email « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. Custom Email service in Spring - need help improving

I have the below code working fine up to 150 consecutive threads. Anything over that and the server is getting unresponsive. Please help me with suggestions on how to properly integrate ...

2. How to confirm email addrees in spring MVC web application

I am registering user with email address . but i want to send the user a confirmation link where if they click then their email address gets confirmed

I am using java ...

3. How to communicate with a mail server through a web application

I am really unfamiliar with mail servers in general so please excuse my ignorance. I need to be able to administer a mail server through my Spring-based web application. By administer, I ...

4. Sending mails from Web Application using Spring

In My Web application i want to send mails. Is There any way to do it with Spring MVC ? And what's the best way to do it ? Thank you ...

5. How to implement Generic Mail Sender in Spring 3.0

I am using spring 3.0 mailing functionality. I have one service interface and service implementation class that implements this service. Now i have many functionality in my application that send mail like registration,forgot ...

6. Spring Email send/receive via multiple email IDs and service providers

0 down vote favorite Hi all, Does the spring email support allow to send via multiple email IDs and each of these email IDs belong to different service providers? Also receive ...

7. How sending plain Email text message as response intead of SOAP message?

How sending plain Email text message as response intead of SOAP message? Hello there! I am developing a Web Service using email as transport protocol. Using the concept in chapter 5.3.4. ...