Servlet « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. How to register multiple servlets in web.xml in one Spring application

I want to define two servlets in my Spring web.xml - one for the application html/jsp pages, and one for a web service that will be called by an external application. ...

2. Spring Web Application without any XML

Spring JavaConfig makes possible to create spring applications without xml cotext configuration. And servlet 3.0 specification makes possible to create web applications without web.xml. So, is it possible to create ...

3. HTTP Status 503 - Servlet action is currently unavailable

I am using spring source dm server version 2.0.0. I developed one application in spring/struts/hibernate. When I am running my application in spring dm server with http://localhost:8080/PatniTEMgt-v3/

it gives me error ...

4. How to make a legacy webapp spring aware at the container level for bean autowire into Servlets?

We have a legacy web application (not Spring based) and are looking for best practices to autowire some newer Spring configured (thread safe) service beans into instance variables in several of ...

5. Loading spring context in web application after some servlet

We need to load the spring application context in our web application after one of our servlets is initialized, so I wonder what is the best way to do it? I ...

6. Spring-WS : specifying the Content-Type

I have a Spring Webservice based on AbstractJDomPayloadEndpoint. This service works fine, except that my client needs the HTTP header Content-Type to be set to the right charset (utf-8 in my ...

7. Spring MVC with Jetty - what is supposed to go in the app-servlet.xml file?

I am working on a Spring MVC web application, that uses a Jetty HTTP server, which contains a WebAppContext

<bean id="Server" class="org.mortbay.jetty.Server" init-method="start"
    <property name="connectors">

8. Spring MVC multiple servlets (Jersey,Dispatcher) problem

I have one DispatcherServlet for my pages, and one ServletContainer for my Jersey webservice. As it is now, no pages are rendering (404), but the service is working fine. How can ...

9. How to set a property with the webapp root in Spring?

Maybe the title is a little bit obscure, but let me explain... In a servlet, to know the webapp root, you'll do:

String path = getServletContext.getRealPath("/");
the problem is that you have ...

10. Are WSDL's like spring dispatch servlet?

im trying to understand where WSDL's fit in, in a typical web service backend application. i am coming from a Spring background and in my experience so far, in Spring, each ...

11. Difference between servlet and web service

What is the difference between these 2? I found few results on google nothing conclusive. Here is a follow up question: Say I create spring mvc web app annotate couple of ...

12. spring or servlet request scope problem

I use java, spring-ws and have a web service. Every time I run make a new request to my web service I want that everything resets and all variables are fresh and ...

13. How to find the base URL of the current webapp in Spring?

I'd like to find the absolute URL of the webapp in Spring, from the Controller. I'm aware of JSTL c:url, but I need this info from inside the Controller.

public class ...

14. Consuming Spring (SOAP) web service in a java servlet

Is there any way to consume a SOAP based Spring web service without generating stubs on the client (as suggested by umpteen threads pointing to JAX-WS)? Here is my complete scenario: I ...

15. A heavily customized Spring Web application and the dispatcher servlet

We have a web application that uses spring, struts and camel right now and there is a lot of customization we have done to allow us to know when beans are ...

16. Spring with CXF :servlet transport factory already registered

I am using Apache CXF web services with spring. I have implemented rest web services. My complete application works within eclipse but if i deploy it on external tomcat it shows info message ...

17. Multiple Axis servlets

Hi, I'd like to make a SOAP service available under 2 different URLs, with each URL listing a subset of the service's ports. I thought of defining 2 axis servlets and ...

18. Servlet.service() for servlet resume threw exception

Aug 20th, 2006, 11:32 AM #1 hanshuang View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2006 Posts 27 Servlet.service() for servlet resume threw exception 2006-08-20 15:25:31 StandardWrapperValve[resume]: ...

19. How to get the Application context from the web container if not using servlets.

How to get the Application context from the web container if not using servlets. I'm not using servlets directly. I am using HTTP Invoker as I have a swing client that ...

20. xfire-servlet.xml question.

Hi all, I am new to Spring's exposing web services using XFire. I understand from Spring documentation that xfire-servlet.xml (a Spring applicationContext file specific to XFire) and needs to be modified. ...

21. Creating a servlet/controller to handle REST calls

Creating a servlet/controller to handle REST calls I have an application that I have been deploying as a normal web application in Java Web Server, and I am trying to convert ...

22. Spring-WS in a normal spring dispatcher servlet?

Spring-WS in a normal spring dispatcher servlet? We're currently using a normal spring mvc setup. The dispatcher servlet is mapped to /* since the servlet container only serves request through spring ...

23. Doing programitcally what gets done using spring ws servlet.xml

How should i imitate programatically what the spring ws servlet.xml does behind the scenes like calling the MarshallingMessageEndpointAdapter with the jaxb2 marshaller ,then calling the MethodEndpoint class and finally invoking my ...

24. ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for servlet ...

ApplicationDispatcher[] Servlet.service() for servlet ... Hi! Please help me to solve this problem. I have the following. in web.xml spring /faces/* where spring is the name of ...

25. Different contextConfigLocation for WS Servlet

Hi, is it possible to change default config location for MessageDispatcherServlet from 'WEB-INF/[servletName]-servlet.xml' to anything else? E.g: 'WEB-INF/org.package/WebServices.xml' Thanks Gravy

26. Eager loading of spring-ws-servlet.xml file?

Hello, I was thinking about referencing my spring-ws-servlet.xml file from the application context definition in my web.xml file to load my spring-ws-servlet.xml as the application is starting up. Is there a ...

27. Spring JAX-WS service as a servlet problem

Spring JAX-WS service as a servlet problem Hi, I am trying to develop a web-service using JAX-WS annotations (@WebService, @WebMethod, etc) and deploy it on Tomcat as a servlet. Since Tomcat ...

28. One webapp, two servlets, two Login Entry Points.

One webapp, two servlets, two Login Entry Points. Hi, I'm spending more and more time trying to figure out how to provide two different login entry points for user in the ...

29. web-extender inside servlet bridge web app ?

web-extender inside servlet bridge web app ? Hi, is it possible to run web extender within servlet bridge. I mean to have Tomcat with bridge application deployed. Inside the bridge web ...

30. Servlet.service() for servlet spring threw exception java.lang.IllegalStateException

Servlet.service() for servlet spring threw exception java.lang.IllegalStateException Hi all, I wrote a web-application with Spring MVC/Web Flow. The application has a link "get document". If one click this link, an PDF ...

31. Migrating Servlet to Portlet Web Application

Hi, The client planning to build a Spring based Potlet application in Weblogic Portal 10.2. Due to knowledge/skill set availability; they are proposing a plan of developing pure Servlet based web ...

32. Beans in spring-ws-servlet not resolving property references

I'm using spring-ws 1.5.5; in my application I have: - An applicationContext.xml file that defines a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bean and gives it the standard id of propertyConfigurer. - A spring-ws-servlet.xml file to ...

33. configuration of the pring-ws-servlet when using xpath and annotations

configuration of the pring-ws-servlet when using xpath and annotations hi, using the xpath mapping in my webservice i configured the xpath adapter as follow but i'm facing a configuration problem Code: ...

34. tcherServlet not a servlet class tcherServlet not a servlet class Hi, I am trying to setup spring ws 1.5.6 on WAS 6.1. When I try to access the service, I get the following exception on ...

35. restlet + spring + hibernate (without servlet container)

hi, I had build an web app that using restlet(via velocity extention for presentation) + spring + hibernate. Everything is good, accept the problem in view. I got an LazyInitializeException when ...

36. Spring ws: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.Framewor

Dec 9th, 2009, 02:32 AM #1 tababar View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2009 Posts 5 Spring ws: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.servlet.Framewor Hi i am developing web ...

37. Using dispatcher servlets and regular servlets in the same webapp

Using dispatcher servlets and regular servlets in the same webapp Hi, I want to use a Spring MVC dispatcher servlet alongside regular servlets.. The problem is that for the regular servlets ...

38. How to handle multiple dispatcher servlets within one Spring MVC web app?

How to handle multiple dispatcher servlets within one Spring MVC web app? I have a Spring MVC application which serves 50+ regional news websites. DNS points the domain names to the ...