and specifying SOAP Headers I have developed a web service and configured it to use the DynamicWsdl11Definition class to generate the wsdl. While invoking the web service I ...

22. Want to dynamically configure web services on the fly?    forum.springsource.org

Want to dynamically configure web services on the fly? I am working on a prototype where I want to dynamically add Spring web services. Since there could be multiple instances of ...

23. hi,does anybody know how to use spring to create dynamic web service client?    forum.springsource.org

hi,does anybody know how to use spring to create dynamic web service client? suppose there is a wsdl file in the internet http://azureva.cloudapp.net/GoodDayAzure.asmx?wsdl can we just base on the link that, ...

24. dynamic webservice client    forum.springsource.org

Hey guys, we are using a webservice developed by other project. The same service is using by different projects.. the issue is if they do any changes in the response object ...

25. Dynamic WSDL    forum.springsource.org

I want to use the dynamic wsdl creation and simple examples work fine i.e. DoSomethingRequest, DoSomethingResponse, DoSomethingFault What I would like to do is lose the suffix from the request and ...

26. Dynamically exporting services?    forum.springsource.org

Dynamically exporting services? Hi, I'm wondering if there is a POJO mechanism for dynamically exporting services? In my case I have some Properties that are injected at construction and I'd like ...

27. dynamically generated wsdl with wsdl:fault    forum.springsource.org

Is there a way to dynamically generate a WSDL with a fault element that does not include the soap element? I am currently generating something like this: Code:

28. Defining wsdl:fault in dynamically generated wsdl    forum.springsource.org

Hi, how can i add fault declarations to a dynamically generated wsdl in SpringWS? e.g. Code:

29. Dynamic Services    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic Services Hello there! We need to inject services dynamically depending on the user profile: For instance: We ...

30. Convert project "folder" to dynamic web application?    forum.springsource.org

Convert project "folder" to dynamic web application? New to STS, looking at web services. I setup a project in STS for the WS airline example, created a war and deployed it ...

31. wsdl:operation not being generated for dynamic wsdl    forum.springsource.org

Hi, I've compiled / built the tutorial "holiday" example and it works fine. I'm now trying to implement my own simple spring-ws project using the same components from "holiday" example: - ...