SOAP 2 « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. Any way to add a custom header to SOAP message?

Hi, I've searched through previous posts, but have not found anything that works. I need to add a custom header from a Spring-WS client. Something like WebServiceMessageCallback seems perfect, except that ...

2. Wss4j 1.5.5 stripping custom SOAP headers after 1.5.6 upgrade

Wss4j 1.5.5 stripping custom SOAP headers after 1.5.6 upgrade I upgraded an existing spring-ws app from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6, and also upgraded dependencies bundled in the with-dependencies release, specifically upgraded wss4j ...

3. SoapActionEndpointMapping and SOAP 1.2

SoapActionEndpointMapping and SOAP 1.2 I am well aware that SoapAction header parameter is deprecated from SOAP 1.2. Also the following thread was a good indicator that SoapActionEndpointMapping is faster that PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping ...

4. cannot send soap 1.1 message

cannot send soap 1.1 message hi, everyone i am using webServiceTemplate to send soap message, the end point is (for wsdl Question 1 : why Code: messageFactory.setSoapVersion(SoapVersion.SOAP_12); doesn`t work, ...

5. Add custom elements to SOAP header

Add custom elements to SOAP header I have a problem when I try to add custom elements to SOAP header. I found a solution from this forum earlier and it works ...

6. SOAP body attributes are mangled between client and server

SOAP body attributes are mangled between client and server I am writing a SOA application using Spring-WS. At server side I use the Wss4jSecurityInterceptor to verify the signature/digest on a message. ...

7. multiple arguments soap messages

8. Single Service with SOAP/POX/etc at the same time

Single Service with SOAP/POX/etc at the same time I'm new to Spring Web Services (but a Spring novice), and I'm looking to use Spring Web Services so I can get away ...

9. Can't generate SOAP Faults

Can't generate SOAP Faults Hi ! First of all, my platform : Tomcat 5.5 Jdk 1.5 Maven Spring 2.5.6 Spring WS 1.5.6 Axis 1.4 Castor 1.3 My server is unable to ...

10. Xpath and soap

Xpath and soap hi all, i'm trying to extract some information from a soap request using xpath but i'm getting this error Code: GRAVE: SAAJ0511: Unable to create envelope from given ...

11. Capture soap fault detail from service provider

Capture soap fault detail from service provider Hi, I have a Spring ws 1.5.6 deployed on WAS 6.1. This Spring Webservice has a spring ws client inside which calls a service ...

12. Client SOAP call missing operation

Client SOAP call missing operation I like to use Spring WS for consuming a 3th-party webservice for which I only have a wsdl. I extracted the xsd schema from the wsdl ...

13. Body is not added in Soap request

Hi, I am using jaxb to generate the stub, after generating the stub, i am creating a soap request, but input is not getting added to the soap request. Code: WebServiceTemplate ...

14. Childs of soap header and body childs are null

Childs of soap header and body childs are null Hi! I'm using glassfish v2.1, spring-ws 1.5.7. I've implemented my own security interceptor, for signing and validating Soap-messages. As usual, i sign ...

15. Soap envelope

Is it possible to get header and body in xml ( pure string ) from WebServiceMessage ? I'm trying to create SoapEnvelope logger but I can't find way to get this ...

16. SpringWs Attach soap messange

SpringWs Attach soap messange Hey everybody, I'm new here so sorry if i make something wrong ! ( or write ) Well I've trying to make a webservice call and have ...

17. How to handle soap headers

Hi, Can you let me know how you managed to this? I am trying add a namespace to the envelope using the same method but I am getting an exception. If ...

18. complex soap header

Hi, I'm using a SoapEndpointInterceptor implementation to add some soap headers to a ws response. It works great if the soap header elements are simple: Code: blah1 blah2 But ...

19. How to wrap message with soap envelope

How to wrap message with soap envelope I have a JMS based webservice, for which I am using SaajSoapMessageFactory, SoapMessageDispatcher, PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping & XmlBeansMarshaller. When I put a soap message onto the ...

20. soap over https and glassfish

soap over https and glassfish Hi, I have implemented 2 web servers where one issues soap requests to the other using the spring client api. The other server uses the spring ...

21. Performance issue on accepting big SOAP requests

Performance issue on accepting big SOAP requests Hi all, I have developed a web service which can accept simple SOAP messages, with this kind of structure : Code: ...

22. Adding SOAP Header

Adding SOAP Header Hello Guys, I'm facing a problem to add a soap header properly during request. I need a Header like this: DINIZ FOO MyPsw ...

23. versioning soap interfaces...

Dec 16th, 2009, 04:20 PM #1 ldangelo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2008 Location Dallas Posts 10 versioning soap interfaces... I have developed a ...

24. Soap Action - Spring WS client

Hi We are trying to add soap action to the request that gets generated using the web service client handler. If some one had any idea please share your thoughts and ...

25. Issue when creating a SOAP Attachment

Feb 5th, 2010, 04:08 AM #1 altijori View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2007 Posts 6 Issue when creating a SOAP Attachment I am using ...

26. MessageHandlingException does not propagate Spring WS custom Soap fault errors

MessageHandlingException does not propagate Spring WS custom Soap fault errors Expected Result: Code: SOAP-ENV:Client Invalid Client Id. The actual error received: Code: ...

27. Empty SOAP header in SoapActionEndpointMapping

Hi, SoapActionEndpointMapping receive empty SOAP header. Code: createUserEndpoint I send following request Code: DFL 5 ...

28. SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway invoked with empty SOAP header

SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway invoked with empty SOAP header Hi, I have following SI configuration Code: createUserEndpoint However I cannot obtain ...

29. Web Service Support how to propagate SOAP header

SOAP headers does not copied over into message headers in 1.0.3 Even if this will be fixed, it is not clear how to access these headers in order to put ...

30. ExceptionMapping using POX (instead of SOAP)

ExceptionMapping using POX (instead of SOAP) I have the following issue: I want my web service to add an Error to the XML-Output each time an exception is caught. My output ...

31. SOAP over MQ

HI, I am looking for information,where i can define spring beans to invoke my webservice and receive the response on a queue.Could some one help when where i can get better ...

32. Custom SOAP Header Issue

Custom SOAP Header Issue I'm using Spring WS 1.5.8, XmlBeans for marshalling/unmarshalling and AxiomSoapMessageFactory. My app. needs a custom SOAP header. The data that needs to be in the SOAP Header ...

33. Generate Soap Header at Client side??

Hi, Is it possible to place soap headers in WSDL and allow client to set them properly ( after generating client. ). In my application I use soap headers for authentication ...

34. soap attachment limited size issue

soap attachment limited size issue We are using Springs SaajSoapMessage Factory to attach a large incoming xml (1MB) and send it as a webservice call to another endpoint. It appears the ...

35. sending soap attachments using srping ws

sending soap attachments using srping ws Arjen and other Forum Members 1.> Would anyone have code snippets which demonstrate how to send Soap Attachments as part of a web service call ...

36. max SOAP message size?

Hi, is it possible to set a MAX SOAP message size which is valid for all SOAP messages or all unbounded elements? Ingo Edit: With "unbounded" I meas something like this: ...

37. Converting exceptions to SOAP faults

Converting exceptions to SOAP faults Hi all. I'm developing a SOAP web service using Spring-WS (1.5.9). I've been trying to figure out how to convert server-side exceptions to SOAP faults, and ...

38. SpringWS Client- SOAP Header

Hello, I am writing SpringWS Client with Castor. I am receiving a SOAP response. I need to extract header information on the response message. Could anyone point me in the right ...

39. Can a Spring Soap interceptor modify the contents of a message?

Can a Spring Soap interceptor modify the contents of a message? I'm trying to write an interceptor for a web service that will modify the contents of the Soap message before ...

40. How to determine the soap message size limit?

Hi, I am using spring webservices and interested in knowing the maximum size limit on the incoming SOAP messages. If so, where can I configure this. I am deploy these webservices ...

41. SI message header to webservice soap header

In my application, I am populating a pojo based on input criteria, and setting it into SI message, and then the normal flow continues. Is there a way to copy this ...

42. marshalSendAndReceive not populating soap message, header and body null.

marshalSendAndReceive not populating soap message, header and body null. Hi all, I hope a good weekend was had by everybody? Ok so this is bizarre, I have a wsdl object that ...

43. Simple SOAP Client

Dear Forum members, I try to build a simple SOAP Client based on the description of Versions: spring-ws-2.0.0-M3 spring-framework-3.0.4.RELEASE logback-0.9.24 slf4j-1.6.1 sun-jdk- Due to the fact that this i my ...

44. Possible JaxWsPortProxy soap binding problem

Oct 20th, 2010, 08:22 AM #1 jrichard76 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Oct 2010 Posts 1 Possible JaxWsPortProxy soap binding problem I created a jax-ws ...

45. Handling SOAP Faults from the client

Handling SOAP Faults from the client I am getting a SOAP Fault back from the webservice that I am calling, but instead of seeing a SoapFaultClientException I am getting a UnMarshallingException. ...

46. How to return a empty soap message

Hi, I'm using spring-ws to implement a web service interface for a application. The Interface requires an empty soap message for some web service calls. How can I return an empty ...

47. customization of SOAP fault

customization of SOAP fault My wsdl operation donot have wsdl:fault defined as a complex type. No Jaxb object class for it, that can be marshaled.XSD donot have any Fault Element. I ...

48. Soap Message Mime Headers

Soap Message Mime Headers I'm consuming a web service which has a login method that needs to be called before sending any further requests. The login method response has a MimeHeader ...

49. SEVERE: SAAJ0533: Cannot create message: incorrect content-type for SOAP version.

SEVERE: SAAJ0533: Cannot create message: incorrect content-type for SOAP version. I am running Tomcat 6.0.20 on Solaris 10 10/09 s10x_u8wos_08a X86 with spring-ws-1.5.9. About once a month, under normai load, my ...

50. Exception: WSWS3277E: Error Exception: WSWS3277E: Error Hi all, I'm trying to call web service which is running on Websphere Application server and I end with error.I'm going bonkers about the same and I ...

51. how to set client soap message style to document

how to set client soap message style to document This is the full exception,it clearly says there is a difference in soap message style which the service is expecting,but I donno ...

52. Missing element inFault

Does anyone know anything about the following error message, which occurs when instantiating a JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean using Axis: ERROR: Missing element inFault

55. how to receive a SOAP using spring

56. Soap request and Spring WS